Mon, 29 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 29, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma despises the recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, saying that his friends in the gay community were disappointed with the decision. Bobby Jindal recently announced his candidacy for president making him number 16 in the field and has revealed his logo for his campaign ”Tanned, Rested, Ready to Go”. CNN reports on spotting an ISIS flag at a gay pride parade in London, Cenk reveals the true design of the flag, along with Lucy Pawle from CNN being totally unaware of the flag design. In Istanbul Turkey a gay pride was disrupted in Taksim Square by police with water cannons, the motives for the disruption is unclear, but a beautiful rainbow was created by the water cannons.
Hour 2: Bristol Palin has revealed that getting pregnant for the second time is planned and says that “it’s not a mistake according to the giddy assholes”. A shocking video has surfaced of a Philadelphia cop assaulting and arresting a man, for not paying the train fare, with his young daughter watching the incident. Rihanna duct tapes Floyd Mayweather’s mouth shut at a BET awards ceremony, in an attempt of making a joke that goes wrong. Southern Poverty Law Center reports that six black churches last week, have been the victim of arson, in the reaction from the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church shooting.
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-- posted at: 8:49pm EST
Mon, 29 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 26, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk, Ana, and John hosting. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of marriage equality nationwide. Video of President Obama’s words after the ruling came down. Although Obama was insincere about his stance on gay rights in the past, Cenk welcomes his part in changing the opinion of the country on the issue. Justices Scalia and Roberts both wrote very scathing dissenting opinions on the gay marriage ruling.
Hour 2: Hannah Cranston replaces John for SCS. AJ Plus video about a Chinese man that fought gay conversion therapy and won. Bristol Palin has announced that she is pregnant with her 2nd child as she and her fiance broke up. She pointed out that this is a huge disappointment to her family, and asked for privacy. Cenk takes the “low road” and talks about how America treats the Palin’s with kids’ gloves but treats everyone else like a piece of garbage. Facebook has released their diversity numbers in employing more than just White males, and it doesn’t look very diverse.
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-- posted at: 7:00am EST
Sun, 28 June 2015
In this episode of Old School, Cenk Uygur and Ben Mankiewicz talk about the “Father’s Day trap”. After they come to a consensus about what fathers really want. Cenk drops a new rule about the difference between “as soon as possible” and ASAP. Both guys agree that car truck doors have gotten too heavy and there have been more than a few unnecessary improvements to cars. Neither of them plans on riding a motorcycle without a helmet anytime soon. Cenk pines about the pomposity of debunkers. The guys also discuss if you can mess up your reputation by living too long.
Sat, 27 June 2015
Cenk, Ben, and Michael Shure. Cenk decides that Old School is his “therapy session” and wants to know if the crazy stuff he thinks of, is also in the minds of others. Ben and Michael reveal that they are both going to the same therapist for couples counseling. All the guys then talk about life coaches, therapists, what they prefer to get out of each one, and which real life public figures they would like to have as life coaches. They then talk about showboating in sports and how it was only objected when black people did it. After, they dive into sports coaches and managers. Cenk wonders if everyone is like him and obsessed with winning. He thinks about it at work (ex- YouTube views) and life in general. Ben and Michael talk about their perspectives on winning. Ben asks Cenk who he thinks can run TYT if Cenk can’t do it anymore. The guys talk about their love for food and how long they savor a certain food. Ben talks about Uber’s food delivery service. The guys agree that natural Peanut Butter is the worst thing ever. Ben talks about his horrible diet. The guys talk about great foods around the country. Eventually, they all agreed that they don’t like French Fries! Cenk talks about his “flannel” shirt and how he hates rolling up sleeves. Cenk says he is a hoarder and then the guys talk about memories and nostalgia. Ben talks about an authoritative portrait of his great grandfather, Franz Mankiewicz. Cenk talks about an award he won and the portrait that came along with it. Cenk brings up a poll they made a few weeks ago. He then talks about watching a show when he saw the billboard for it. The guys then talk about some stories about Kylie and Kendall Jenner. They then talk about when popular figures make speeches. Cenk thinks that people are too Politically Correct nowadays. Then he talks about people accusing him of being heteronormative.
