The Young Turks - FREE (Audio)

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 29, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk and John hosting. Trump’s response to Istanbul airport attack. Talk about how his simplistic approach works with his supporters. John McCain speaks out against Trump. Super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton busted for accepting illegal campaign donations. New poll on Americans believing economy rigged. Former Secret Service officer writing Bill and Hillary Clinton book. Senate’s vote on rescue package for Puerto Rico. Sanders’ endorsed candidates wins her primary race.

Hour 2: BlazeTV’s Tomi Lahren responds to Jesse Williams. Clinton conducted townhall meeting with YouTube influencers in Hollywood. Chelsea Handler shares her abortion stories. YouTuber’s Vidcon sexual assault story fake. Heterosexual Pride day planned. New app helps people automatically fight parking tickets.

Direct download: 160629__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:41pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 28, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Terrorist attack at Istanbul airport. Trump’s response. Trey Gowdy spoke about his Benghazi panel’s 800 page report and findings. Trump’s new communications director’s disparaging tweets about Trump. Sarah Palin thinks UN will take American guns. Washington Post investigates Trump’s claims of being charitable giver.

Hour 2: 50 year old woman suing doctor for child’s Down’s Syndrome. Man arrested for tweeting death threats at Republican Senators. Former Indiana Univ frat member arrested for raping 2 women.
Police post mugshots of female sex workers on Facebook. Study shows that number of people that marry outside of their political Party is similar to number of people that marry outside of their race.

Direct download: 160628__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 27, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: 4Chan’s Sanders discovery. Fight for Democratic Party platform to be formed at DNC begins. New polls show Clinton double digit lead. CNN hires Corey Lewandowski. CNN insiders on reaction. Texas mother and avid gun owner shoots daughters and husband. Trump continues to call Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas. Former Arizona gov Jan Brewer upset that Obama called out Trump. Life after Brexit.

Hour 2: Ana’s panel at Politicon. SCOTUS takes down anti-abortion legislation in Texas. After Brexit vote, spike in both verbal and physical racial attacks. Examples of attacks on Polish immigrants. Activist Jesse Williams’ speech at BET Awards. Kanye West’s new controversial music video. Minnesota man charged with murder for wife’s suicide.

Direct download: 160627__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:35pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 23, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: 2nd day of Democratic Congressional members sit in. Louie Gohmert takes the floor. Gohmert’s Islamaphobic beliefs. Sanders’s CSPAN appearance. Chaos between Clinton supporters and Sanders delegates. Sanders supporters assaulted by Clinton delegate. Clinton’s private email home server did experience hackers. SCOTUS rules to uphold Affirmative Action in Texas. Shooting in German small town.

Hour 2: Brett Erlich and Grace Baldridge hosting. Woman in bikini caught breaking in homes. Brett’s list of hottest criminals. Grace’s stealing confessions and Brett on cheating. Pornstar Christy Mack’s emoji line of her bruised and battered face to bring awareness to domestic abuse. Fear of Missing Out. is a real issue for teenagers online. Talk about ways to confront FOMO. Kid caught stealing by parents is forced to stay outside in tent. Study on brain training tests.

Direct download: 160623__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:13pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 22, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Trump’s Corinthians count mix up. Trump comments on his assassination attempt. NY Rep Steve King latest on keeping Harriet Tubman off twenty dollar bill. Rep John Lewis’s sit-in on House floor for gun control. More details on Orlando terrorist’s motivations. behind shooting 49 people in a gay nightclub. Trump’s attempt at reaching Sanders supporters. Cenk on Brexit and politics that could lead to them to leave EU.

Hour 2: Update on Michael Jackson child porn story. Violence in Rio continues to rise. Colleges and Universities kicking students out over depression or anxiety issues.
Female vandaliser banned from national parks. Research on correlation between condom use and female attraction. Chinese viral video.

