The Young Turks - FREE (Audio)

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 30, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk. Despite widespread coverage of corporations gifting their employees with cash, just 2% of Americans say they've seen any kind of benefit thanks to the Republican tax law signed by President Trump in December. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.), the chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee who defied his party to vote against President Trump's tax cuts, announced Monday that he will not seek reelection. The Netherlands' spy service broke into the computers used by a powerful Russian hacking group and may be sitting on evidence relating to the breach of the U.S. Democratic National Committee. The US has released a sweeping list of prominent Russian business and political figures, in defiance of Moscow and implementing a Congressional law designed to punish Russia for election meddling. The US Treasury report, published shortly before a midnight deadline, listed every senior member of the political administration at the Kremlin, and every Russian oligarch with a net worth of $1 billion or more. Some of those named are already subject to US sanctions. But the administration stopped short of imposing any new punishments, saying the legislation was already doing its job. The report was "not a sanctions list," it said. Instead, the Treasury report resembled an exercise in naming and shaming -- putting individuals on notice that they may be subject to sanctions in the future. Cenk’s prediction/theory: Trump laundering money to Russian oligarchs for decades.

Hour 2: Face recognition technology to put celeb faces on porn. Between 2006 and 2016, a total of 20.8 million prescription painkillers were sent to two pharmacies in Williamson, in Mingo County, West Virginia, a town with a population of only 2,900 people. A U.S. government panel is now questioning how drug wholesalers could have sent millions of prescription pills to two pharmacies in West Virginia without flagging any suspicion, The Charleston Gazette-Mail reported. The panel is centered around two drug wholesalers who provided drugs to the pharmacies, Ohio-based Miami-Luken and Illinois-based H.D. Smith. Shipment papers indicate the wholesalers made large deliveries of the drugs over several consecutive days. The papers also show extreme increases in the number of drug orders from year to year. Both of these records should have sparked suspicion. The main drugs identified in the investigation are hydrocodone and oxycodone, two prescription painkillers. A New York Times investigation into a company that sells Twitter followers and retweets - many from automated accounts - names a variety of celebrities, including Cleveland-based celebrity chef Michael Symon. According to the Times, the company, Devumi, has a library of 3.5 million bot accounts that can be sold repeatedly. The Times says Devumi "has provided customers with more than 200 million Twitter followers." Millions of Americans believe God made Trump president.

Direct download: 180130__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 29, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk. Acting director of FBI, Andrew McCabe is out. GOP on Twitter requesting secret memo written by Rod Rosenstein. Trump again says he’s “a stable genius” on Davos’ show. Says there is a cooling and a heating and says the ice caps are at a record level. NASA says polar ice caps are breaking records for melting.

Hour 2: On Friday, ProPublica published a piece linking Woodward to Atomwaffen Division, a relatively new Charles Manson-obsessed neo-Nazi outfit that defines itself as a “revolutionary national socialist organization centered around political activism and the practice of an autonomous fascist lifestyle.” Quoting three sources with knowledge of Woodward’s recent past, the investigative news site reported Woodward joined the hate group in 2016 and attended a three-day training camp with other members in Texas. Pictures from the event captured Atomwaffen Division members in skull masks, making Nazi salutes. The website reported that the training included lessons in firearms and hand-to-hand combat, preparation for the group’s “ultimate aim of overthrowing the U.S. government through the use of terrorism and guerrilla warfare.” Breitbart’s Alex Marlow talks about threats that CNN has to faced. Calls CNN “fake news.” JayZ on Trump treating black people like shit and current racial tensions in the country. Trump takes to Twitter to respond to JayZ.

Direct download: 180129__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:24pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 26th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk, Ana, Ben, & Michael Brooks. Donald Trump last June ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller fired but backed down after the White House counsel threatened to resign rather than follow his directive.

Hour 2: The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has officially gained agency-wide access to a nationwide license plate recognition database, according to a contract finalized earlier this month. The system gives the agency access to billions of license plate records and new powers of real-time location tracking, raising significant concerns from civil libertarians.