Thu, 25 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 25, 2015. For more go to
Cenk hosting. Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare. Video of Obama pointing out that healthcare is here to stay. Conservative response was harsh and immediately attacking to ObamaCare and the SCOTUS.
Former chair of the TX Republican Party told David Schuster that men aren’t made for penetration when asked if she’d abide by SCOTUS to allow gay marriage. Video of her dodging, and eventually disregarding the potential ruling because of God. Insanely offensive blogger Charles C. Johnson is suing Gawker for defamation when a commenter claimed that Johnson was known for pooping in the dorms at their college and the online publication asked the question in response. Conservatives are piping mad that the Roof murders have sparked a debate about racism in America. Video of Rush Limbaugh claiming that the focus on racism in the South is an all out assault on the Republican Party. Bill O’Reilly screamed about how Libs are telling the world that America has a White Supremacy problem, but it’s actually Black people. Video of O’Reilly ready to fight a war over people calling out Fox News. Video of Sean Hannity calling for the ban of the sale of rap music and Beyonce music since they’re worried about offending people with hate speech. Ted Cruz also dodged the question about the Confederate flag, claiming people outside of the states shouldn’t parachute in and tell them what to do. Cenk talks about how this sounds like the racist argument of Northern Agitators that need to mind their own business. Video of another Black Conservative on Fox claiming that Libs created Dylann Roof and that they just want to eliminate history they disagree with.
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-- posted at: 8:53pm EST
Wed, 24 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 24, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk and John hosting. Bill O’Reilly fought with Kirsten Powers over a debate about whether or not racism is an epidemic in the country. Videos of the two fighting over the state of racism. O’Reilly told Powers to stop snorting over the other guest before she asked if he has any Black friends. Bill Kristol also got argued down over his tweets claiming that the Left isn’t going to stop until all Confederate history is eliminated. Video of John Heilemann pointing out Kristol’s strawman argument.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Clothing retailer Zara has been identified as a company that systematically takes part in discrimination and racism towards employees and customers of color. The results are particular to the NYC stores. A group of teenagers have developed a condom that detects STIs before having intercourse. A small town in Brazil feverishly celebrates the Confederacy and the Confederate flag. Many modern day citizens are descendants of fleeing Confederates after they lost the Civil War, and after many years of expanding, some residents are Black and mixed but still celebrate the flag. They have no political affiliation to the roots of the flag in America.
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-- posted at: 8:44pm EST
Tue, 23 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 23, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Once authorities finally caught up with and arrested Dylann Roof, it has been confirmed that while being transported back to Charleston, they stopped at Burger King and grabbed him some food. The discussions over the Confederate flag continue as Mississippi and Virginia are also considering pulling the flag from their government buildings and license plates. Video of Haley Barbour telling Morning Joe that he isn’t offended at all by the Confederate flag, but some people are, as he constantly dodged the question of whether or not it should be taken down. Since so many people are claiming that the Confederate flag is about Southern tradition, Cenk breaks down the real origin of the flag, which was introduced and flown as a sign against Civil Rights. Video of Bill O’Reilly claiming that the Confederate flag is a symbol of bravery to many regarding the Civil War. Reading of seceding states’ manifestos over wanting to keep the institution of slavery.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Don Lemon intro that featured displaying the Confederate flag and a poster of the word Nigger. Video of CNN’s legal analyst disputing Lemon’s use of the word. The internet turned Lemon’s intro into hilarious memes. Piers Morgan is arguing that people using the N-word should be jailed since it leads to widespread racist attitudes. This opinion is based in many European countries’ policy that hate speech is punishable with jail time. A BuzzFeed writer posted about her period on Twitter and the idea of sharing details about one’s menstrual cycle took off. This came up after a user posted a picture of a woman lying in bed with blood showing through her pants, and was swiftly banned. Ana isn’t really in favor of this campaign.
