Tue, 21 July 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from July 21, 2015. For more go to http://www.tytmembership.com. Cenk hosting. TYT adopts an iguana and asks the viewers to name it Iggy Azalea or Rick James. Cenk gives out the current results of the “Freak 16” and outrageous poll numbers on Donald Trump with a Washington Post/ABC Poll with the Don at the top with 24% and tapping into the base’s desire of wanting a “strong leader”, according to the poll. Lindsey Graham thinks he is in a fight with the Don, by stooping to his level with an appearance on CNN defending John McCain by calling Donald Trump a “jackass” and is pissed, the Don replys that he is a stiff an idiot, couldn’t get a job in the private sector and gives out Lindsey’s cell number on top of all that. Rush Limbaugh gives his observations and his love for The Don regarding his lack of an apology towards John McCain and veterans. Cenk & Ana hosting. The conservative group looking to take down Planned Parenthood has released another secret taped video of a conversation about fetal tissue. Video of a negotiation about costs for shipping the tissue. The Conservative group’s “buyer” was the person that increased the price via negotiation. Another part of the video is where they discussed methods to abort fetuses and notifying the patient of the alternative method for scientific research. Cenk talks about how he’s evolved on the abortion issue. A Right Wing Evangelical preacher traveled to Uganda, Russia, and Eastern Europe to spread his message of hate towards gay rights and push legislation to kill gay activists. Lots of anti-gay sentiment rose in these areas after this flood of hate was injected. |