Direct download: 180126__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 25rd, 2018. For more go to

Cenk. Those hoping for another chance to “Feel the Bern” in 2020 could have good reason to be optimistic about Bernie Sanders’s odds of running for the presidency.
While speculation has been rampant — and the Vermont senator has never ruled out the possibility of another go at the country’s top office when asked — there’s yet been no official word on what a campaign would actually look like. Until Saturday, that is, when a meeting between Sanders and his top political advisers explicitly discussed the possibility. Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday that he would talk to special counsel Robert Mueller under oath and looks forward to the opportunity, but that he will listen to the advice of his lawyers.

The FBI is investigating whether a top Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Alex Jones says Trump calls him all the time. Claims there will be a coup and arresting FBI agents. Ron Johnson on FBI secret society texts.

Direct download: 180125__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 24rd, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Segment 1
Cenk. Rush Limbaugh’s backhanded apology for supporting the Iraq War. Also, raps a conspiracy theory with it. Video of Burger King’s net neutrality ad. Evangelical leader, Tony Perkins, shares his thoughts on the radio about Trump’s sexual relations with a pornstar after Melania giving birth. Says it’s okay now because he is not like that anymore. Under fire for using taxpayer money to settle a sexual misconduct complaint from a former aide, Representative Patrick Meehan, Republican of Pennsylvania, said Tuesday that the woman “specifically invited” his intimate communications, and that he was emotionally wounded when she filed a complaint against him. Mr. Meehan denied crossing the line into impropriety, but said in an interview that when the woman told him last year that she had started a relationship with someone outside the office, he “didn’t respond to it as well as I would like to have.” He said he believed his attempt to make amends — a handwritten letter in which he called her “a complete partner to me” — was meant to be a sign of respect. “That I would find later that that was not something that she was comfortable with, really hurts me,” Mr. Meehan said. “This was a person who specifically invited communication with me so that she would be able to have the ability to be there for me.” The New York Times reported that Mr. Meehan, 62, a married father of three, had entered into a confidential agreement to settle the complaint brought by the aide, who is decades his junior. She left the office after filing a complaint alleging that Mr. Meehan became hostile after she rebuffed his romantic overtures, sources familiar with the situation told The Times.

Segment 3
The future looks less sunny for the renewable energy industry after the Trump administration announced this week that it plans to tax solar panels manufactured abroad. The announcement, which came from the office of U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer late Monday, took aim at Chinese solar panel producers, whom the administration says have been selling their goods in the United States for less than their fair market value. As a result of a report by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), the U.S. will now impose duties of up to 30 percent on solar equipment manufactured abroad. Such a move could damage the $28 billion solar energy industry. Eighty percent of the parts used in the U.S. solar industry are imported, and the Solar Energy Industries Association had previously projected job losses in the tens of thousands amid months of uncertainty about tax hikes. But solar panel manufacturers aren’t the only ones at the receiving end of Trump’s new tariffs. Washing machines made by South Korean manufacturers Samsung and LG were deemed “a substantial cause of serious injury” to U.S. manufacturers in the ITC report. In the first year, those products will face a 20 percent tariff on the initial 1.2 million washers imported and a 50 percent tariff on all machines after that. Those tariffs will eventually decrease to 16 and 40 percent, respectively, in three years. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the state’s congressional map is the result of gerrymandering, to the point that it violates the state constitution. The court ordered that the state must draw a new congressional map ahead of the 2018 midterms, according to multiple reports. The decision is a major victory for Democrats, who argued the map had been gerrymandered to benefit Republicans. Republicans redrew the state’s map in 2011. The state’s general assembly must submit a new map to the governor for consideration by Feb. 9, according to the court order.

Direct download: 180124__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:26pm EST

TYT’s Ana Kasparian hosts Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All National Town Hall.