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-- posted at: 8:46pm EST
Mon, 22 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 22, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting today in the new studio with the new set! During Dylann Roof’s bond hearing, the judge seeing the case said now is the time for forgiveness from the victims. Video of his words to Fox News. Cenk compares this response to what we say after Middle Eastern terrorists strike. He also pointed out that we should recognize the other victims, Roof’s family. It also came out that in the past, this judge told a Black defendant that there are 4 kinds of people, one being “niggers.” Conservative reaction to the murders in South Carolina blamed Obama and tried to make the point that we need more guns, and for pastors to be armed. Video of Mike Huckabee saying Obama is going after our guns, right before politicizing it himself. An NRA board member blamed the murdered pastor for the killings, claiming that he voted against widening gun rights, but he made that up. Ted Cruz continued with his gun jokes just 2 days after this killing spree in SC. Debate about the Confederate flag flying in South Carolina is heating up after the shooting. Video of Graham claiming that having it up “works” for SC. Video of GOP candidates avoiding the issue surrounding the Confederate flag. WH Spox told reporters that Obama thinks the flag belongs in a museum. This half assed response annoyed Cenk. A Republican SC state legislator said he will introduce legislation to take down the flag. Video of Nikki Haley announcing they will take the Confederate flag down from the statehouse. Several other Republicans have begun the back peddle in their support for the Confederate flag.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Erick Erickson blamed Caitlyn Jenner for the murders in South Carolina last week.
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-- posted at: 9:24pm EST
Thu, 18 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 18, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Yesterday’s mass shooting at a historic Black church in Charleston, SC has dominated the news today. A 21-year-old White man killed 9 congregants at a Bible study. Conservatives have claimed this is a sign of attacks on religious freedom when it’s obvious that it was an attack on Black Americans based on racism. Video of Rev. EW Jackson telling Fox & Friends that it’s about Christianity and not about race. Steve Doocy called it extraordinary that it’s being deemed a hate crime. Video of Lindsey Graham pointing out that this shooting isn’t indicative of the character of South Carolina, but it’s not about race, he’s just whacked out. Video of Rick Santorum claiming it’s about attacks on religious freedom. Cenk details the many reasons it’s obvious that the shooter was motivated by race. Former classmates talked about how he’d tell racist jokes, calling him simply proud of his Southern heritage. A White Supremacist group posted to one of the murdered Reverends that his group can run for his seat since he’s dead now. While GOPers try to deny the link between SC and racism, there are at least 19 hate groups that reside in the state. Quotes from other racists that mirror the things that are often openly spouted by Conservatives. Apologists have also ignored the strong history of Black churches being bombed in American history. Cenk details why this attack was also an act of terrorism, despite media’s fear to describe it that way. The government’s plan to monitor Right Wing terrorism was vehemently opposed by Conservatives and Conservative talkers, forcing it to be shut down even though it’s the most common form of terrorism in America. The shooter’s uncle talked about how his father gave him a .45 caliber pistol for his birthday after they acknowledged he has some societal issues. Cenk proves the case that this attack is also due to our horrific gun culture and easy access to the weapons. Video of Obama pointing out the obvious fact that the gun culture is partially responsible. Video of EW Jackson making the case for pastors to begin arming themselves to protect “their flock.”
Hour 2: John and Hannah join Cenk for SCS. The treasury has announced it will feature a woman on the $10 bill, replacing Alexander Hamilton. The panel gives their choices of which woman should get the nod. Harriet Tubman has won other polls. Cenk proposes Sandra Day O’Connor and Barbara Bush (George Washington). John proposes Harriet Tubman and Amelia Earhardt. Hannah proposes Eleanor Roosevelt and Beyonce. John rants about some talkers that have said some deplorable things regarding the upcoming change. AJ Plus video about female prisoners in solitary confinement and the unsanitary nature, especially during a woman’s time of the month. Hannah outlines the other mental issues solitary does to the human brain. Famous transgender woman Laverne Cox spoke about the shame men that date trans women feel. They even hide the fact they date a trans woman to everyone they know.
