The Young Turks - FREE (Audio) (Young Turks Main Show)
The Young Turks - 1.30.15: Crying Republican, Gay Rights, NYTimes, Suge Knight & Belle Knox

Cenk, John, Jimmy, and Brian Unger hosting. An Idaho bill designed to discriminate against the LGBT community has been voted down, sparking a heartfelt speech from a Republican on the committee that was previously against gay rights. After nearly crying over his newfound compassion, he declared that he will still vote against their rights. The army found itself in the middle of a PR nightmare when they tweeted a message about “chinks in the armor of technology” causing them to immediately take it down. Cenk thinks that although the term, chinks in armor has nothing to do with an Asian slur, it still makes people’s mind go there, similar to niggardly.

Ana replaces John for SCS. A NYT editor responded to criticism of the mainstream media and admitted that they totally dropped the ball on reporting the real news after 9-11, not being aggressive enough in asking questions about going into the Iraq War. Suge Knight has turned himself in after running over two people while trying to leave the set of a movie. One of the victims died of his injuries. Former Duke student, turned porn actress Belle Knox is planning on starting up a political career as a Conservative, formulating her stances behind Ayn Rand.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 30, 2015. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:44pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 27, 2015. For more go

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:05pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 27th, 2015. For more go

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:54pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 23, 2015. For more go


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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

The Young Turks - 1.22.15: Senate on Climate Change, Joni Ernst, Mitt Romney vs. Huckabee & Marijuana News

Ben, Ana, and Iadarola hosting. The Senate passed an amendment to the Keystone Pipeline bill that declared climate change is not a hoax. Only one Senator voted against it. Sen Jim Inhofe voted in favor of this amendment, but took to the Senate floor later in the day to call climate change a hoax. BP tweeted that climate change is indeed real, but it has been taken down. Additionally, Mitt Romney admitted that he’s one of those Republicans that believes climate change is real. GOP Senators overwhelmingly rejected amendments that used the term “significantly” when describing human contributions to climate change. Ben points out that Romney and Jeb Bush met this week, possibly to talk about their separate plans to run for president. After Joni Ernst responded to the SOTU address with a poor upbringing story, it has been discovered that her family received nearly $500K in farm subsidies. She also debated that she is against subsidies while campaigning. Video of Mitt Romney’s ad that targeted Mike Huckabee with a Willie Horton-style message, that he never ran in the 2008 campaign. Ben talks about the horrible details of the serial rapist Huckabee released in Arkansas.

Facebook looks to combat scam stories and inaccurate news stories that mislead many users. The reporting of false news stories would be reported by other users, and after enough users have reported a story as fake, it would be eliminated. The potential problem with this new policy is that disagreeable users will just flag a story that is against their views, but not fake or misleading. As marijuana gets discussed more for legalization, the question of whether or not it can be considered a performance enhancing drug, as it helps some people focus and lower anxiety. Jamaica is considering decriminalizing marijuana.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 22, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20150122.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:53pm EST

The Young Turks - 1.20.15: Michael Moore Tweets, Fox News Apology, Fake Doc & Government Spying

Ben, John, and Desi Doyen host TYT. Michael Moore has caused an uproar after tweeting and Facebooking about snipers, insinuating that they are cowards. Ben talks about the negative response he got after reviewing the movie American Sniper. Seth Rogen tweeted about how the movie resembles the film inside the film Inglorious Basterds. He was also condemned for comparing the sniper movie to one about a Nazi sniper. Talk about the things Chris Kyle openly said that illustrated negative parts of his character. After Fox News was flooded with ridicule for their “No Go Zones” talking points, they were forced to finally apologize for the false narrative. Video of Julie Banderas issuing one of the four apologies over the weekend. Ben thinks that the apology was well done. Despite the apology, the city of Paris is planning to sue Fox News Channel. Video of Bobby Jindal continuing to push the false narrative, but getting challenged by the CNN reporter in England.

Ana replaces John for SCS. A 17 year old kid posed as a doctor at a Florida hospital for months before being discovered. Other doctors and hospital personnel noticed he was young, but didn’t say anything. A 5 year old kid was given a bill from his friend’s mother after he RSVPed to their birthday party, but couldn’t come due to being double booked. Ana talks about party etiquette. David Cameron is catching heat for trying to force social media and app companies to allow a backdoor access point for the government to spy on users. President Obama has come out in favor of this move, to monitor bad guys that use the services for wrongdoing.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 20, 2015. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

The Young Turks - 1.19.15: SOTU, Fox News, MLK Day, Middle Class Racism & Lone Star Hate

Johnny Pie & Ben “The Tank” Mankiewicz host TYT. President Obama will be proposing new tax reform policy and will be presenting it at tomorrow’s SOTU address. Fox News and Friends react to the proposal saying that President Obama is playing with politics and it is designed to enrage Republicans. Eric Holder has made a big move in “civil asset forfeiture” by limiting some of the amount of assets that the government can seize during a crime. In honor of MLK day, John and Ben read and take note of quotes by Martin Luther King. John has a slight disagreement with one of the quotes about religion and science.

Ben and Ana host the SCS “Banana Hour”. A new study from the Pew Research Center reveals that African Americans who were raised in middle class families find out that their income drops upon leaving home and have difficulty maintaining the same income when growing up. In Oklahoma, Police Chief Lewis Ross was shot by Dallas Horton for wrongfully raiding his home. There were claims of racism as Dallas, a white man, was not charged with the shooting. Police Chief Lewis Ross is an African American. A group of 500 moderate Muslims gathered in Texas to speak out against extremists in the Muslim community, but was met with protesters who were against the gathering of the moderate Muslims.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 19, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20150119.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:42pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 15th, 2015. For more go

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:47pm EST

After Fox’s terrorism analyst Steve Emerson caught hell for claiming that Birmingham England is ‘totally Muslim’ he was worried that his job is at stake and told the BBC about it. In reality, Fox News has been going crazy with the talking point of “No Go Zones.” Video of Hasselbeck talking with another expert about the no go zones, comparing them to breeding grounds like Afghanistan after 9-11. Video compilation of Fox News characters reiterating the term over and over since the attack. A guns group called The Truth About Guns conducted several simulations to find out what could’ve happened if the Charlie Hebdo offices had a gunman inside to respond to the attackers. They found that in every scene, the victims would’ve still died. After France’s Unity Rally in response to the terrorist attacks, the French government has arrested 54 people, including one well-known comedian for being anti-Semitic or “apologists for terrorists.”

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Update on the students that were assaulted by police after Ohio State won the national championship. Ana points out that there were many more fires and instances of violence being initiated by rowdy students. The reason they pepper sprayed the celebrating kids was because the fire trucks couldn’t get through to tend to the fires. Cenk and Ana argue, causing Cenk to ask for a poll from the TYT audience to decide. Videos of Nancy Grace arguing with rapper 2 Chainz about the legalization of marijuana. Ana believes that Nancy Grace is dangerous. NASCAR driver Kurt Busch is fighting a restraining order that has been placed against him by his ex girlfriend. He claims that the woman is a trained assassin, so he can’t hurt her the way she claimed. 

