The Young Turks - FREE (Audio)

Hour 1: John Iadarola & Mark Sovel hosting. The Democratic Primaries will get interesting with VT (I) Senator Bernie Sanders expected to announce his candidacy, along with changing his party affiliation to Democrat, to challenge Hillary Clinton’s ties to Wall St. and foreign policy. The usage of the word “thug” is examined regarding the riots in Baltimore from President Obama, the Mayor of Baltimore and Erin Burnett. Arrest numbers are also looked at with comparisons between Baltimore and Furgeson. The disappearance of activist Joseph Kent from Ferguson is in question with footage from CNN showing what happen to him.

Hour 2: Ana Kasparian, Karamo Brown and Becca Frucht hosting. Some children have been rescued from Bookum Harum. Anheuser Busch is apologizing for an ad campaign that may encourage sexual assault. Mattel has decided to discontinue a Barbie doll that is dressed as a Seaworld trainer, which lead some to speculate Mattel’s decision resulted from the documentary Blackfish.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 29, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150429.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58pm EST

Hour 1: John, Ana & Jimmy Dore hosting. Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland has called for a state of emergency for the city of Baltimore, over rioting from the death of Freddie Gray, with the media focusing more attention on the looting, instead of the clean up. Fox News rolls out the demonization of the riots, but Dr. Phil goes against that, by appearing on Fox & Friends, in calling out the social and economic plight of Baltimore. Parents are taking control of the their kids in Baltimore, with a video of a mother grabbing and smacking her kid, for participating in the mayhem. Ben Carson gives a shallow observation of Baltimore wondering why is there rioting over one cop.

Hour 2: Ana, John & Jimmy Dore hosting. One protester lighten up the mood in the rioting in Baltimore, by dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”. Adam Sandler is facing harsh criticism from Native Americans actors who walked out of Sandler’s film “The Ridiculous 6” in regard to incentives towards Native Americans. Actor Alice Eve has criticized Bruce Jenner ‘s 20/20 interview by turning it into a feminist issue for economic reasons and that Bruce is playing a woman to receive the same benefits as a man.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 28, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150428.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:03pm EST

Hour 1: Johnny Pie and Jimmy Dore hosting. Deadly earthquake in Nepal over the weekend with a magnitude of 7.8 along with over 100 aftershocks as of today, making it difficult for relief workers to get to those who need help. Looking to cash in on the tragedy in Nepal, tweets from evangelical Christians are mentioning a life without Christ for causing the earthquake. Family and friends of Freddie Gray gathered over the weekend for his funeral, Freddie suffered a spinal injury from police brutality, some protesters caused property damage, along with the assault of a few journalists from the protesters.

Hour 2: Ana Kasparian & Karamo Brown hosting. Bruce Jenner has identified himself as transgender from an 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer last Friday along with negative tweets from Perez Hilton about Chris Jenner. Three Russian women were sentenced up to 15 days in jail, for their hooliganism, by dancing near a WW2 memorial.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 27, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150427.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:46pm EST

TYT LIVE from The Newseum, in Washington D.C., with Cenk Ugyur and Ben Mankiewicz!

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 24, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150424.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:08pm EST

Hour 1: Jayar (Action) Jackson, Michael Shure, and Jimmy Dore hosting. The new TYT app is launched. President Obama gives a formal apology of a drone strike in Pakistan killing 1 American (Warren Weinstein) and 1 Italian (Giovanni Leporto), who were held as hostages. Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal wrote an Op Ed piece, from the NY Times, regarding his views on anti gay legislation in Arkansas and Indiana. West Baton Rouge police officers are arguing against video evidence, of the tasing of Urban Edwards, who was arrested for wearing baggy pants.

Hour 2: Brett Erlich, Karamo Brown, and Jimmy Dore hosting. Update on the Popeye’s Chicken story on employee Melissa Holcomb who was given her job back, she was fired for giving a robber $400.00 from her register while having a gun pointed at her. Saudi Prince Ali Bin a Lali has offered Saudi fighter pilots Bentleys for bombing Yemen. A employee of the Fox talk show “The Real” removed two female audience members from the front row, because they were wearing hijabs. The Chinese government are cracking down on strippers performing at funerals.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 23, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150423.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:59pm EST

Hour 1: John Iadarola, Michael Shure, and Jimmy Dore hosting. For Earth Day, John discusses Nestle’s wasteful water system in the middle of California’s water crisis. The fracking process has been creating daily earthquakes in parts of the country that never had any. A graph illustrates the sharp increase in earthquakes in the state near the fracking sites.