Direct download: 180123__MC02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:12pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 23rd, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Segment 1
Cenk. At least two students were killed and 17 other people were injured in a school shooting on Tuesday at Marshall County High School in Benton, Ky. Authorities arrested a Michigan man last week after he allegedly called CNN several times, threatening to kill employees at the network's Atlanta, Georgia, headquarters, according to a federal affidavit. Brandon Griesemer made 22 calls to CNN on January 9 and January 10 and four calls, which were recorded, contained threats, according to the affidavit, which was unsealed Friday. Griesemer, whose age was not given, also made disparaging statements about Jewish people, African-Americans and the network in several calls, the affidavit said.

Segment 2
FBI Agent Peter Strzok was dismissed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s team after messages he sent that demonstrated a bias against President Donald Trump. Oddly enough, that same agent almost didn’t even join Mueller’s office because he didn’t think here was any evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia. Attorney General Jeff Sessions — at the public urging of President Donald Trump — has been pressuring FBI Director Christopher Wray to fire Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, but Wray threatened to resign if McCabe was removed. Chuck Schumer is taking his big spending boost for Donald Trump’s border wall off the table. The Senate minority leader, through an aide, informed the White House that he was retracting the offer he made last week to give Trump well north of the $1.6 billion in wall funding Trump had asked for this year, according to two Democrats. And now they say Trump will simply not get a better deal than that on his signature campaign promise.

Direct download: 180123__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 22th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Just days after the House passed its version of the federal tax law slashing corporate tax rates, House Speaker Paul Ryan collected nearly $500,000 in campaign contributions from billionaire energy mogul Charles Koch and his wife. Just 42 people hold the same amount of wealth as 3.7 billion poorest people in the world. Don Imus “retiring.” Was told by a syndicater that he will not be offered a renewal of his contract.

Hour 2:
Restaurant CEO on servers being entitled and not being proud to be servants--says they’re going to school now and don’t want to work. Min. wage in Washington going up to $11.50.

Direct download: 180122__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:35pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 19th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Donald Trump is planning to slash the budget of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, in what marks his administration’s second attempt to gut the top office responsible for coordinating the federal response to the opioid crisis. The plan would shift the office’s two main grant programs, the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas grant and the Drug Free Communities Act, to the Justice and Health and Human Services departments.

Hour 2:
Cenk, Ana, & Jayde Lovell. Trump appointee, Carl Higbie, resigns over racist comments he made one his radio show in 2013 & 2014--talks about Black people & their “lax” morality. Carl also talks about not liking Muslim people. Senator Tom Cotton sending out “seize and desist” letters to stop trying to contact Tom Cotton.

Direct download: 180119__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:41pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 18th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk. President Trump's attorney Ty Cobb says the president is "very eager" to speak to special counsel Robert Mueller for his Russia investigation. In an interview with CBS News' chief White House correspondent Major Garrett on this week's "The Takeout" podcast, Cobb said Mr. Trump wants to put the matter to rest, and he told Garrett there are "active discussions" about a special counsel interview, but no formal request has yet been made. Donald Trump insisted Thursday that he has remained consistent in his plans for a border wall, a day after his chief of staff, John Kelly, told Fox News he has "changed his attitude" on it. Donald Trump said Thursday the Children’s Health Insurance Program should be part of a "long term solution," creating confusion around the efforts to prevent a government shutdown. “CHIP should be part of a long term solution, not a 30 Day, or short term, extension!” Trump tweeted. Trump visiting area of special election endorsing Rick Saccone. Trump scheduled to give speech at electricity plant. However, Trump tweets about saying the reason to go is to endorse Saccone and not for official reasons.

Hour 2:
“Prosperity Preacher” Pastor Kenneth Copeland got people to buy him a jet. Video of him thanking his donors for the jet.