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 14, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20150114.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:56pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 12th, 2015. For more go

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:08pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 9, 2015. For more go

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:02pm EST

Direct download: tytTEASE-20150107.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 10:56pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 6th, 2015. For more go

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:44pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 5th, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: TYT-01.05.15.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:46pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 22, 2014. For more go to

Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

The Young Turks - 12.19.14: War on Xmas, Police Reform & Sony Hack

Cenk, Ben, John, and Wes hosting. Bill O’Reilly declared that he’s won the War on Christmas since he hasn’t heard of any stores that are stopping employees from saying Merry Christmas. Infamous video of O’Reilly claiming he’s covered 4 wars with a pen. President Obama has announced the creation of a panel to look into reforming police departments and their approach to interacting with their communities in less violent ways. This is some concrete action TYT was hoping Obama would take on the subject, rather than just speaking on it. Wes tells the story of being involved in a holdup in a bar.

Cara Santa Maria replaces Wes for SCS. Updates on the Sony hacks and eventual elimination of the movie The Interview. The government has announced that N. Korea was behind the hacks and threats. Discussion about Sony’s bad decision and the public reaction drastically against it. One doubter claimed that N. Korea doesn’t have the capabilities to pull off this kind of hack.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 19, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:29pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 18, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:51pm EST

The Young Turks - 12.4.14: War on Christmas, Police Brutality, Racism & Epic Wolf PAC Win!

Cenk hosts TYT. Bill O’Reilly has launched his annual War on Christmas segments. Videos of his Agnostic psychotherapist telling him why Atheists hate Christians and Christmas so much. WolfPAC has taken its 3rd state to call for a Constitutional Convention to take money out of politics, in Illinois! Eric Holder has announced that the DOJ will investigate the killing of Eric Garner by NYPD police. Audio of one of the witnesses to Garner’s death lamenting the killing, and wondering what the future holds for his son. Peter King spoke to CNN about how much he supports the non-indictment of the NY cop that killed Garner. He blamed his death on obesity and questioned the racial motives since no one used a racial epithet during the attack. Protesters in St. Louis were preparing to protest the Eric Garner decision, but an angry motorist drove through the crowd and waved an automatic handgun at the people involved. After a car chased by police, he was pulled over and arrested, not shot to death. St. Louis County police tweeted a letter that questioned the innocence of Tamir Rice in Cleveland, blaming him for taking the orange tip off of the toy gun. They also elaborated that they have to assume the gun is real before figuring anything out. Catfight between the Koch Brothers and Santa Claus. A city in Alaska named North Pole has the largest oil refinery, which is leaking into the water supply. The city is suing the two companies that are responsible, one of which is Koch Industries.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 4, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:19pm EST

The Young Turks - 11.19.14: Net Neutrality, Banksters, Bill Cosby & Uber

Cenk and Iadarola host TYT today. After Ted Cruz tweeted that Net Neutrality is ObamaCare for the Internet, Sen Franken dispelled his misconceptions on CNN and explained why keeping the internet as it is doesn’t control the American people, the way Cruz is saying. Cenk doesn’t think Cruz is too dumb to understand this, but that he’s purposely deceiving his followers. Video of Ted Cruz responding to Franken with a straw man telephone analogy is played. Seven of the largest corporations in the country pay a -2.5% tax rate while paying their CEOs an average of $17 million/year. Researchers tested bankers with an Honesty Test. When asked about their occupation before asking them unrelated questions, the following questions were answered dishonestly because the context of their dishonest job was in the forefront of their minds.  

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Don Lemon interviewed one of Bill Cosby’s rape accusers and grilled her on why she didn’t just bite his penis while performing oral sex. Janice Dickenson has revealed that she was raped by Bill Cosby, too. Although it’s seen as a new revelation, she told the story years and years ago. In response to this deluge of allegations, Cosby’s Netflix standup will not be released, and his upcoming sitcom on NBC will not be broadcast. More on the fallout over the Uber executive investigating and smearing journalists. Apparently, Uber has technology that can track their customers without their knowledge. Ashton Kutcher, an investor with Uber, decided to come out in support of the executive’s plan to investigate and dig up information on journalists they don’t like.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 19, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141119.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:05pm EST

John, Cenk, Jimmy, and Dave host the hour 1 power panel. Cable news coverage of Ebola did not generate increased ratings, in fact their ratings declined compared to other months. Jimmy rants about how terrible cable news has become over time and gives a recent example of a report by Luke Russert. The panel gives their own examples of how cable and network news has become predictable and dishonest. Conservative news site ‘American News’ posted an article, from a satirical site, about the first person to die from a Death Panel. The person who they believed was killed was actress Bea Arthur, who passed away years ago. Rassmussen ran an a poll that asked how many people believe that Obamacare is ‘stupid’.

Ana replaces Dave on the power panel for hour 2. In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Journalist, Malcolm Gladwell, rips the NFL and football in general for being a ‘moral abomination’. The panel compares football to other violent sports and wonder why is it always the focus of attention when there are other sports like boxing and MMA that cause more physical damage yet don’t receive the same amount of scrutiny as the NFL. An exorcism is conducted outside of a Starbucks in Austin Texas. The panel wonders about the validity of the video. The government of Uganda has an arrest warrant for a Ugandan pop star after nude pictures of her were leaked on the internet.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 14, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141114.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:06pm EST

The Young Turks - 11.11.14: Putin, Filibuster, Ebola, Marijuana & Video Game Study

John Iadarola and Ben Mankiewicz host TYT. Putin visits APEC and has a moment of humanity while placing a shawl on the first lady of China, Peng Liyuan. President Obama made an observation of Putin at APEC by saying he looks like “the bored kid in the back of the classroom”. The guys discuss Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Republican obstructionism, and Manchin’s chancese in his next election. Ben’s prediction is that Joe Manchin could be the next “Joe Lieberman” of the Democratic Party. Concerns of killing the filibuster by Republicans are in play after the mid-term elections. John and Ben wonder if the Dems will use its strength like the Republicans have done, even though the rules of using it have changed.

Its a “Benana Hour” with Ana and Ben hosting SCS. Dr. Craig Spencer has been cured of the ebola virus after an expensive plasma transfusion and is now well enough to return home. A new study out of the University of Dallas has revealed that extreme chronic pot usage can alter the structure of the human brain in the orbitofrontal cortex with other parts of the brain making up for this altercation. A study by Stetson University Florida has shown that playing violent video games or watching violence in movies does not lead a person to become violent and does not affect the crime rate.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 11, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:52pm EST

Cenk hosts TYT. The head of ISIS (Al-Baghdadi) was struck by a drone over the weekend and may have been critically wounded. Former President George W Bush was interviewed, talked about his father and mentioned that nothing was given to him and that he earned his way in to politics by himself. Republican Gordon Klingenschmitt was recently elected to the Colorado state house, wrote a book about exorcising demons and thinks that the demonic spirit of tyranny is using President Obama. He also claims to have performed an exorcism on a woman and cured her from being a lesbian. President Obama put out a statement today on net neutrality, saying net neutrality has its beginnings in the creation of the internet. He went on to say that the FCC should create a system for a level playing field for everyone and that the phone companies and internet providers should not be the gatekeepers. Ted Cruz says that “net neutrality is Obamacare for the internet: the internet should not operate at the speed of the government”. Andrew Napolitano chimes in on net neutrality on Stuart Varney’s show saying it’s “Orwellian”.