Hour 2: Karamo Brown and Becca Frucht on for SCS stories. Kylie Jenner’s new lip look has triggered #KylieJennerChallenge where young girls & women increased their lips by sucking into a jar. After many do it, they find that it bruises their lips for an extended time. After a famous actor’s wife posted a picture of herself breastfeeding her baby while on the toilet, she has caught heat from unapproving followers. An escaped convict that has been on the run for 39 years has turned himself back in so that he could receive health care after he suffered a stroke. Karamo points out that some chronically homeless people pull small crimes so that they can get free prison healthcare.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 22, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150422.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:36pm EST

Hour 1: John Iadarola and Desi Doyen hosting. Bill O’Reilly lamented the plight rich Americans are in, in comparison to everyday Americans. Video of his concern during his Talking Points Memo segment. Charts illustrating the real income inequality in the country. After a ship carrying hundreds of migrants heading from North Africa to Europe capsized, the numbers of people killed in these crossings totals in the thousands. There are record numbers of deaths before peak season for these crossings even begun.

Hour 2: Cara Santa Maria has replaced Iadarola for SCS. A social experiment was taped of a man posing as a homeless man trying to give money to strangers walking by. Many got upset and threw the money back at him. Cara senses that it may be fake with actors providing the outrageous reactions. Update on the high rise NYC building that would allow less fortunate residents live there in 55 affordable living units. After 90K people applied for the 55 spaces, the controversy of the “Poor Door” controversy has been denied by the developing company.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 21, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150421.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:35pm EST

The Young Turks - 4.20.15: Good Cops, Estate Tax, Jon Stewart & Adderall

Hour 1: Cenk hosting. An Ohio cop avoided shooting and killing a suspect that was charging at him, telling him to shoot. Video of the confrontation that led to an arrest. Palmer, Missouri has elected its first female Black mayor, prompting several police officers and some city officials to resign. They quoted “safety concerns” as their reasoning. The Pope has announced a Green agenda that recognizes climate change and protecting the environment. Conservative writers and talkers lost their minds over this new point of view and agenda. A former female Air Force member broke up an anti-war protest that had participants walking on the American flag. Video of Michelle Manhart grabbing the flag and refusing to let go. Video of Manhart eventually being detained by police after resisting arrest. It turns out that Manhart has posed naked with the American flag, which is considered desecrating it. Pictures of her posing. Video of her PETA campaign where she wore the flag. The House has passed a bill to repeal the Estate Tax, to help only the .2% richest take in even more.

Hour 2: Becca Frucht joins Cenk for SCS. Jon Stewart spoke about leaving The Daily Show, pointing out that he’s tired of the depressing life of analyzing and responding to the annoying world of politics. Leaked emails showed that Ben Affleck asked PBS to not reveal that his ancestors were slave owners in a documentary they were creating. NYT article dives into the heavy use of Adderall in young professionals to focus at work. Cenk points out that he called this phenomenon out a few years ago.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 20, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150420.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39pm EST

Hour 1: John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore, and Desi Doyen hosting. The new Bundy Ranch is a gold mine in Oregon that is having problems with the BLM and land permits. The mine owner called upon the Oath Keepers to come help him in the fight, so after they feverishly responded by traveling there in droves with blood on their minds, he’s asking for them to stop. Videos of the Oath Keepers making the trip to Oregon, not believing that they’ve been called off. A couple of Vermont legislators are introducing a bill to reimplement prohibition of alcohol if marijuana isn’t legalized. They’re making the point that we have a much more harmful drug legalized, while marijuana is still illegal. Fox Business’ Charles Payne predicted that Obama will push for slavery reparations next year, with absolutely no reasoning. Videos of Payne’s assertions.