Direct download: 180118__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 17th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
How different parts of US define fake news. The California Democrat said the tax cuts signed by President Donald Trump mostly benefited the wealthy while tossing “bread crumbs” to lower-income taxpayers. “For one thing, it’s a very, very big deal,” a Trump voter named Sue told Fox News about the $1,000 bonus she got from her employer, Walmart. “When you work for a company and they want to give you $1,000 just because our president gave them a tax break, to me it’s a big deal.” Fox News did not publish a story the network had on an alleged sexual relationship between President Trump and adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford during the 2016 presidential election, according to a new report. CNN reports that Fox News reporter Diana Falzone wrote a story a month before voters went to the polls in 2016 on the alleged relationship between Trump and Clifford, whose stage name is “Stormy Daniels."

Hour 2:
The Trump administration is poised to overhaul the HHS civil rights office as part of a broader plan to protect health workers who don't want to perform abortions, treat transgender patients seeking to transition or provide other services for which they have religious or moral objections. Under a proposed rule — which has been closely guarded at HHS and is now under review by the White House — the civil rights office would be empowered to further shield these workers and punish organizations that don’t allow them to express their religious and moral objections, according to sources on and off the Hill. That would be a significant shift for the office, which currently focuses on enforcing federal civil rights and health care privacy laws. North and South Korea have had diplomatic talks and will have a unified team in a sport for the first time.

Direct download: 180117__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:59pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 16th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk presents. People who will be talking to the House Intel Commission. Mueller subpoena’s Bannon. Trump’s doctor says he could live to 200. Joe Scarborough attacks Democrats that capitulate to Trump. Continued “shithole” drama. Lots of foggy recollections. Trump’s Homeland Security Chief isn’t sure if Norway is predominantly white. Jim Acosta asks Trump what kinds of immigrants he does want in the US. Democrats may reverse net neutrality. Gerrymandering in Pennsylvania.

Hour 2:
Cenk and Ana present. 30 year resident of USA deported. Congress fights Jeff Sessions to protect states that legalized marijuana. Four police shot while responding to domestic disturbance call. Aziz Ansari accusations, and a nuanced discussion. HLN host blasts Aziz accuser. California couple arrested for torturing 13 kids. Birth control app used to prevent pregnancy, but some people didn’t get that result. Fox News guest says revealing Trump’s racism undermines our trust in him.

Direct download: 180116__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 15th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk & Ana. Donald Trump has defended himself amid international outrage over offensive comments he is accused of making about some African, Central American and Caribbean countries, insisting: “I am not a racist.” The US president was condemned by the United Nations and the African Union (AU) after it was reported that he had referred to Haiti, El Salvador and nations in Africa as “shithole countries” during a White House meeting last week. As Trump headed to dinner at his golf club in Florida on Sunday, he was confronted by a reporter: “What do you say to people who say you’re a racist?”
The president said: “No, no, I’m not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed, that I can tell you.”

Hour 2:
Cenk & Ana. The Treasury Department has paid nearly $300,000 since 2003 to settle employment claims against House member offices that included allegations of sexual harassment or sex discrimination, according to a Washington Post tally of data provided by a House committee. Actress Eliza Dushku earlier today accused famed stunt coordinator Joel Kramer of sexually molesting her when she was 12 years old during filming of True Lies. Her claims, denied by Kramer, are being confirmed by Sue Booth-Forbes, who was Dushku’s legal guardian on the set of the film.

Direct download: 180115__EC_V2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 11th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Cenk presents. Feinstein backtracks her recent actions, blaming it on her cold. NYC divesting from fossil fuels and suing Shell and other companies over climate change. Pennsylvania losing coal jobs in spite of promises. Trump flip flops on his views of the NSA, and Bret Baier calls him on it. Fox and Friends plays a role. Governor Greitens faces affair and blackmail allegations. Trump blocks immigrants from “shithole” countries.

Hour 2:
Cenk and Ana present. Walmart gives bonuses and raises minimum wages, but closes down Sam’s Club. Florida University has a controversial class on racism, with a police guard standing outside. Bernie Sanders does a town hall on Medicare for all, and is interviewed by Ana Kasparian. An update on a teacher arrested for asking a question during a board meeting. Jeff Sessions doing away with Obama order to stop putting people in prison for citations.