Cenk, Gina Grad, and Shaunna Malcom of Pop Trigger host SCS. Drones are now being used for porno shoots under a new term called “Drone boning”. Rick Perry made an appearance for a Q&A at Dartmouth with questions about sodomy and butt-pirates. Mayor Betsy Hodges of Minneapolis has been accused by a local TV station of flashing a gang sign with a convicted felon in a photograph. The NY Times reports on wishlist items that law enforcement would seize during arrests. A man in China purchased 99 iphones to propose to his girlfriend who ended up turning him down.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 10, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141110.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:18pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 6, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141106.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:04pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 30, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141030.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 29, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 1:29pm EST

Ana, Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore host TYT. Co-founder of The Weather Channel spoke to Megyn Kelly about how Climate Change is a hoax because of Al Gore. Video of Coleman shows him complaining about how tough it is to be a denier. Video of Coleman calling the proof bad science follows. Video of Coleman claiming that the ice caps are at their highest levels ever and polar bears are happily living at their largest population. Videos of Sarah Palin are played showing her spouting off about how Climate Change exists, but there is no evidence that its man made, comparing it to eugenics. Palin also ironically posted on her Facebook page that “limo Libs” are pushing climate change while ignoring regular folks like her. A video of a Climate Change PAC ad voiced by Woody Harrelson that pointed out that powerful people have been lying to Americans about harmful things like cigarettes is played.

Gina Grad replaces Iadarola for SCS. After a CHP officer was caught sending personal pictures from a phone of a female driver he pulled over for DUI, it has been discovered that this practice is rampant among several cops. Jimmy talks about how all these cops have admitted to taking part in this culture of crime. Ana retells the story of being harassed by a cop. Melissa Harris Perry outlined they way severe online harassment has limited her ability to exist on Twitter. Ana relates to Perry. Poll numbers show that a significant number of people report being harassed online.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 28, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: TYT-10.28.14.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:16pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 27, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:18pm EST

The Young Turks - 10.24.14: Frank Mankiewicz, Squarespace, Feminism & College Corruption

Cenk, Ana, Iadarola, and Desi Doyen hosting. Cenk remembers the life of Frank Mankiewicz.

The top 10 Squarespace winners are announced. A popular NYC restaurant investigated why their wait time and service have suffered in the past 10 years, causing more disgruntled customers and complaints. After comparing 2014 tapes of patrons, to 2004 tapes, they discovered that customers’ incessant cell phone use caused a normal dinner time to be increased by nearly 1 hour. It has been revealed that a large number of student athletes at UNC took nonexistent classes that gave them excellent grades. The scam ran from 1993-2011.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 24, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141024.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:55pm EST

The Young Turks - 10.23.14: Fox News Sexism, Voting, Texas History Books & Halloween

Cenk hosts TYT today. After model Chrissy Teigen tweeted about government shooting in Ottawa, comparing how regularly this happens in America. Videos of Fox News being shocked about her words, along with Andrea Tantaros saying that she’s just a dumb model with a nice bottom that doesn’t know what she’s talking about. They lamented her political point, right before making their political point. Notoriously insane NH lawmaker Steve Vaillancourt senselessly spoke out against a Democratic candidate, claiming that she is ugly as sin, and therefore can’t get elected. In response, a website has popped up to unelect him from his position. North Korea has announced travel bans from any foreign people planning on going to the country to avoid ebola spreading to their land. Iowa Sen candidate Joni Ernst has had some video from 2012 at the NRA surface where she vowed to use her handgun to fight the government if they try to limit her rights. Local NC Republicans are taking away a specific early voting place that is home to many college students that have gone Democratic lately, in hopes of eliminating their vote. Fox News’ Kim Guilfoyle said that young women voting is not a good idea because they don’t understand life, and should go back to Tinder and The Wall St. Journal published Karl Rove’s piece that begged billionaires make one more money push to help the GOP win the upcoming election, resulting in 21 billionaires giving $20 million. Although GOP got this cash, Democrats got $5 million less from just 11 billionaires, illustrating how truly America has transitioned into an Oligarchy.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Texas history books have continued to push whitewashed versions of historical moments in America. One tactic tries to get students to question the Separation of Church & State. The books also redefine the institution of slavery and its impact on the Civil War. They also pushed capitalism as the only viable economic system. A Nebraska school district is allowing students to take school pictures with their guns, as long as it’s done tastefully. Some have a problem with it, but Ana thinks it may be ok. Cenk completely disagrees, and says it looks like the Taliban. Halloween companies pull in billions of dollars from candy & costume sales. $350 million is used just on costumes for their pets. Mother’s Day and Valentines Day actually pull in double the amount that Halloween does. Ana hates Halloween because there’s too much pressure to dress up.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 23, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141023.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:02pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 22, 2014. For more go to


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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 1:16pm EST

The Young Turks - 10.21.14: Sarah Palin, MayDay, Corrupt Congressman, Trolling & Revenge Porn

Cenk hosts TYT. Sarah Palin’s PAC has raised $2.7 million with the promise to promote Republican candidates, but only gave $150K to candidates, only 5.5% of the money. During this election cycle, the PAC has $1.4 million on hand, and only gave $45K. The rest, and majority of the money went to her consultants, her book publisher, hotel stays, SUV rentals, and travel. Palin’s personal lifetime political donations total $628. Lawrence Lessig’s PAC, MayDay is looking to raise money to go after the elected officials that have benefitted and gone corrupt due to money in politics. GOP Rep. Fred Upton, head of the Energy and Commerce Committee isn’t very happy with this idea, so his staff is threatening the CEOs of companies that have contributed to MayDay by disregarding any of their interests that come across his table while he’s in charge. Upton proves the point of MayDay by illustrating the level of corruption he’s involved in. In America’s efforts to combine the war on terror with the war on drugs, we’ve spent $7.6 billion to fight opium in Afghanistan, but in that span, it has grown exponentially in the country. A poll on how disaffected people are with their government showed that the nations with the worst approval had the most perceived government corruption.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A survey of 1000 people showed that 28% admit to being online trolls. Another 23% have admitted to maliciously arguing online with a stranger. The reality of revenge porn scandals have taken a curious turn. More and more women are being busted for posting nude pictures or videos of other women in compromising positions. These women are usually exes of men that are dating the newly exposed one. More of these pictures posted are mistresses of men by their girlfriend or wife. Ana talks about how unrecognizable Renee Zellweger is after all of her plastic surgery. Ana talks about her biggest fear of getting old, and Jayar agrees. A study showed the best cities to live in as a Liberal and Conservative. After seeing both lists of the top 10 for each group, Cenk determines that the Lib cities are so much more enjoyable than the middle-of-nowhere Conservative ones.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 21, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141021.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:04pm EST

The Young Turks - 10.20.14: Pumpkin Patch Riots, Cop Pulled Over, Ebola Panic & Republican Hypocrisy

Cenk hosts TYT. A Washington state citizen pulled a cop over and demanded ID and berated him for illegally using the vehicle under state law. Videos of the encounter are shown. Cenk loves this guy, and the cop for cooperating. Cenk points out that the White citizen got more leeway to pull off this brazen act. Jayar and Jesus talk about why this encounter actually annoyed them. Gov Corbett’s website has a banner of citizens lovingly interacting with him, including an elderly Black woman that turned out to be taken from a stock photo where the woman was conversing with her financial advisor. A riot broke out at a college in NH over pumpkins at a festival. Rowdy students flipped cars, attacked police, and were eventually pepper sprayed. Cenk compares this to the way Black Ferguson protesters were characterized in the media when riots broke out over the cops killing unarmed Michael Brown.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. After the pumpkin riots happened, a reporter on the scene was approached by the organizer of the pumpkin festival and attempted to stop his report of the violence. Video of the humorous encounter is played. Misinformation on ebola continues as an elementary school in NJ threw out a few students that are originally from Rwanda, which isn’t even near the countries that are affected. A teacher from Maine has been placed on administrative leave for 21 days since she attended a conference in Dallas, where the Ebala case was detected. The head of the NIH previously stated that if the organization’s funding wasn’t continually cut, we may already have an ebola vaccine, but he’s getting pushback from defenders of the cuts. Cenk stops the story to tell everyone that he just had a massive dejavu. After the Obama Admin named Ron Klein as the “Ebola Czar” that Republicans were clamoring for, they attacked his credentials, but Conservatives didn’t have anything to say about Bush’s Bird Flu czar that had no medical background.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 20, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141020.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:57pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 17, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141017.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:06pm EST

The Young Turks - 10.16.14: Ebola Panic, Shep Smith & Raise The Wage!!!