Hour 2: Cara Santa Maria replaces Iadarola for SCS. ESPN reporter was caught on security camera berating a tow yard attendant while she picked up her towed car. Jimmy points out how tow yard attendants are huge assholes and will never defend them or meter maids. The man that videotaped the killing of a SC man is delivering cease and desist orders to news corporations that are using his video unless they pay $10K. Fake street signs calling for no cat calling have been posted in NYC. Old pictures of Marco Rubio in high school show him doing a male beauty pageant, shirtless with other guys on stage.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 17, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150417.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm EST

Hour 1: Ana, Iadarola, and Abby Martin hosting. A 61 year old mailman landed a gyrocopter on the lawn of the capitol yesterday to deliver letters to every member of the House of Reps. He was arrested immediately. Video of Morning Joe thinking that we should’ve shot the man out of the sky immediately. NBC News’ Richard Engel is being criticized over his past story of being kidnapped by a Sunni militant group that posed as Assad rebels for positive PR.

Hour 2: John and Ana for SCS. Students that went to Corinthian colleges may get relief after being taken advantage of by the school. Corinthian is being forced to pay millions of dollars in retribution. An Atheist mother in Tennessee spoke out against her daughter’s public elementary school having a pastor come and speak to the kids. After the school relented, the mother has received death threats from other parents. A cartoon out of the Pakistan called The Burqa Avenger features a female teacher that doubles as a superhero.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 16, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150416.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:56pm EST

Hour 1: John Iadarola and Michael Shure hosting. Obama announces Cuba will be removed from terrorist list. John says the few that care, really care. Shure says Cuba is inconsequential toward the global fight against terrorism.

John reads a few tweets. Man lands a small helicopter on the lawn of the White House. Video of police running a man down in a vehicle. Dashcam video reveals it was intentional. Police chief says the collision was erring on the side of caution. Hillary attempts to relate to the average consumer in a speech. Michael says her biggest opponent is Hillary of ‘07. Fox News reacts to Hillary’s Chipotle visit.

Marco Rubio is pitching himself as the leader of “the future”. “Yesterday is over Rubio says. Leaders of yesterday want to take us back to yesterday”

Hour 2: Ana and Karamo hosting. Aaron Hernandez of the New England Patriots is found guilty on murder charges. students on spring break in Panama City Florida were witness to a gang rape of a girl on a public beach. The video taken of the assault helped police catch the 3 perpetrators.

A woman from Georgia let her 16 year old daughter throw a drunken party at her house. The mother is reported to have held a “naked twister” game and allegedly woke up with daughters 16 year old boyfriend having sex with her. Chris Hansen wants to re-vamp to catch a predator as an online show. A new instagram trend called baby roleplay has been discovered; posters steal pictures and videos from other parents and post them on their own sites as if they were their own children.

Kim and Kanye have stirred up controversy in Jerusalem. Picture taken of the couple had Kim blocked out by a restaurant receipt. Video of an underage college student winning a rock paper scissors game vs. a cop and gets out of underage drinking charge. Juxtapose to police playing basketball with a kid, getting beat and arresting the kid a day later.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 15, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54pm EST

The Young Turks - 4.14.15: ISIS Rap Video, Religion, Chris Christie, Atlanta Teachers & Dennis Quaid

Hour 1: Cenk hosting. ISIS has released a propaganda rap video with images of brutal killings in the West, specifically in NYC. This imagery reminded Cenk of a Conservative group’s video that depicted a nuclear explosion in NYC. Both sides have the same objective to scare their viewers. A study of the most and least religious countries in the world show that Thailand is the most religious, with Armenia at #2. China is the least religious, with Japan coming in 2nd to last. Cenk is hopeful that eventually religion will come to an end. Both Bill O’Reilly and Rep Hank Johnson spoke separately about how it is “Open Season” on particular men in America. Johnson asserted that Black men are the targets, while O’Reilly thinks the targets are White men. Videos of each. Chris Christie has a new proposal on Social Security and Medicaid. He wants to cut it for seniors making over $80K and eliminate it for those making $200K. Cenk exposes how he’s acting like he’s appealing to the regular American, when he’s actually working for the super rich and corporations.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The 11 convicted teachers in Atlanta over the test cheating scandal have been sentenced. The 2 that took a plea deal got a few years, but the others that didn’t take it received 20 year sentences with at 7 years of the sentence behind bars. Video of actor Dennis Quaid going off on the crew of a movie set. There are rumors that this may be another Jimmy Kimmel fake viral video. Ana will boycott Kimmel and Quaid if this turns out to be the case. Denver TSA agents have been fired after they took part in a scandal to grope attractive male travelers. A Russian court has banned over 100 porn sites while defining legal distribution from a law established in the early 1900s.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 14, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150414.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:44pm EST