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-- posted at: 9:05pm EST
Wed, 17 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 17, 2015. For more go to
Cenk hosting. Now that the Pope’s encyclical on Climate Change has been leaked, Conservatives have turned on him just as Cenk predicted yesterday. Video of Cenk’s prediction. Video mashup of Conservatives going after the Pope. Donald Trump is pushing the lie that the only people crossing our southern border are rapists and drug dealers. He also made false assertions about the economy and job growth. A PPP poll showed that Mitt Romney voters largely see the Duggar family in a more positive light than President Obama, even after the sexual assault scandal that Josh took part in, and they covered up.
The TPP agreement details are being kept secret from the public while the government negotiates with multinational corporations that have tons of money to gain from it. A good cop in Baltimore, named Joe Crystal, was at the scene of a gruesome beating a few of his partners illegally carried out on a drug suspect. When Crystal felt conflicted about witnessing the crime, superiors told him to keep quiet. When the official report came out with egregiously false information accusing the suspect of starting the fight that led to his beating, Crystal pointed out the lies only to have his career abruptly ended. The approach from the top was straight out of a gang movie.
A couple that was accused of having sex too loud and fighting too loud attacked a neighbor after he complained. After they were arrested, it became known that they have been arrested 45 and 31 times since 2001 for various charges. Cenk is amazed that they continue to be released from jail, and wonders how many years a Black citizen would get for doing a small fraction of these violent crimes. A British paper, The Sunday Times published an article that claimed British spies’ names were given to Russian and Chinese spies by Snowden. It turns out The Times published this simply because it is exactly what the government told them to print.
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-- posted at: 8:48pm EST
Tue, 16 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 16, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk and John. Electile Dysfunction segment. After Marco Rubio participated in a Koch Brothers’ sponsored event for presidential candidates claiming that the rich donors don’t want anything from the bought candidates, many lobbyists have been seen around him. Videos of Rubio playing dumb, and Ted Cruz voicing his disgust for people calling out the Kochs. During Jeb Bush’s campaign launch speech, he blatantly mischaracterized Hillary Clinton’s previous words about helping kids in foreign countries whose rights are limited based on radical Islamic beliefs. Video of Jeb forming her words to paint her as biased against Christianity in America. Although TYT has a ban on Donald Trump, his announcement to run for President forces us to cover it. Video highlights of his comical announcement.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. They rave about NatureBox. After a gun toting mall security guard murdered a 20 year old woman that resisted his advances, the response from the MRA groups is very supportive of the killer. Latest on Rachel Dolezar now that she’s making the media rounds. Kareem Abdul Jabbar has come out in support of her efforts, claiming that the Black community is better off with her work. Funny memes of Rachel are now circulating. A principal gave a graduation speech in support of the school cheerleaders that caught hell for dressing up as “Mexican gangsters.” He admired them for their strength and courage.
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-- posted at: 8:41pm EST
Mon, 15 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 15, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting. The Koch Bros and Sheldon Adelson are teaming up for campaign season to collectively rig the election in their favor. Cenk outlines the Koch Brothers’ favorite candidates as well as Adelson’s. A heavily armed gunman with an armored vehicle started a shootout with Dallas Police at the police station on Saturday. He was a Conservative that felt the PD was too Liberal, and blamed them for his losing custody of his son. CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield called the shooter courageous and brave while talking about his plan to take on the entire police force. Video of her comments and eventual apology after she caught hell. Cenk is annoyed by the level of Political Correctness coming from Conservatives over this. Gun advocacy groups are up in arms over proposed legislation to force potential gun buyers to have a license and be at least 21 years old. Meanwhile, an Iowa mall cop whose online presence was full of open carry gun toting memes and 2nd Amendment talk, has been arrested for shooting and killing a 20 year old woman that worked at the mall. After she reported him for sexual harassment, he was fired, and he returned to get revenge on her.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Despite the drought California is experiencing, some rich residents are complaining about water limits that they feel should exempt them. Ana quotes a Conservative talk show host that gave the WashPost an unbelievably elitist quote. Seth MacFarlane responded to criticism over Family Guy’s past jokes about Caitlyn Jenner’s transgender identity. Keith Ablow gave his 2 cents on “transracial” Rachel Dolezar by connecting it to Caitlyn Jenner and his desire to claim he’s a senior citizen eligible for Medicare. A man facing a paternity test for a newborn baby sent a lookalike to take the test so he could be off the hook for child support, but was busted. Ana gives her theory on dating a good looking guy and how many women throw themselves at him.