Ana and Iadarola host TYT. As Ebola fear spreads in America, travel bans are becoming more and more prevalent and are now being debated among political figures. The list of lawmakers in favor of banning travel from West African nations affected is larger than those against it. Discussion over how this would be detrimental even though it sounds like a safe thing to do follows. Conservative Marc Siegel wrote a piece for the National Review on why we should do a travel ban even though he thinks it would actually be counter-productive. Since fearful politicians are advocating a ban on flights from Africa, John Boehner’s spokesman was asked if flights should be banned from Texas, where the only American cases reside. He dodged the question. Video of Shep Smith voicing how wrong it is for media figures to mislead the American people on the spreading of ebola is shown. While the 2nd nurse infected with Ebola was being airlifted to Atlanta for treatment, one mystery man involved wasn’t wearing any protective gear, and people noticed.

Ana and John continue for SCS. Even more research proves that working employees less hours results in more productivity, since the peak of productivity is at just under 40 hours/week.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 16, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141016.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:56pm EST

Cenk hosts TYT. Pastor Ron Baity of Berean Baptist Church, is claiming that Ebola is god’s wrath for gay weddings and that “rogue judges” have gone against the ministry. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has given Baity an award for those who are faithfully working to engage the culture in Jesus Christ. Members of Ohio pastor Ernest Angley’s church are coming forward with allegations of sexual abuse . Death threats are made against feminist speaker, Anita Sarkeesian, causing her to cancel an event at Utah State University.

Ana & Cenk host SCS. Restaurant workers across the nation are participating in a protest movement called “Not On The Menu” which highlights sexual harassment of waitresses by their customers and management. A group called has released a video called “Vest or Vote” that examines gun violence in the African American community.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 15, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141015.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:49pm EST

Cenk hosts TYT. The Koch brothers are organizing their rich donors with “dark money” in a new Super PAC called “Freedom Partners Action Fund” with 25 million already in the bank. One of the donors, Ronnie Cameron, a 69 year old Arkansas poultry producer, is donating over the concern that his grandchildren will live under the threat of communism. Democratic candidate, Wendy Davis, is running an ad against Republican Greg Abbott for US Senate in TX, criticizing his record on tort reform. However, Sean Hannity and Greg Abbott are playing the victim by showing Greg Abbott in a wheelchair. Wendy Davis appears on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell and defends the ad. Alexander Stubb, Finland’s Prime Minister, claims that the IPhone is killing the economy of Finland.

Ana & Cenk host SCS. Apple and Facebook are developing a better work environment, by paying for their female employees to freeze their eggs. An Instagram page is in the middle of controversy, showing the youth of Tehran flaunting their wealth. The President of the Navajo Nation sits with Dan Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins, at a Redskins game.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 14, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

Cenk hosts TYT. The Vatican is discussing a new policy on gays. Their new document allows Catholics to welcome gay people into their community without believing it destroys their belief system. One Vatican expert called the opinion an earthquake to the system. This is seen as a re-education of Catholic followers that have been programmed. After the SCOTUS rejected cases that allowed gay marriage, the Republican Party are split on how to respond. Videos on the issue: Mike Huckabee threatens to leave the Party and tells them to grow a spine to fight gay rights. On the other hand, on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace and a pro gay rights guest teamed up on Tony Perkins, who is staying strong against equal rights. Wallace challenged him over what a gay couple will effectively do to harm his family. Research on polls that have accepted gay rights more and more showed that respondents changed their negative answer to positive when they were told they were being questioned by a gay person. Cenk remembers the rabid way Fox & Friends opposed Obama implementing Czars in his Admin. Video of Steve Doocy calling for Obama to install an Ebola Czar just today is played. A Wolf-PAC announcement is made.

Hour 2 with Cenk and Ana.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 13, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:45pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.29.14: Obama, ISIS, Afghanistan, Police Shooting Update & Gay Rights Win CALI

Cenk hosts TYT today. President Obama told 60 Minutes that the intelligence department underestimated the ISIS threat as it built itself amongst the chaos of Iraq. He also said that we overestimated the willingness of Iraqis to fight. Obama outlines why we have to go in militarily to disrupt their networks in a video. Cenk is annoyed by Obama’s lack of clarity or understanding of how to do anything. Videos of Fox News’ Chris Wallace going after Obama spox Blinken over the Administration’s use of the authorization after they officially came out against the authorization to use force are also shown. In addition, Wallace grilled Blinken on Obama restarting the war after declaring the decade of war is over. Cenk points out that the past few Spox and advisors have similar names. Khorasan, the newly publicized terror group that we’re bombing in Syria has some usefulness for our scare tactics. New evidence shows that since we already declared that ISIS isn’t an imminent threat, we needed an immediate enemy threat that justifies our aggression, so we created this one in order to bomb targets connected to ISIS. A new president has been elected in Afghanistan and we’ve announced that we’ll be keeping 10K troops in the country indefinitely. Oddly enough, there was a suicide bomber near the location of the swearing in ceremony for the new president.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Update on the NM police shooting and killing a homeless man that was camping outside on public land. Video of the original video of the execution is played again. Audio of one of the shooting officers has surfaced that shows him talking about shooting the man in the penis, just a few hours before killing him. CA Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed a bill that would force police to get a search warrant before using a drone to spy on citizens. Jerry Brown also signed legislation that outlaws the Gay Panic Defense, which is used to get lenient sentences for homophobes that attack or kill gay people they feel are hitting on them. Gov. Brown also signed the “Yes Means Yes” law into law as well. It changes the way college campuses approach rape cases.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 29, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:23pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 26, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:51pm EST

Ben, Ana, and Iadarola host TYT. The Obama Administration announced that Eric Holder will be stepping down by year’s end. President Obama and Holder speak on the decision in a video. Ben talks about the litany of non-scandals Republicans have tried to nail on Holder vs the number of really big accomplishments he’s had. Speculation over why he’s now resigning follows, including the possibility of being nominated to the Supreme Court if Ginsburg steps aside. Many Conservatives are very happy to see Holder go. Andrea Tantaros claims that Holder ran the DOJ like the Black Panthers. Video shows former VJ Kennedy chiming in to say he is slimier than a salamander covered in vaseline. Jonah Goldberg calls Holder a hatchet man for the President before claiming he somehow was giving a pass to the media. Ben talks about Goldberg’s comparison of Holder to Bobby Kennedy. John reads Conservative tweets bashing the AG on his way out. The PM of Iraq announced that his intelligence officials uncovered a plot by ISIS to attack subway networks in Paris and NYC.