The Young Turks - 4.13.15: Hillary's Announcement, Rubio, Police Shooting, Walter Scott & Darren Sharper

Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Another police shooting video. Another unarmed black man. “I’m losing my breath” cop replies “fuck your breath!” Cenk agrees that he shouldn’t have ran, but that does not justify police actions. Bates, the shooter, is not an active member of the task force but donates his hours as a reserve deputy. 37 Y.O. with mental issues tased to death by police. Woman had documented history of schizophrenia. Was tasered 4 times while in custody. 3 times is the maximum proposed threshold for tasering an individual.

Hour 2: Ana joins cenk. First story is follow-up on Michael Slager, killer of Walter Scott. Slager is heard laughing on a phone call and mentions “the adrenaline rush”. Senior officer says “ you won’t be asked questions for a few days”, Ana states this gives him ample time to fabricate facts. Darren Sharper has to undergo penile plethysmograph testing as a probationary condition.  Singer drake is grabbed and kissed by Madonna.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 13, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150413.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

John Iadarola & Hannah Cranston!

Direct download: Think_Tank_March_31_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Sports news!

Direct download: TYT_Sports_April_1_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Hour 1: Cenk, Ben, and Kaj Larsen of Vice on the Power Panel. Talk about Vice’s documentary about Boko Haram. Video trailer of the documentary. New dashcam video from the SC traffic stop that led to the murder of Walter Scott has been released. Video of the stop and subsequent shooting. Video of Geraldo pointing out why the officer decided to shoot Scott, and that the dashcam video will lower the charge from murder to manslaughter.

Hour 2: Ana replaces Kaj for SCS. Local TV helicopters filmed San Bernardino cops beating a suspect that led them on a chase and stole a horse. They punched him 37 times and kicked him 17 times. NYPD officers raided a store and one cop stole some money from the store during the invasion.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 10, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150410.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:41pm EST

Hour 1: Cenk hosting. After a transgendered teen committed suicide after being sent to a gay conversion camp, President Obama decided to push for state laws banning the practice of gay conversion therapy for minors. A new poll about Americans’ opinion about gay rights showed that a majority of people believe it is wrong to refuse service to gay citizens. Another large majority believe gay couples should be allowed to get married. The Maryland Senate took up the WolfPAC amendment to get money out of politics, and passed it 29-18! Video of one man speaking out in favor of the amendment in the Maryland hearing. Dana Milbank article about the litany of Conservative legislators that proposed and passed laws that limit welfare recipients even further. When people are being tried for a crime, they force them to pay for the public defender, which is traditionally free. If the suspect can’t pay, they put them in prison for lack of funds, creating a cycle of imprisonment.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Thousands of Turkish students signed a petition to build a Jedi temple on their university’s campus after more and more Islamic mosques were built on the campus. Buddhists petitioned to have a temple of their own built, which finally pushed these Jedi students to ask for a ridiculous temple as well. The Kardashians have arrived to Armedia to a tremendous welcome from the local citizens. Ana is surprised by the warm reception of Kim, considering their extreme conservative beliefs. Cenk talks about what fame will do to people. Researchers have tried determining the true age of happiness. One app called Happify figured that 53 years old is the worst point, with ages 18 and 85 being the highest points of happiness. Cenk gives his explanation. A survey determined that people who enjoy grilled cheese are more likely to have sex more often. Ana talks about how cheese lovers are adventurous. A teacher was busted for grooming and having sex with a 17 year old boy at the school she taught at. The judge sentenced her to only 30 days in jail because she dangled “candy” in front of the boy and he “jumped on that candy.” Cenk and Ana disagree over the standards on teachers that have sex with their students.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 9, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150409.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:16pm EST