Direct download: 160622__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 21, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk and Iadarola hosting. Trump’s campaign funds made public. #TrumpSoPoor Twitter hashtag. Trump campaign paid $35K to fictional ad agency. 19 year old British man attempted to assassinate Trump. Guccifer 2.0 releases more information.Teacher protests in Mexico turned deadly. Supreme Court ruled in favor of chipping away at 4th Amendment. Justice Sotomayor’s response.

Hour 2: Pittsburgh anchor fired for racial slurs. Anchor now suing. Orlando prosecutor suspended. Selma Blair’s crazy outburst on flight. Police documents from 2003 raid on Michael Jackson’s ranch reveal child porn. Australian man facing 25 years in jail for harassment.

Direct download: 160621__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:41pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 20, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Corey Lewandowski has finally been fired from the Trump campaign. Details of how the meeting went that led to the firing. Drama between Lewandowski and the husband of Trump’s daughter played a major role. The Washington Examiner reports that Justice Clarence Thomas is mulling retirement after the presidential election. His wife vehemently called the reports bogus. Many Wall St donors are letting Hillary Clinton know that if she picks Warren as VP, they’d lose all faith in her and will no longer trust her. They pointed out that Warren will make their tax cut deal more difficult to push through.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Congress has just rejected legislation that would do something to address the country’s problems with gun control. They turned down a bill that would allow research to be done on guns and their effect on society. Actor Anton Yelchin was killed by his Jeep in an apparent accident at his home in the driveway. The car he drove was under recall for a faulty shifter that slips from drive to neutral, allowing it to unexpectedly roll. Turkish officials’ opposition to the gay pride parade scheduled to happen over the weekend came to a head. After they canceled the festivities and some people showed up anyway, they were met with riot police and rubber bullets.

Direct download: 160620__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 16, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Jayar, Elliot, and John hosting. British MP killed. Discussion on whether or not Britain should leave EU. Democrat filibuster successful. Problems of Federal Watchlist. Guccifer 2.0 claims DNC hacker. Study on how media fails to cover presidential candidates.

Direct download: 160616__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:48pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 15, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Ben, Iadarola, and Michael Shure hosting. Sen Chris Murphy gun violence control filibuster. Anderson Cooper confrontsFlorida Atty Gen Pam Bondi on sudden LGBT support. Utah’s Republican Lt Gov Spencer Cox changes LGBT stance. Response to Donald Trump’s Orlando shooting statements. If Sanders will support Clinton. Trump says U.S. soldiers stealing Iraqi oil money.

Direct download: 160615__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:59pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 14, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Iadarola, Jimmy, and Wes Clark Jr hosting. Wife of Orlando shooter knew about plot. Rudy Giuliani says our culture is superior to Muslim culture. Arizona pastor advocates systematic death of gays. Congress stages moment of silence for Orlando victims. Reps demand bill that would do something about rampant gun violence. Trump has revoked press credentials of the Washington Post. Russian hackers gain access to DNC’s opposition research on Donald Trump.

Direct download: 160614__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:49pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 13, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Ana, Iadarola, Jimmy, and Michael Shure hosting. Full hour on Orlando Nightclub terror attack. Details behind the shooting. Obama talking about his concern over this shooting turning into an either/or debate with gun control and Islamic terrorism on the two sides. Discussion behind shooter’s background and potential motivations. Trump’s Orlando terror attack comments.
Obama on terrorist watch list. List of Congressmen that voted for and against gun control bill.

Hour 2: Ana, Francis Maxwell, and Grace Baldridge hosting. Christina Grimmie shot and killed after performance. Potential mass murderer was busted near LA Gay Pride parade. Grace on false perception about homosexuality acceptance. Police think Brock Turner sent victim’s nudes.

Direct download: 1606013__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:20pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 9, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk, Iadarola, Jimmy Dore, and Mark Thompson Power Panel today. Elizabeth Warren endorses Clinton. Trump calls Warren “Pocahontas.” Cenk amazed that society fine with “Pocahontas” comment.
Google criticized for fixing search engine to avoid predicting negative searches for Clinton. Gawker has filed for bankruptcy after Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit.