A school in Huntsville, Alabama is spying on their students, worrying about potential gang activity on Facebook. When their actions were brought to light, they claimed that the NSA told them to monitor the students, but the NSA denied this excuse. Ben thinks it makes some sense for the school to monitor bad behavior of students in order to protect other students from threats. An update to the story of a Los Angeles woman being repeatedly punched on the shoulder of the freeway by a CHP officer is given. The officer has resigned and the bipolar woman that was beaten has received a large settlement. A state trooper in SC has been fired after video of him shooting a citizen for reaching for his license surfaced.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 25, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:59pm EST

Ana and Iadarola host TYT. The United States has started airstrikes on terror targets on 4 ISIS-held cities in Syria. Bill O’Reilly simply outlines his mercenary plan to defeat ISIS. He also appeared on CBS and claimed that another 9/11 needs to happen to give us the desire to fight. Buzzfeed reviewed some of Rand Paul’s insane writings while in college. John reads his stances on domestic policy surrounding food stamps and starving citizens.

Ana and John host SCS. After a local news reporter quit on a live broadcast using the words, “fuck it,” a firestorm has ensued. The FCC is coming after her for the words. She later put up a video explaining in more detail about why she left and what her future plans are. NH police raided a home and shot a grandmother that reached for her baby as they busted in. Police officials in Oklahoma respond to allegations of several officers  raping women during routine pullovers. After outlining things police officers aren’t supposed to do, one official said the best way to avoid rape is to not break the law to get yourself pulled over in the first place.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 23, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:46pm EST

Ben and John host TYT. A Climate Change march of 400K people occurred over the weekend in NYC. A 45 min audio recording from ISIS calls for their potential supporters all over the world to begin killing citizens in their own countries that support the Western invasion. Ben isn’t so sure that ISIS ever had any plans to attack us, but they do now. A Senior Admin official announced that some citizens that are currently being monitored have traveled abroad to fight with the Islamic group, and have returned. A poll showed that a majority of Americans feel that religion is losing influence on society. Also, numbers on how unhappy evangelicals are about the falling numbers and religious people that believe they are discriminated against due to their religious beliefs are examined.

Ana joins Ben for SCS. With the new release of the latest Apple products, they’ve made it much tougher for anyone, including law enforcement and Apple itself, to go through the owner’s information. A Pakistani professor has been shot and killed for his moderate views that he openly espoused. Journalist LZ Granderson brought up the double standard of allowing Hope Solo to continue to play for US Soccer when she is facing a domestic violence case after she assaulted her sister and nephew. Ben sees the attention focused on Solo as a distraction, especially with the dangerous nature of her husband Jerramy Stevens.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 22, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:07pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.19.14: Chris Christie Update, Hobby Lobby, Dancing Iranians & False Advertising

Cenk, Ben, John, and Wes Clark Jr host TYT. A report states that Chris Christie is not connected to Bridgegate. Christie says he isn’t surprised in a video. The panel responds. Even though everyone will declare that he didn’t do it, Cenk points out that they simply didn’t get someone to flip and tell on him, and that they couldn’t find the smoking gun. Ben predicts that Christie isn’t going to run in 2016. Congress is about to take another 7 week recess until after the midterm election so that they can focus solely on campaigning. Due to this constant lack of action, Cenk says that the Republicans’ plan of delaying & filibustering in order to stop Obama from doing anything has worked. NC Republican Mark Walker, running for Congress, has been recorded saying that he is open to bombing some parts of Mexico out of fear of cartels coming across the border. He also claimed he was open to starting up a little war with Mexico. An investigation into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints over child labor is hitting a wall over subpoenaing one of the church leaders based on the Hobby Lobby decision. A federal judge cited the ruling as a reason to release the leader from being questioned.

Ana joins Cenk, Ben, and Wes Clark Jr for SCS. Iran has arrested and convicted a few young people that posted an internet video of themselves dancing to Pharrell’s song, “Happy.” The group has had their sentence of 6 months in jail and 91 lashes suspended as long as they don’t get into any other trouble. Ben points out how badly the offenders were dancing. While members of the NSA were at a university on a recruiting trip, one was confronted about the Prism program while being recorded. Video of his angry responses to the line of questioning that led to him refusing to be videotaped are played. In Alabama, a school used a 14 year old girl as bait in a rape sting on a 16 year old classmate accused of constantly sexually assaulting female students. When she was sent in to bait him, the teacher authorities forgot about her and left her to be sodomized by the rapist in the bathroom. After the attack, the school ruled that it was possible she consented and that she was responsible for herself once she entered the restroom. An attorney may have her law license revoked for photoshopping herself in to pictures with big celebrities and politicians in order to be seen as a celebrity attorney. She is being charged with false advertising. Her confusing defense included a plea from President Obama for her help. Wes could hear her Russian accent in the email, and imitated it. A teenaged boy came out of the closet to his mother on camera, and was surprised at her response. She admitted to him that she had some lesbian relationships in the past. Cenk questions the authenticity of the video.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 19, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:16pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.18.14: New ISIS Video, War Funding, Occupy Student Debt & Miley Cyrus

John Iadarola and Michael Shure host TYT. The Kansas Senate race and the new development that they’ve allowed a candidate dropout’s name to be taken off of the ballot on the Democratic side is discussed. This will eliminate wasted Democratic votes on a vacant candidate, taking them away from the replacement. ISIS has released another video that has their British reporter/hostage speaking from a desk about how Western powers should cooperate with their demands. The FBI has apparently thwarted an ISIS plan to carry out a terror plot in Australia. The House has voted to support Obama’s plan to provide training and support to Syrian rebels of the Free Syrian Army to fight ISIS. Rand Paul gives a promising speech on the matter, but it may later prove to be contradictory given his presidential aspirations.

Ana joins John for SCS. Occupy Wall Street has an initiative to reduce student loan debt. They purchased debts for thousands of students from their collectors at extreme discounts and dismissed the loans for the graduates. The story of the Django Unchained actress that got into a dispute with cops after they accused her of being a prostitute is updated. TMZ has released photos of the two engaged in a questionable embrace in broad daylight. Ana points out that even if they were having sex, she wouldn’t care, and to move on. Mexican authorities are investigating Miley Cyrus for desecrating their flag while performing at a show. While grinding with her comedically huge prosthetic ass on stage, some Mexican flags were rubbed on the butt.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 18, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140918.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.17.14: Joe Biden Gaffe, Wage Theft, Rich Only Social Network & Dress Code Protest

Cenk hosts TYT. Joe Biden’s foot-in-mouth disease is back again. This time Biden talks about “shylocks” taking advantage of Iraq’s banking system and that Lee Kuan Yu is the “wisest man in the Orient”. Actor Kevin Sorbo says that there aren’t any movies being made about the New Testament because Jews are running Hollywood. Fast food workers continue to get the shaft. Nine in 10 fast workers have reported wage theft while the industry pays their CEO’s 1,200 times more than the typical fast food worker. Cenko Unchained: Cenk talks about the theft of fast food workers’ wages and how Republicans are introducing legislation in favor of the fast food industry and their CEOs.

Cenk and Ana host SCS. Rich people are joining a social networking site called “Netropolitan” and are paying $9,000 dollars to be a part of this online country club. The Kenyan government is offering a free trip back to Kenya to the family of a 15 year old girl who was mistaken for the terrorist known as the “White Widow”. The Co-founder of OKCupid has published a book informing that women over 20 are no longer desirable to men. Students at Tottenville High School in Staten Island, NY are rebelling against the dress code in order to beat the hot weather. Claims of the dress code being sexist have also been risen.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 17, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140917.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:54pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.16.14: Rush Limbaugh, Koch Bros, NFL vs Rihanna & Homeless Man Living It UP!