The Young Turks - 4.8.15: Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Kate Upton & Tech

Hour 1: Cenk and John Iadarola. Sen.Tom Cotton is pushing for war against Iran, but Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Gen Anthony Zinni are critics against that push, commenting on the social and economics ramifications. Sen. Rand Paul appeared on the Today Show with Samantha Guffery, a testy exchange resulted with Samantha asking Rand on some of his changes in foreign policy from eight years ago. Since announcing his candidacy for President, Ted Cruz has accrued campaign cash that will reach up to 31 million dollars by Friday, with the aid of Super Pac “Keep The Promise”.

Hour 2: Cenk and Ana. Kate Upton is upset from a video that was released years ago by Terry Richardson of her doing the “Catdaddy”. Researchers from Stanford University have developed a prototype, to make cell phone battery charge in one minute.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 8, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150408.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

Hour 1: Cenk and John Iadarola. Rand Paul has announced his bid for President in 2016 as a different kind of Republican candidate. John outlines the radically insane cuts included in his proposed budgetary agenda. His cuts to foreign assistance to countries like Israel indicate his label as a Libertarian. The problem with those cuts is that he backpedaled on previous tough statements on Israeli aid. Tax credits for poor and lower class citizens would be eliminated as well. Rand Paul’s campaign website sells several humorous products for your everyday libertarian.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Announcement that Ana is up for a Webby award. John Travolta has responded to the documentary Going Clear, about the Church of Scientology. The UVA frat that was accused of rape and covered heavily by Rolling Stone is now suing the magazine. Mindy Cowling’s brother wrote an article claiming he got into medical school by posing as a Black man, in order to show how wrong Affirmative Action is. The number of holes in his story is appalling.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 7, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150407.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:29pm EST

The Young Turks - 4.6.15: Jeb Bush, Fox News, Rolling Stone, Rich Bigots & Police Brutality

Hour 1: John Iadarola & Jimmy Dore hosting. Jeb Bush may have a small demographic advantage from the Hispanic community with the circling of “Hispanic”, that was checked on his election application. A recent poll from Mediate is showing that people are trusting Fox News more than President Obama in regards to climate change along with a distrust with scientists. A new study from the Pentagon is showing some concerns with women in combat, Fox News chimes in with those concerns, along with Amber Smith defending women in combat, saying that women don’t want special treatment and that the mission comes first, not gender standards.

Hour 2: John Iadarola & Ana Kasparian hosting. Updates on the Rolling Stone piece on UVA Columbia University releasing a report on the UVA story and calling out RS for doing a poor job on journalism. Memories Pizza has been the recipient of a kickstarter campaign, for maintaining refusal of service that goes against their religious beliefs.A woman who was brutally beating by a California Highway patrolman on the 405/Santa Monica Freeway has been awarded up to 2 million dollars in a civil rights case with the officer being fire, but legal fees are in question.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 6, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150406.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54pm EST

Hour 1: John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz, and Steve Oh hosting. Indiana governor Mike Pence accepted the fixes to the Freedom of Religion law to quell the outrage over their legislation to allow discrimination against gays. Indianapolis went into disaster mode by trying to welcome gay and lesbian supporters and their businesses for tourism. The huge gamer convention GenCon goes there annually, generating $50 million for the city. Twitter activity from Iranian residents show gleeful selfies in front of the TV as Obama spoke about the the framework of a deal with Iran over their nuclear program. Happiness from Iranian residents will surely annoy Conservatives in America. U.S. Sugar in Florida wanted to show grassroots support for their desire to avoid the state from buying land for environmental purposes, so they sent out an ad for actors to play protesters on their behalf. The Tea Party and U.S. Sugar teamed up to get these “supporters” on board for $75.