Hour 2: DEA searching medical records of citizens without obtaining warrants. Sheriff Joe Arpaio creating jail-style camp. Trump supporter dating site. Bieber fist fight. Host of Dirty Jobs advises graduates to choose practical jobs over dream jobs.

Direct download: 1606010__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:56pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 9, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Update on “never Hillary” TYT poll. Sanders and Obama work against Trump. Harry Reid changes views on VP choice. Article reveals Koch brothers’ opinions on Trump. Trump on intervention in Libya and taking out Gaddafi. Chart illustrates horrible recovery of 2008 economic crash. Chuck Woolery calls min. wage ridiculous.

Hour 2: Stanford rapist’s letter to judge. Co-founder of MinuteMen movement charged with molestation. Gay Mullah that performs gay marriages in Istanbul. NY Times editor quits Twitter over anti-Semitic tweets. U.S. performs first penis transplant surgery.

Direct download: 160609__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:47pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 8, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk and Iadarola hosting. Media wants Sanders to end campaign. TYT’s Jordan Chariton spoke with Bernie Sanders supporters. Barbara Boxer wins California primary. Race between Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez will be historic. Washington Post on Bernie Bros. Trump’s teleprompter hypocrisy. Video of Cain calling Trump’s use legit, unlike Obama’s use of one.

Hour 2: Missouri police officer that beat young man to point of brain damage released. Transgender female high school athlete criticized for her competitive advantage. Ana and Cenk discussing rematch on running a mile. Breaking News:Elizabeth Warren endorses Hillary Clinton. Cost of high school students being suspended.

Direct download: 160608__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 7, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: AP celebrates history of 1st female nominee for president. Cenk says AP calling race based on superdelegates. After tonight’s results, Cenk will detail options Bernie Sanders. Business magazine reports Trump filed for tax break that benefits people making under $500K/year. Attorney general of Florida Pam Bondi drops lawsuit against Trump Univ. Speaker Paul Ryan calls Trump racist, yet still supports him. Jeffrey Lord tells CNN Paul Ryan is racist for calling out Trump.

Hour 2: Controversy surrounding rapist Stanford swimmer. Police refuse to release mugshots. Today, prosecutor’s office releases photo showing him drunk. Ana details the story of Black football player wrongfully accused of rape. Trump biography being held back from reprint by publisher due to Ivanka Trump’s account of Trump raping her. Author said publisher’s lawyer is keeping it in the dark. Secret recording of White high school students exposes their racism.

Direct download: 160607__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from May 27, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Tricaster crashed. Clinton wins Puerto Rico primary. Cenk on Reliable Sources. Cenk discussed superdelegates. Republicans decide to come down hard on Trump.

Hour 2: Stanford student/athlete’s short rape sentence. 14 year old charged for throwing rocks during Trump rally. White men chase Black teenager, who dies from asthma attack. 1% buy pricey houses for staycations. Study shows men underestimate women’s sex drives.

Direct download: 160606__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49pm EST

A portion of The Young Turks Show from June 3, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Power Panel w/ Cenk, Ben, Iadarola, and Jimmy. Donald Trump on violent protestors. Trump supporters’ anti-Semitic app. Clinton’s foreign policy speech. TYT Supreme Court about whether or not her speech was effective. Susan Sarandon on Hillary’s vs Trump’s foreign policy stances.

Hour 2: Josh Fox, director of Gasland, and Ana join the panel. Kenneth Starr interview. Japanese boy found. Father of victim attacks serial killer in court. 19 year old rapist’s crying mugshot. Diner owner’s Obama-hating menus. Gets busted for fraud.