Direct download: 180111__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 10th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Segment 1
Cenk & John. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) appears to have made a startling revelation about why she released the Fusion GPS transcripts on Tuesday — she was “pressured” to do so. The revelation came from CNN Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju, who tweeted: "FEINSTEIN says she’s sorry to Grassley for not giving him a heads up about the release of the Fusion GPS transcript. 'I meant to tell him, and I didn’t have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me,' she told us. 'I just got pressured, and I didn’t do it.' President Donald Trump on Wednesday urged Republicans in Congress to "take control" of the investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, prompting some head-scratching from a top GOP investigator on Capitol Hill. "The single greatest Witch Hunt in American history continues," Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. "There was no collusion, everybody including the Dems knows there was no collusion, & yet on and on it goes. Russia & the world is laughing at the stupidity they are witnessing. Republicans should finally take control!" Darrell Issa is retiring. Oprah beating Trump in new poll. D Bank off the hook because Trump owes the money.

Segment 2
The district court ruling blocking the Trump administration's wind-down of the DACA program. Republicans now have a reason to push the DACA talks off -- and to underscore this idea, I've already heard from several GOP aides saying the ruling should mean Democrats should decouple from the spending bill negotiations.

Direct download: 180110__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 9th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
President Trump promised Tuesday to sign what he called a "bill of love" to extend protections to 800,000 immigrants who entered the United States illegally as children — if Congress can work out the details. Joe Arpaio, the Republican former Maricopa County sheriff known for his hard-line immigration tactics, says he's running for Senate.

Segment 2
A boys basketball team was banned for playing on school property and dismissed from an Ohio youth league over racist and sexually charged language on their uniforms. A teacher asking tough questions of school board members in the Vermilion Parish School District in Louisiana was escorted out of the meeting by a security officer and handcuffed on the floor and arrested, videos of the event show. Donald Trump‘s spiritual advisor is asking her followers to send donations of up to one month’s salary money to her church as a “first fruits” offering for the new year — and warns of “consequences” from God if they don’t.

Direct download: 180109__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 8th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1:
Segment 1
Ana, John, & Michael Shure. White House policy adviser and Trump loyalist Stephen Miller tried to finish his combative conversation with CNN’s Jake Tapper after the cameras stopped rolling on Sunday but the anchor wanted no part of it, according to a CNN source. Miller, an architect of Trump’s immigration policy, was cut off by Tapper during an appearance on “State of the Union” during a heated interview. The CNN anchor eventually said, “I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time,” when the two men couldn’t come to an on-camera agreement regarding Michael Wolff’s controversial anti-Trump book.

Segment 2
Steve Bannon might be trying to get back into President Trump‘s good graces, but if the White House’s latest statement is any indication, that bridge might’ve burned down for good. As the president flew to Nashville to give a speech to the American Farm Bureau Federation, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley held a press conference with reporters on Air Force One. The Trump Administration is still reeling from the firestorm caused by Bannon’s remarks to Michael Wolff, and when Gidley was asked about this on Monday, he suggested that the administration is not going to accept Bannon’s recent halfway attempt to apologize. President Donald Trump slammed reports questioning his mental stability in a series of tweets Saturday morning, writing he's a "very stable genius" after the publication of an exposé about his first year as President put the White House into damage-control mode.

Direct download: 180108__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 5th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk, Ana, and Michael present on a smorgasbord of Wolff revelations. Trump taunts Bannon and denies he gave Michael Wolffe access. Wolff responds to Trump’s accusations and clarifies on specific points brought up during an interview on NBC’s Today, including Trump’s impulsive and lazy nature, and his staffer’s opinions of him. Sam Nunberg discusses trying to teach Trump the Constitution. Many staffers are rumored to leave now that the book has come out.

Hour 2: Cenk, Ana, and Aida Rodriguez host. Alex Jones has a meltdown over CNN host Brian Stetler, but goes even further than normal. Job creation results are in from 2017. Susan Collins flip flops on healthcare, and Sarah Sanders lies about Trump’s position on marijuana.