Hour 2: Ana replaces Iadarola on the panel for SCS stories. Georgia is considering its own version of discriminatory legislation towards gay citizens. Videos of a flower shop owner that vows to discriminate, even if the law tells them not to. The florist even said she would serve and adulterer because its not the same kind of sin as being gay. Steve explains the logic of Jesus dying on the cross to excuse everyone’s sin. Missouri State Rep is proposing legislation that would not allow food stamp recipients to buy steak or seafood with the governmental assistance. Ben rants about how this Rep decided to go after the least powerful people in society by trying to control them to make their lives even worse.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 3, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150403.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:45pm EST

Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. A proposed deal has been reached between world leaders and Iran to neutralize their enrichment of uranium for a nuclear weapon. Videos of Obama announcing how this deal works to rid Iran of their march to create a nuclear weapon. Cenk sifts through the details of the deal. Videos of KT McFarland baselessly declaring that the deal is simply a pinky promise with Iran. After Indiana caught hell for passing discriminatory laws against gays in the form of religious freedom, a proposed fix to the law has been introduced to specifically create a caveat that excluded gays from the discrimination. Cenk points out that they’ve ironically given gays special protections from the discrimination the law created. The new law would allow people to discriminate against anyone else except gays. Tom Cotton brings both topics together when he defended the discrimination proposal in his state by comparing it to how badly Iranians treat their gay citizens.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Video of Pat Robertson giving his 2 cents on the anti-gay laws in Indiana. Memories Pizza has been flooded with comments and negative reviews since they came forward claiming they’d discriminate against gay couples. The website was bought and filled with gay images and jokes about their pizza. Cenk thinks its time to calm down the attacks on these pizza guys. The Atlanta teachers that were busted for cheating on their students’ tests have been convicted of racketeering, which could send them to prison for 20 years.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 2, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150402.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. Miami Vice intro for Cenk’s blue suit jacket. Sen Bob Menendez has been indicted for fraud. More reactions to Indiana’s gay discriminatory law. Videos of Hannity and Dinesh D’Souza lamenting the intolerance of gay rights activists for their right to discriminate. They went so far to say that if these activists spoke out against Sharia Law, our foreign policy would be stronger. Tucker Carlson jumping in on the issue on Fox News, claiming that gay activists against this law are Jihadis, looking to force them to obey. The state of Kentucky is arguing against the establishment of gay marriage in front of the Supreme Court with the idea that there is no discrimination towards gay people, as both gay and straight people are not allowed to marry someone of the same sex. Everyone is banned from doing it. After the Arkansas legislature passed nearly the same bill that Indiana just signed into law, the Republican governor has decided not to sign it after witnessing the fallout over Indiana. Asa Hutchinson sent it back to have amendments added to avoid the problems Mike Pence is dealing with. He mentioned that he spoke to business leaders about the issue, which affected his decision.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A social networking site is looking for a prostitution tester that would have sex with prostitutes and analyze the facilities. The View is looking for another replacement, and Barbara Walters is considering Monica Lewinsky for the spot.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from April 1, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150401.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:43pm EST

Hour 1: After some critics bashed Bill O’Reilly’s movie, Killing Jesus, he went off on them based on his assertion that the critics are all Liberal haters with an anti-Conservative agenda. Videos of O’Reilly going through his mental gymnastics to indict the critics. After Detroit resident Floyd Dent was beaten mercilessly by Inkster police, another video has come out that shows one officer pulling a baggy full of the drugs he claimed were found in the car. Rand Paul interview from 2013 is circulating now as it has been highlighted that he claimed he doesn’t believe in gay rights since its based on behavior. Video of his words from 2013. Former NH Gov John Sununu told Fox News that Obama’s upcoming trip to Kenya is a ploy to get Birthers to start talking about it again, just to make the Republicans look bad. Video.

Hour 2: Ana replaces John for SCS with Cenk. Naturebox mention. Two men that are serving life sentences in a British prison are allowed to get married after they were both sent to prison for killing gay people. A Louisiana man that was wrongfully convicted of murder has been exonerated after 30 years in prison and on death row. The state has decided to not pay him any restitution for the wrongful incarceration. The judge claimed that even though he didn’t commit the murder, he was guilty of knowing about the robbery that ended up leading to the death, and trying to pawn the murder weapon. The new host of the Daily Show is already under fire for some tweets where he made fun of Jews and women. Cenk and Ana defend his benign jokes that the sensitive Twitter followers were offended by.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from March 31, 2015. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE_20150331.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:45pm EST