Direct download: 160603__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:18pm EST

A portion of The Young Turks Show from June 2, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk hosting. President Obama has reversed his position on Social Security benefits, now advocating to increase the program. Cenk talks about how Obama has finally come to this conclusion after 7 years of being stonewalled by Republicans despite his grand desire to bring both sides together. WolfPAC update from Rhode Island. The WGC usually has its golf tournament at Trump’s Doral course, but the PGA has decided to move the tournament to Mexico City. Video of Trump complaining to Hannity about the move, hoping that they now have kidnapping insurance. Video of the PGA Commissioner denying that the move has anything to do with politics. Cenk talks about how this actually does have something to do with Trump being a polarizing figure that would lead to them losing money. Updates on the UCLA murder/suicide yesterday. After police found his suicide letter, they discovered that he he had a kill list, which included a woman in Minnesota that authorities found dead. The shooter legally bought his weapons in Minnesota, shot his ex girlfriend, travelled to California, then carried out the UCLA killing. Cenk talks about how this shooting hit close to home for him.

MSNBC has announced that they are going to be leaning more to the right. It seems that their main objective is to be malleable enough to go with whomever is in power. Their print ad brags that people might accuse them of leaning too far to the right with images of all the Conservatives they’re bringing in. Susan Sarandon spoke to TYT Politics about the way the media approaches the campaign. The NY Attorney General went on ABC and MSNBC to talk about how much of a fraud Trump University was. Videos of Schneiderman talking about the explicit nature of the fraud, from top to bottom. Bernie Sanders’ lack of desire in going after Hillary Clinton even harder. Video of Susan Sarandon detailing some of Clinton’s least Progressive moments. Video of Sanders going soft on specific ways Hillary Clinton was affected by her Wall Street payouts. Video of Bernie telling Cenk during the TYT interview that his campaign isn’t going after her email scandal because they want to avoid personal attacks. Cenk talks about how nearly everything sticks to Hillary, so going after her just might work. Video of Hillary’s sub par answer on the email scandal after the State Dept ruled that she broke the rules.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The Guardian conducted a study to highlight the number of American cities that have issues with water contamination, and simply look the other way. Toxicology reports have shown that Prince died of an accidental opioid overdose. This news comes on the same day when it’s been shown that death rates have spiked, particularly due to prescription pain meds. Marijuana studies show that marijuana has little to no effect on lungs. Kenneth Starr has stepped down as Chancellor of Baylor after news has broken that the University has covered up many cases of sexual abuse and assault. Ana sees the hypocrisy of Starr’s history with going after Bill Clinton and his connection to covering up sexual assault for his University’s purposes.

The state of Texas is mad at the national weather service for calling a sand storm as a “haboob”. Gordon Thirring has won a legal battle against the state of Mississippi to eat her own placenta after her pregnancy.

Direct download: 160602__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39pm EST

A portion of The Young Turks Show from June 1, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: John, Jordan Chariton, and Ana hosting. 71 percent of Democratic voters believe Clinton should keep running despite indictment. North Korea’s state media praises Trump. UCLA on lockdown. Gun advocate urges for guns in children’s rooms.
Possibility of Britain leaving EU.

Hour 2: Experiments on veterans. Peter Sunde calls Mark Zuckerberg “dictator.” Apartment complex forces tenants to use Facebook. Road rage incident caught on tape. Vegan restaurant in Georgia incident. Burlesque dancer thrown off plane for provocative outfit. Women drivers and parking spots in China.

Direct download: 160601__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55pm EST

A portion of The Young Turks Show from May 27, 2016. For more go to

Hour 1: Eric Holder on Snowden and whistleblowing. Animal right activists at Sanders rally. Trump claims Hispanics love him. Trump attacks Latino governor of New Mexico. Trump not billionaire. Libertarian Party holds own convention. CNN’s Reliable Sources discuss media bias against Sanders.

Hour 2: Cincinnati Zoo kills gorilla. 6 year old abandoned in woods. Snoop Dogg on “Roots” remake. District judge on Trump University verdict. Columbia Univ student done with school, flees to Brooklyn.

Direct download: 160531__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26pm EST