Cenk hosts TYT. Another video of Limbaugh shows him claiming that “no means yes, when you know how to spot it.” Bobby Jindal spoke to reporters at the Christian Science Monitor breakfast about his Presidential aspirations. Jindal calls the Obama Admin, Science Deniers for not being open to even more energy drilling in a video. During the same appearance, Jindal dodged a line of questioning about whether or not he believes in evolution. Similarly, ISIS’ new stronghold on areas in the Middle East has allowed them to systematically change the school curriculum, eliminating sciences, math, and history, including the theory of evolution. When Harry Reid and Democrats openly went after the Koch Brothers earlier this year by calling out their shady influence on politics with their money, the establishment deemed it stupid and desperate. A video shows Joe Scarborough vehemently speaking out against the plan.  Cenk called the plan smart back in March. A new study shows that the Koch Brothers name has become an identifier of the “fat cats” that a large majority of Americans don’t like, or trust. Additionally, the connection of the Koch Brothers to the Republican Party have helped Democrats that utilized this accurate attack. Amazing Fact of the Day: In Iowa, 71% of voters said they wouldn’t support a candidate that they knew was funded by the Koch Brothers. The Koch Brothers have invested in “education.” Internal memos from Florida State, one of the schools they donated $1 million to, showed that in return for their money, the Kochs wanted the school to only hire faculty to teach economic beliefs that they benefit from. They also wanted the curriculum to focus on distrust in the government. If their demands weren’t followed, they would pull their funding from the school.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. During last Thursday’s NFL game on CBS, the station decided to pull Rihanna’s pre recorded performance due to the fact that Ray Rice’s situation was spotlighted in the news, and that she was a victim of domestic violence. They felt it would be in bad taste to do so. A profile report was done on a homeless man that has sex with several women each week for a roof over his head. Arizona’s Vice Chair has a history of disgusting comments, but his latest comments about sterilizing poor women on welfare have put him in hot water.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 16, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:58pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 15, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:12pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.12.14: Palin Fight, Fox News Sexism, Ben Carson, George Zimmerman & Sex

Cenk, Ben, John Iadarola, and Michael Shure hosting. The Palin family was allegedly involved in a “dogpile” fight over the weekend at a snowmachine party. The police confirmed that the Palin’s were at the party. A partygoer confirmed the accounts of what happened at the party on Good Morning America. After this appearance, he was mysteriously fired from his job. Now that Josh Earnest replaced Jay Carney as the WH press secretary, Bob Beckel talked about how he looks better than his predecessor. He went on to say that Kimberly Guilfoyle only got her job at Fox due to her long legs. Ben Carson claimed that domestic violence against women isn’t a very big problem in our country, until Bill O’Reilly pushed back, causing him to change his mind immediately. John gives the startling numbers that show the extremely high occurrence of domestic violence.

Ana joins the panel for SCS. George Zimmerman got into a road rage altercation and threatened to kill the other driver. After it was over, he showed up to the man’s workplace the next day, causing the police to be called. Rep Jim Clyburn spoke about ways they can get out the vote, like sexting. Documents have been released showing that the federal gov’t forced Yahoo to hand over user data by fining them hundreds of thousands of dollars/day. A Pennsylvania teenager is facing 2 years in jail for mimicking oral sex with a Jesus statue. A study indicates that men with bigger bellies make better lovers. Ben talks about how awesome it would be if sex was good and quick. Vogue has officially declared that we are in the era of the big booty. Ana points out how out of touch the magazine is based on the way they wrote the piece. John wonders why anyone would read a magazine, but Ben likes to have something tangible in his hands while reading. Cenk talks about how the only men that read Men’s Health magazines are on “the spectrum.”

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 12, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140912.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:23pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.11.14: Obama's ISIS Strategy, GOP Reaction & Another Michael Brown Shooting Tape

Cenk hosting. In a prime time address last night to the nation, President Obama has authorized air strikes in Syria and Iraq to fight against ISIS. President Obama said that it is “America that has the will and the capacity to mobilize against terrorism”. President Obama mentioned that there is “no plotting” or current plans from ISIS to attack America. President Obama has not pursued congressional authority for the air strikes. Chuck Hagel says that ISIS is “an imminent threat” to every interest we have. Cenk breaks down the real reason why we are pursuing ISIS and reveals many sources like the NY Times mentioning that there is no corroborative evidence regarding ISIS planning to attack the US. Ted Cruz ,appearing on Fox News, gives his reaction to the speech mentioning that President Obama’s remarks are “fundamentally unserious” and manufactures a new Republican talking point calling it the “Obama/Clinton foreign policy”. Marco Rubio also appears on Fox News and joins in on that talking point.

Cenk and Ana hosting. A new video has surfaced from CNN of the Michael Brown shooting and the video is helping confirm what other witness saw during the shooting. Benton Mackenzie of Iowa, was facing at least 15 years in jail for growing 71 pot plants in order to help treat his terminal cancer, but received probation instead. Brenton was not allowed to mention his cancer as part of his defense. Republicans like Bobby Jindal are beginning to change their tune about allowing the pill to be obtained over the counter in order to pursue more votes in the 2016 midterm election.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 11, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140911.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:50pm EST

The Young Turks - 9.10.14: Battle For The Net, War pt.2, Sports & Unmarried Americans

Cenk hosting. Some websites have declared war on the FCC to urge them to do the right thing on Net Neutrality. They’ve launched an ad to tons of internet users, asking them to join the fight against “Team Cable” who are being given the power to suspend speech on the web. Obama also appointed a former lobbyist for these companies as head of the FCC. The 3 main porn sites have also joined the fight against the FCC as they have 50 million people viewing their content daily. Former WH Spox Jay Carney recently retired, and will start his new gig with CNN tonight, breaking down the President’s ISIS speech. Cenk is amazed that CNN thinks that having Carney on board is a big pickup that will drive people to watch their political analysis. Obama is expected to basically start a war with 3 countries tonight, in search of ISIS and the perception that Democrats can be tough on foreign policy, like Republicans are. He will declare that he has authorization to go to war without consent from Congress, a policy that was 1st illegally implemented by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. The worst part is that he could easily have Congress vote in favor of it and not be solely left on the hook for this war. Sen Tom Harkin warned that this is going to be a repeat of what we did after 9-11. Hillary Clinton aides are getting word out that she would be more hawkish on foreign policy than the “passive” nature Obama has taken. The Democratic Party has become one that is trying to out-Republican, Republicans. Pundits like Chris Matthews, Chuck Todd, & Peter Johnson of Fox News are egging on the upcoming march for war. Now that Matthews is thirsty for war and carnage again, Cenk remembers when he wholeheartedly gave Bush praise for the Iraq War, right before he claimed he was always against it. Cenk predicts that this will happen again with our next invasion over ISIS.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A Burger joint in Philly posted a receipt of Eagles’ LeSean McCoy since he only left a 20 cent tip, hoping to shame him. It backfired. Cenk and Ana talk about how much they hate this phenomenon of posting a patron’s receipt online. Cenk tells the story of Billy Bob’s cheesesteak where their customer service sometimes led to beatings. NBC News fired one of its producers after he secretly filmed sex with his girlfriend and posted it online at a sextape site. After she discovered it, he admitted to it, and was arrested. New data shows that for the 1st time, a majority of American adults are unmarried at 50.2%.  In 1976, it was at 37%.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 10, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140910.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:26pm EST

The Young Turks - 09.09.14: The Business Of War, Scott Brown, ISIS & Wendy Davis Interview