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Category: general
-- posted at: 8:40pm EST
Sun, 14 June 2015
HBO's Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 S05E09 ("The Dance Of Dragons") is reviewed.
Find out what Ben Mankiewicz, Cenk Uygur, and John Iadarola of Think Tank think in this discussion and review of HBO's Game of Throne's season 5 episode 9, "The Dance Of Dragons"!
What was your favorite scene in this episode? What do you hope to see happen in season 5? Who do you think will be the next to die? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Fri, 12 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 12, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cara, Cenk, and Ben hosting. Nancy Pelosi disagrees with Obama on big labor policies. Cenk says the big picture is money. Republicans and democrats work together all with ulterior motives. Cenk thinks Obama is ignorant of his own wrongdoings, preaching change on the outside, and continuity on the inside. Seinfeld says colleges are too PC, his daughter and friends overuse “that’s racist” “that’s sexist. Ben appreciates the honesty. Cara stresses context on the situation. Whoopi Goldberg says comics are offensive by nature, but is aware of sensitivities. Cenk agrees that comics are comics, “give ‘em a break!!”. Cenk reads poll from TYT app.
Hour 2: Hannah joins Cara, Ben and Cenk for SCS. First man to have successful penile transplant conceives baby. Alamo man has sex with horse, gets his leg broken. Columbia University graduate Emma Sulkowicz publishes film which she warns “may resemble rape.”
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Category: general
-- posted at: 9:13pm EST
Thu, 11 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 11, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: John Iadarola and Jimmy Dore hosting. A Secret Service agent has been placed on administrative leave for sending lewd text messages to an unnamed DC Staffer after working an event that Michelle Obama was attending. The texts were sent 9 hours after the completion of the event, while he was off the clock. John doesn’t understand the reason for the uproar. Jimmy is torn, and understands why a boss may fire an employee that is doing this. For over a decade, UN Peacekeepers have been bartering relief aid for sex in countries they are sent to for help. Haiti victims were specifically detailed in these findings. Idaho legislators are proposing the Bible to be used for a litany of school subjects as a guide to learn them. Some outrageous ones include science, geology, law, and math.
Hour 2: Becca Frucht joins John and Jimmy for SCS. A Nobel Prize winning scientist and professor caught hell for sexist comments about his frustrations in working with “girls.” He has since lost his job. Discussion on where his intentions were in his statements. Michigan’s GOP governor has allowed adoption agencies to deny same sex couples rights to adoption based on their religious beliefs. An elderly couple has been busted for being Kingpins of a huge pill dealing organization.
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-- posted at: 7:59pm EST
Wed, 10 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 10, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk and Iadarola hosting. John delivers positive updates to several previous depressing stories TYT has covered. Saudi Arabia has lifted the ban on women to only leave the house with a male chaperone. Iran has lifted a ban on its women from attending sporting events. Kansas has removed the $25/day maximum ATM withdrawal amount for welfare recipients. The Mississippi family that was arrested and charged for cheering on their daughter at graduation have been set free without a ticket. Fox Business’ Stuart Varney got into a debate with an anti-fracking documentary creator on his show. Videos of their discussion, which led to Varney kicking his guest off the show. A Saudi blogger that was convicted of insulting the government and Islam through electronic channels is having his sentence of 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison taken out. Video of his 1st 50 public lashes being delivered.