Direct download: 180105__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 4th, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk. More details in Michael Wolff's book: how stupid Trump is, how big of a child he is. Lawyers on behalf of President Donald Trump sent a letter Wednesday night to former White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon demanding he refrain from making disparaging comments against the president and his family. One of the craziest excerpts, and that’s saying a lot, in Michael Wolff’s upcoming White House tell-all is a dinner between Steve Bannon and deceased Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, in which Ailes tells Bannon that President Donald Trump “would jump through hoops” for both Rupert Murdoch and Vladimir Putin. This dinner also allegedly presented the two discussing Trump’s foreign policy acumen, or lack thereof, of the looming threat of China, as well as the creation of a brand new news network, which is alleged to have already counted Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly as two of its on-air personalities.

The problem here, to many, is who to trust. Ailes is dead and Bannon is disgraced.
The Hollywood Reporter’s co-president Janice Min stated on Twitter that Wolff’s transcript of the evening is totally on-point.

Hour 2: A new excerpt from Michael Wolff’s upcoming book "Fire and Fury" claims that President Trump made provocative comments about White House communications director Hope Hicks that sent her running out of the room. Hicks and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reportedly had an on-again, off-again relationship which appeared to be a source of controversy. Donald Trump on how far he would go to sleep with his friends’ wives. Virginia murderer was a neo-Nazi and tweeted about hating Jews and loving Hitler. Talks about pushing LGBT to commit suicide.

Direct download: 180104__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 3rd, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk & John. Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has described the Trump Tower meeting between the president’s son and a group of Russians during the 2016 election campaign as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”, according to an explosive new book seen by the Guardian. Bannon, speaking to author Michael Wolff, warned that the investigation into alleged collusion with the Kremlin will focus on money laundering and predicted: “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.” Trump tweets response to Steve Bannon. *Cenk predicts Jared Kushner flipping on Trump*

Hour 2: On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump’s time on the links when asked by Yahoo News reporter Hunter Walker what his biggest accomplishment there has been. “I think it would certainly be developing deeper and better relationships with members of Congress in which those relationships have helped push forward the president’s agenda ― specifically when it comes to helping get the tax reform and tax cuts passed,” Sanders said, adding, “He has played golf with a number of senators and used that time certainly to accomplish that.” Researchers from Dartmouth College, Princeton University, and the University of Exeter found that around one in four Americans visited a fake news website in the weeks before and after the 2016 election. The study notes that this consumption of fake news was “heavily concentrated among a small group”—almost six in ten visits to fake news websites came from just 10% of Americans, and that those visitors were deeply pro-Trump.

Direct download: 180103__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:08pm EST

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from January 2nd, 2018. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk. Sales of recreational marijuana are now legal under a 2016 voter initiative that created the nation’s biggest legal drug market. Even as lines begin to form at local dispensaries, LAPD officials are expected to hold a news conference Tuesday to discuss rules, regulations and enforcement of legal adult use and sale of cannabis.
It’s now also illegal to ingest pot and drive a vehicle under bill taking effect Jan. 1 that outlaws smoking and ingesting marijuana, just as it’s already unlawful for drivers or passengers to drink alcohol while driving. A separate law that took effect in June bars the possession of open containers of cannabis while driving. Fox & Friends: illegal immigrants will come to CA to smoke weed. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is publicly expressing concern for the same tax reform bill that he recently voted for. Rubio said the bill may help corporations too much and that the special counsel led by Robert Mueller should continue.

Hour 2: Cenk & Ana. The US has branded as "complete nonsense" Iran's accusation that its enemies have been behind a wave of violent protests sweeping the country. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had made the accusation in his first comments on the protests. US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley said the protests were "spontaneous", adding that the US planned to call an emergency UN meeting on the situation. The unrest began last Thursday and has seen 22 people killed. The demonstrations, which started in the city of Mashhad, were initially against price rises and corruption, but then began to express wider anti-government sentiment.

Direct download: 180102__EC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm EST