Cenk hosting. Scott Brown was being introduced at a New Hampshire rally by Chris Sununu, with hopes of convincing the people of the state will forget he’s actually from Massachusetts. Video of Sununu calling Brown phony over and over again while trying to hype up the small crowd is shown. New reports about the situation with ISIS, and the latest consequences of bombing them. Reuters investigated and found that although many members of the terror group have been run out of towns, the Shi’ite militia have begun cutting off Sunni heads, the way Sunni members of ISIS were previously doing. In addition, Kurds are not happy with Sunnis that have joined ISIS living nearby, and they feel that they have to go.  End the end, the Shi’ite IS has taken up where the first ISIS left off. Cenk talks about the only chance we had to potentially peacefully divide the country between the three groups. The Special Operations portion of our military has been privatized, spending $13 billion worth of contracts over 5 years, to 3000 companies. 8 of those companies received over 50% of this jackpot.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Wendy Davis’ interview with GMA included her revelation about the abortion she had, and why she had to have it. She also discussed her Mother’s mental health issues following a divorce. Opponents claim that she’s making it up.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 9, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140909.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:56pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 8, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:59pm EST

The Young Turks - 09.04.14: Idiot Republican, Freed From Death Row, Pat Robertson & Banned American Apparel Ad

Cenk hosting. Rep.John Bennett of Oklahoma put up a Facebook post with the premise that Muslum Americans will kill infidels in Oklahoma according, by definition from the Koran. Chris Heben,a former Navy Seal, claims of being shot by black men were proven false by police.  Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense are running ads on what is proper in branding a gun at supermarkets. Henry Lee McCollum and Leon Brown have been exonerated of rape and murder after more than 30 years behind bars in North Carolina. Supreme Court Justice Antonin used McCollum as an example of why the death penalty is just.

Ana & Cenk hosting. Pat Robertson gives advice to an 80 year old woman on the ways of making money from having a lack of money. Advertising Standards Authority in the UK have banned recent American Apparel ad, showing a model dressed like a schoolgirl showing only an upskirt shot. Police officers in the UK are asking citizens to conduct their own investigations, like getting fingerprints, when certain crimes are committed like stolen property.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 4, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140904.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:44pm EST

The Young Turks - 09.03.14: ISIS, Libya, Celebgate & PewDiePie vs. YouTube Comments

Cenk Hosting.  Heather Childers tweets her opinions about ISIS, begging Obama to take action against the Islamic State.  Geraldo Rivera steps in, suggesting US beheads the ISIS members.  In a recent speech, Joe Biden echoes these sentiments, claiming the US will “follow [ISIS] into the gates of hell,” and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty appears on Hannity, reading from the Bible and relating verses to his opinions of ISIS, saying the group needs to be converted or killed.  Cenk explains terrorist actions against the group will only continue the cycle of violence–ISIS can not be stopped by threats of bombs and bloodshed.  Cenk then explains the history of Saudi Arabia and the region’s ideological background leading to ISIS, as well as their link to the oil industry.  Libya continues to rapidly dissolve after 11 commercial jets go missing, feared to be under the control of Ansar al-Sharia.

A silver lining on the recent nude photo hacking of celebrites like Jennifer Lawrence, donations along with awareness have been given to prostate cancer research. YouTuber PewDiePie releases a video in reaction to hateful comments on his channel and has disabled his comment section. Cenk and Ana discuss TYT’s comment section.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 3, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140903.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:03pm EST

The Young Turks - 09.02.14: Another ISIS Beheading, Russia, Ukraine, Squarespace & Teen Rape Victim

Cenk hosting.  ISIS has posted another video of a 2nd journalist Steven Sotloff being beheaded.  They demanded Americans stop bombing them or else they’d kill another after James Foley’s execution was distributed.  Sotloff’s mother plead for her son’s life, but that hasn’t worked.  Videos of Fox News’ KT McFarland said that Obama has his head in the sand, causing another American to lose his head.  McFarland politicized this issue immediately by connecting it to our borders and hating on Latino immigrants.  Six militants were killed in Somalia by the American military.  This random bombing has Cenk asking how many more places around the world we can possibly be attacking while wondering why we’re always caught up in a war.  A video of Libyan militants has surfaced of them partying by the pool of the American embassy they just took in Tripoli.  Videos of Louie Gohmert trashing the DREAM Act with several bad zingers.  He and Tucker Carlson speculated that many immigrants are claiming to be school aged children when they’re actually men.  The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate.  Their strategy is to send troops into Eastern Ukraine a little bit at a time while the rest of the world watches, but does nothing.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS.  Talk about TYT’s new advertiser, SquareSpace.  An 24 year old Arizona man is being pursued for years of back child support for a kid he unknowingly had when he was statutorily raped at the age of 14 by a 20 year old woman.  They’ve garnished his wages and seized his bank account.  An Oklahoma police officer has been charged with raping several Black women.  While waiting for trial, a GoFundMe account has been created by some of his supporters to raise money for him.  It has accumulated thousands of dollars of support so far.  A small town police department lost a military issued Humvee that was given to them by the federal government. It took more than a week for anyone to even realize it had been taken.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 2, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140902.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:59pm EST


A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 29, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140829.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 28, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140828.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:54pm EST

The Young Turks - 08.27.14: Koch Brothers Whores, Reality TV Star Arrested, Sexual Jihad & Kevin Sorbo

Ben, Ana, and Jasmyne Cannick hosting today. Cannick is a Political analyst and communications strategist. Audio of Mitch McConnell speaking to a Koch Brothers sponsored event where he laid out his plans to make Obama go through a government shutdown fight for every Democratic idea comes to light. When asked about it, McConnell’s campaign stood by the comments by misdirecting and targeting Alison Lundergan Grimes. Discussion about the effectiveness of the Obama Administration. Audio of McConnell lamenting about how Congress wastes time talking about min wage is played. Ben asks Jasmyne why Democrats can’t simply take advantage of the obvious disconnect Republicans have with Americans and be champions of the majority of the country. At the same conference that McConnell spoke about shutting the government down, some GOP newcomers like Joni Ernst and Tom Cotton, attended and spoke about how grateful they are to be included on the gravy train.  Jasmyne talks about the level of influence the Kochs have on politics.  Ben stresses the importance of the outcome of the races these newcomers are involved in.

Gina Grad joins Ben and Ana for SCS. One of the stars of the reality show Sons of Guns has been arrested for raping his daughter for a long period of time. Talk about the oversaturation of bad reality TV shows. Sexual Jihad includes Malaysian women that travel to Syria and Iraq to have sexual relationships with members of ISIS. Some women from the UK and Australia have also joined the effort. Actor Kevin Sorbo is back in the news after appearing on a Christian radio show to attack Atheists.  

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 27, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140827.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:28pm EST

The Young Turks - 08.26.14: ISIS, Beheadings, Gay Rights, Sofia Vergara & Flight Etiquette

Ana and Ben hosting. Ben reports about ISIS’ claim that they severed the head of their own official.  Saudi Arabia has beheaded 23 people just in this month based on false confessions for petty crimes like drug possession and black magic. Family members have been threatened and told to stop disputing the killings. Ben points out that we aren’t concerned with this unjust brutality from one of our closest allies in the region. Video of pastor Michael V. Williams’ proposal for a Constitutional Amendment to imprison gays for hard labor is shown. Ben points out his unnecessary turns as he transitions.