Hour 2: Becca Frucht joins Cenk for SCS. An Indian Prime Minister tried to compliment a female member of government on her stance against terrorism, but prefaced it with, “despite being a woman.” His inadvertent mysoginism sent Twitter into a mocking frenzy. An Australian straight couple have decided to divorce as a protest to acceptance of same sex marriage. They point out that it disrespects traditional marriage. A kid from Kazakhstan pursues a romantic gesture, by dressing up as his girlfriend, so he could take her college exams.
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-- posted at: 9:02pm EST
Tue, 9 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 9, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting. George W. Bush charged up to $250,000 to speak at a homeless shelter. King vs. Burwell is the latest Supreme Court battle from conservatives to eliminate the subsidies that Obama care provides for people who have medical insurance. Republicans are figuring out how to blame Democrats in eliminating the subsidies, like a tweet from Sen. John Thure. Cenk goes “Cenko Unchained” over the Republicans plan and how the mainstream media is not pointing that out.
Hour 2: Becca and Jimmy join Cenk for SCS. Jimmy talks about seeing a bizarre Gallagher show a couple of days ago. The man that called the police to the pool party in McKinney TX is being mercilessly mocked on Twitter for his fearful call. Two NYPD officers pulled over and cuffed a man. His cell phone caught them admitting to each other that they don’t have a reason to arrest him, and that they would just make something up. Video of the crime.
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-- posted at: 9:26pm EST
Mon, 8 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 8, 2015. For more go to
Cenk hosting. Story of McKinney Texas police officers harassing, and attacking Black teenagers at a pool party. Videos of one particular officer that threw many of the kids on the sidewalk, pinned one girl on the ground for talking back, and pulling his gun on the outraged kids. Cenk talks about the background of the officer that had many police brutality videos saved on his YouTube page. Some of the racist homeowners spoke out in support of the cops’ overreactions.
The SC cop that killed Walter Scott has been indicted for murder. Huge elections in Turkey resulted in President Erdogan’s party losing the Parliamentary majority in significant fashion. The Rand Corporation has done a study on the economic effects of peace vs more violence in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine. If peace occurs, Israel would gain $120 billion, while Palestine would gain $50 billion. If conflict continues, Israel would lose $250 billion, and Palestine’s economy would drop by over 40%. Rick Perry went on FTN and complained about Wall St banks being allowed to run roughshod with no regulation, right before complaining about too much regulation on banks…small ones. Rick Santorum went on Fox News and got his ass handed to him on his flat tax proposal, telling the Pope to leave climate science up to scientists, and his complaining about not being invited to Fox’s GOP debate. Videos of the grilling.
Electile Disfunction Segment. Ted Cruz has invited one lucky campaign supporter on a shooting excursion with him as part of a sweepstakes. One curious caveat is that the winner will have to take part in a background check even though Cruz voted against expansion of background checks. His campaign gave a bunch of senseless reasons for this hypocrisy. Lindsey Graham told CNN that Caitlyn Jenner is welcome in his Republican Party even though he’s against many rights Jenner wishes to enjoy. After Hillary Clinton seemingly endorsed a $15 minimum wage, she backed out of the assertion when it made news. After Bill O’Reilly learned that a large majority of millennials get their news from Facebook and the internet in general, he spoke to Bernie Goldberg about his outrage and disdain for young people’s cluelessness.
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-- posted at: 8:56pm EST
Sun, 7 June 2015
Cenk and Ben sit down and discuss if Dick Cheney roots for Petyr Baelish in Game of Thrones, and how Sepp Blatter and Roger Goodell compare. Ben theorizes that sometimes backroom deals are necessary to get things done in government. Cenk counters with the evils of Chris Christie's backroom dealings. The FIFA arrests are explored and why the FIFA executives should be scared. How does familiarity of newsmakers effect objective journalism? Cenk has no interest in Gwyneth Paltrow's social club. Who was more influential, Kramer or George Costanza? Cenk explains how Julia Louis-Dreyfus earned her fortune and Jamie Dimon did not. The guys argue: Is it blow-dryed, or blown-dry? How important is "happy wife, happy life." Finally, Cenk taught his son the importance of making power rankings.
Sat, 6 June 2015
HBO's Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 S05E08 ("Hardhome") is reviewed.
Find out what Ben Mankiewicz, Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola of Think Tank think in this discussion and review of HBO's Game of Throne's season 5 episode 7, "The Gift"!
What was your favorite scene in this episode? What do you hope to see happen in season 5? Who do you think will be the next to die? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Join in the discussion below in the comments, and don't miss a single What The Flick review by subscribing!
Fri, 5 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 5, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Power Panel with Cenk, Jimmy, Ben and Jimmy Dore. Marco Rubio told Fox’s Outnumbered that he is not in favor of nation building, but is in favor of building nations. Video of his confusing points. Glenn Beck continues to lose his mind. Video of Beck talking about the Black Robe Regiment of ministers that are willing to walk into sure death to serve God over man. A new EPA report claims that fracking doesn’t pose a massive risk to our drinking water. The operative word is “massive” as it admitted that it does contaminate water, but it hasn’t affected widespread amounts of water in the nation. Cenk is torn, and doesn’t know if he should trust the EPA, while Jimmy isn’t confused at all, that this report is flawed since the fracking companies didn’t cooperate. Louie Gohmert complained about President Obama’s handling of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict by quoting some radical leaders’ comments about wiping Israel off the map. Video of Gohmert accusing Obama of being an accessory to terrorism.
Hour 2: Ana replaces John for SCS. An opponent of Caitlyn Jenner disputed her courage by comparing her to men with real courage, soldiers. He posted a picture of a couple of soldiers in battle to illustrate, but didn’t realize that it was a sculpture created by an artist that has endured ridicule and near death beatings for cross dressing as a woman. A researcher has discovered that financial dependence affects whether or not someone cheats. In every variable, men are more likely to cheat when they are more dependent, and when they are the breadwinner. A California Geometry teacher is under fire for asking his students to take a selfie with their parents’ sex toys for extra credit. After one student pulled off the feat, the teacher shared it with the class. Cenk and Ben wouldn’t fire this teacher, while Jimmy and Ana would fire him immediately.
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-- posted at: 8:44pm EST
Thu, 4 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 4, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk and Ana hosting. Nature Box plug. A study showed which career fields tend to be full of Republicans vs Democrats. Ted Cruz was speaking to a supportive crowd at a campaign stop and made a few jokes about VP Biden. Videos of his jokes, and him walking away from a reporter that asked him why he chose to target Biden during his time of grieving over his son’s death. Cenk gives him the benefit of the doubt that he possibly forgot the horrible news about his son until he saw him walk away from the question. The anti-choice legislation that Scott Walker is planning on signing includes language that would allow the father of the baby to sue the doctor for “emotional distress.” This comes right after Walker claimed women that are raped get over it in the 1st couple of months of the pregnancy, so its ok to force them to carry out the pregnancy.
Hour 2: Meundies plug. Video of Tara Lynn Belcher from South Carolina loses her nerve against a customer by calling him the “N” word because she says she’s “an angry bitch”. Video from AJPlus goes into exploring the definition of “terrorism”. Comedian Amy Schumer recently received the trailblazer from Glamour magazine with an acceptance speech from Amy, claiming in receiving “a lot of dicks”.