At the Emmy’s last night, Sofia Vergara participated in a comedic bit where she was put on a spinning pedestal while a boring speech was given. Outcry on Twitter ensued. A United Airlines flight was heading to Denver, but was forced to land in Chicago when a passenger altercation over legroom broke out. One passenger bought a device that restricts the seat in front of him from reclining and it turned into water being thrown in his face. Ben rules that both passengers are wrong.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 26, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140826.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:55pm EST

Ben, John, and Wes Clark Jr hosting.  Ben talks about a story he saw in the LA Times about 3 people shot and killed in the Valley that was buried under the front page story of wine bottles broken in Napa’s earthquake.  Republicans like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, and Mike Rogers took to Sunday shows to criticize Obama’s response to ISIS.  Video of McCain’s complaints is shown. Video of Sen Graham claiming that there are many jihadist groups, looking to win “the gold medal” by hitting America. Discussion about the reality of how dangerous the terror group is follows. Syria has announced that they welcome assistance from Western powers to target ISIS in the country, as long as they clear the actions first. Ukraine has now engaged with Russian forces, according to a Ukrainian military spokesperson. Wes points out that Putin doesn’t want a full scale war, but just this level of conflict so that he can wear down the Ukrainian government.  The mystery of who dropped bombs on militants in Libya has been solved.  It turns out that the planes were sent out of Egypt and UAE.

At a pre-VMA party hosted by Chris Brown, Suge Knight was shot multiple times, and survived.  The parents of a 13 year old girl found her sexting pics on her phone, so they decided to turn her into the police.  Ben tells the story of having to explain to his Godson why people kill other people.  Wes and Ben agree that involving the police only makes the situation worse.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 25, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140825.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 22, 2014. For more go to


Direct download: tytTEASE-20140822.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:26pm EST

Cenk hosting. The St. Louis Police Department releases a video of the shooting of Kajima Powell, showing that there were 9-10 shoots fired, with police on the scene handcuffing Powell after his death and another officer raising his gun on the deceased. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson states, “the officers did what I think you or I would do, they protected their life in a situation.” Attorney General Eric Holder goes to Ferguson, Missouri sharing sympathy with the family of Michael Brown and will stand with Ferguson, along with relating from his personal experiences saying, “I am the Attorney General of the United States, but I am also a black man.” Bank Of America has been required to pay a settlement of 16 billion dollars to the federal government becoming the largest corporate settlement in US history, for the sale of toxic mortgage-backed securities that fueled the 2008 financial crisis. Sean Hannity talks to Committeewoman Patricia Byrnes of Ferguson, MO with Sean on the side of the cops and being obnoxious towards Patricia saying, “you don’t know if it’s about police brutality.”

Gina Grad and Cenk hosting. William McDaniel of Montana felt like he got ripped off by a stripper and decided to call 911 to seek justice. 16 year old Alex Stone of Summerville, South Carolina got suspended from school and arrested by the cops for writing about shooting a pet dinosaur. Dr. Patrick Johnson, Director of Personhood in Ohio, claims that boobs of topless dancers from the Foxhole dance club causes homosexuality. Kevin Arcola of the American Family Association, has urged his followers not to participate in ice-bucket challenges for ALS claiming that it encourages abortions.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 21, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140821.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:10pm EST

The Young Turks - 08.20.14: Crazy Republican, Super Sperm, Twitter Ban, Super Bowl Halftime, & Orgasm Study

Cenk & Johnny Pie hosting today. Cenk reveals the “Amazing Fact Of The Day” on the first cop shooting in Iceland. Scientist Art Robinson from Oregon is running for US congress against Pete De Fazio and is requesting 1,000 urine samples from voters for a research study on aging. Citizens of Israel are requesting sperm samples from Israeli soldiers who have had combat experience for the Rambam Medical Center.

Cenk & Ana hosting. Twitter has suspended accounts that post the beheading of journalist James Foley by ISIS militants. The NFL is asking musicians to pay to play at the Super Bowl halftime show in order to cut production costs. The Kinsey Institute has released a study on which demographic experiences the most “orgasmic occurrence”.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 20, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140820.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

The Young Turks - 08.19.14: Militarized Police, Ferguson Uprising, Obama, Fat Kids & 10k Club

Cenk hosting today.  The program that gives military equipment to local police departments was ratcheted down after Alan Grayson tried to pass legislation to ban the handing down of huge war machines like aircraft and nuclear weapons.  The bill was overwhelmingly voted down.  One caucus member said that its too hard to vote on a bill without lobbyist recommendations, meaning he’d have to decide for himself without knowing if he’s stepping on the toes of his masters with the money.  President Obama’s responses to the situation in Ferguson have been highly criticized by Conservatives.  Video of Paul Ryan talking about how we need to take a deep breath and not try to take advantage of the situation in Missouri.  This is part of the setup to force Obama to do nothing to change.  Mashup of multiple talking heads claiming that Obama has jumped into the situation before he knows all of the facts and that he’s inserting racism and pushing for more violence.  After all of these warnings, Obama spoke last night and said he has to be very careful not to jump in too soon or prejudge the situation before all of the facts are revealed.  Cenko Unchained.  Cenk talks about how Obama has shown he can take on the issue of discrimination and race with eloquence, but refuses to do so when it doesn’t directly affect him.  Cenk dives into ways Obama could bring to light the things that affect all of us regarding race.  Democratic Senators that are fighting to get Obama’s judges and issues passed are growing weary of Obama’s disengaged energy and lack of fight.  His only objective is to be seen as above the fray, not a Democratic president that works with fellow Dems.  With this huge loss of allies, Cenk warns that when his enemies attack in the form of impeachment, he won’t have fellow Dems to back him up.  This same scenario is what helped end Nixon’s presidency.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS.  P.E. teachers are now putting heart monitors on their chests to make sure that they are being active.  Ana likes this idea, but Cenk is completely against it.  TYT Supreme Court is split, so a poll will be posted for the TYT Army to decide.  A tribe of outlaw Instagramers post pictures of their daredevil escapades on top of NYC buildings at night.  The shots they get are amazing.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 19, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140819.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:06pm EST

The Young Turks - 08.18.14: #JusticeForMikeBrown, Elderly Woman Arrested, Ebola & 3 Day Work Week

Cenk hosting. Latest on Ferguson, MO. The National Guard has been called in to calm the ongoing clashes. The anger was potentially ramped back up when a curfew was implemented. An independent autopsy was done after being commissioned by the Brown family, and showed that there were 6 bullet wounds in Brown’s body, with 2 in the head. The St. Louis medical examiner’s autopsy said that he was shot 6-8 times and had marijuana in his system. Some describe the weed aspect as a “bombshell.” It also said that Brown died about 35 feet from the police car, where the confrontation occurred. A neighbor that saw the shooting recorded some tape of the immediate aftermath.

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Evansville, IN police raided the home of an elderly woman over some anti-police posts to an online forum. They tracked the IP address to her home and violently broke in. It turned out that the online threats never came from the home because someone used their internet since it wasn’t password protected. 17 suspected ebola patients in a quarantine center in Liberia have been taken out, presumably by family members that think the outbreak of the disease is a hoax. The FDA is failing to properly enforce oversight of the food industry, including chemical preservatives, flavorings, and thickening agents. Due to their failures, people are suffering from the side effects of consuming these chemicals. This system relies on the food industry to police themselves. The world’s 2nd wealthiest man, Carlos Slim has some plans for better financial success. One of his ideas is to have a 3 day work week, just longer hours, so that people will have more time for themselves and not become work robots.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 18, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20140818.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 8:41pm EST