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Category: general
-- posted at: 8:31pm EST
Wed, 3 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 3, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk and John hosting. The revised Patriot Act has been passed with a few less mass data collection techniques. Cenk has more hope in these reforms than John does. President Obama spoke to a group at the White House about how the United States is once again the most respected country in the world, when we dropped behind China and Russia while Bush was on office. Videos of Fox News’ Outnumbered panel including actor Paul Sorvino disputing the fact that the country is respected. After Pope Francis has announced he will put out an encyclical about climate change, Rick Santorum told a radio show that the Church should leave science to the scientists since they’re wrong on this. Scott Walker responded to the critics of his anti-abortion bill that wouldn’t protect victims of rape or incest by claiming they only worry about it during the 1st couple of months. Video.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Preview of Megyn Kelly’s interview with the Duggars, where they are clearly out to do damage control and have their victim daughters say everything is ok. Kelly already said she will not ask them any tough questions. An Atlanta man went to the airport and carried an AR-15 with a 100 round drum to drop his daughter off for a flight. He knew it was legal to walk through the unsecured areas, where he was only asked questions by a few law enforcement officials. He was offended he was even asked about his gun and permit. Cenk imagines what the scene would be if a Muslim did the same thing. A Black family in Mississippi was arrested and cited a week after their child graduated from high school for celebrating as her name was called the ceremony. They were also kicked out of the event when it happened.
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-- posted at: 8:43pm EST
Tue, 2 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 2, 2015. For more go to
Cenk hosting today on the 1st National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Rush Limbaugh went after Sec of St John Kerry for riding a bicycle, falling, and breaking his leg. Videos of Limbaugh claiming that Kerry is too old, is just doing it for a photo op, and that other distinguished Republican Sec of State would never ride bikes. Pictures of the most beloved Republicans upon bikes. Video of Limbaugh railing on “exercise freaks” that hurt themselves all the time and burden the Healthcare system. Glenn Beck and his crew disputed the fact that global warming caused the drought and flooding in Texas, right before claiming that it was because of Rick Perry’s prayer and fasting in Idaho that the drought ended. Cenk remembers that Glenn Beck is really losing his mind, video of him claiming that his time of calling is coming, where giants will be made. Sepp Blatter has resigned as head of FIFA, just days after his reelection.
An 18 year old Black man was shot and killed by police at a WalMart. Authorities claimed he was shoplifting without proof, and threatened to arrest his mother when she asked what was going on. The officer that killed the man has a history of killing unarmed citizens, posting Nazi imagery online, and one of his supervisors warned that the officer is dangerous and likely to cause more harm. Findings show that cops are responsible for 1 in every 13 gun deaths, and that the rate is rising. One third of the time a Black citizen is killed by cops, they are unarmed, and two thirds are all minorities. The crime of manspreading on NYC subways that was created to allow more space for subway riders has been applied to harass and arrest primarily Black and Latino riders. 94% of the people detained via this law were minorities.
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Category: general
-- posted at: 8:34pm EST
Mon, 1 June 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from June 1, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. Bernie Sanders is attracting big crowds in Iowa, to the surprise of the Establishment. Cenk talks about the political thought process the media took this to mean when real world Americans don’t operate that way. Jeb Bush told Bob Schieffer that he supports raising retirement age to 68-70 so that Social Security is sustainable. Cenko Unchained on Jeb’s comments that describe SS recipients as entitled when he’s the most entitled person in the nation right now. VP Biden’s son, Beau Biden died of brain cancer over the weekend. Cenk talks about Joe Biden’s previous experiences with losing his wife and daughter in a car accident in 1972. Videos of Biden speaking to a group of army families in 2012 that have lost someone in the military, relaying his experiences and pain.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner and appeared in her new body on the cover of Vanity Fair. Cenk details why he’s conflicted on this story. He dislikes that this is leading to a new reality show on E! Tracy Morgan appeared on the Today Show to talk about his extremely devastating car accident that killed his friend, and nearly killed him. Cenk talks about the likely scenario in the settlement process that would have Morgan speak highly of their reaction to the accident. A Muslim woman was denied an unopened can of Coke on a United airlines flight, because they claimed policy won’t allow it since it could be used as a weapon. When she noticed that her neighboring passenger was given a closed can of beer, she asked others if its unfair, only to be berated with a racial tirade.
Direct download: tytTEASE_20150601.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:41pm EST