Wed, 30 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 30, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk and John Iadarola hosting. The father of Quintonio LeGrier, Antonio, appeared on CNN and is speaking about the loss of his son and why he called cops. With the new year rolling in, new gun laws will be kicking in California, Assembly Bill 1014 that curbs mental health issues of gun owners and AB 707 that makes schools a gun free zone. George Pataki has withdrew himself for the presidential with a video saying that tonight is the end of my journey. Wall Street Journal reports that NSA has eavesdrop on communications between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides reportedly also captured private conversations involving U.S. lawmakers and members of American Jewish groups. Video from CNN of Katrina Pierson, a campaign aid for Donald Trump, making a noticeable fashion statement by wearing a necklace made of bullets. Hour 2: Ana and Cenk hosting. Charges has been brought forward against Bill Cosby from a January 2004 sexual assault. Police officer Keith Bush from North Port Florida is being called out on encouraging a K9 to maul suicidal teen Jared Le May. |
Tue, 29 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 29, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Trump is trolling the whole country with his tweets and the base is loving it with tweets like one about Jeb Bush picking his nose and Bush’s mom voting for Trump. Video of Trump supporter Todd “The Punisher” Poulter body slamming a protester after calling Trump a fascist, along with Trump giving up on the word “incompetent” and finally calling the American Dream dead and that he will make America powerful. Republicans not giving President Obama credit on his watch over an ISIS leader being killed and Guinea become free of of Ebola. Hour 2: Ana and Cenk hosting. Ethan Couch aka affluenza teen has been caught in Mexico for probation violation of having a beer pong party, he could face 10 years in prison but may only serve up to 120 days, if sentence under the juvenile court. Glee star Mark Salling has been arrested for possession of child porn. Los Angeles comedian Beth Stelling has written about her abusive relationship on Instagram. |
Mon, 28 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 23, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Video of CNN Poppy Harlow passes out on TV which reminds Cenk with a oldie but a goddie with the Glenn Beck passing out video. Rand Paul gives out his grievances over Festivus with Seinfield writer and creator of Festivus Don O’Keefe not a big fan of Rand Paul and his grievances. GOP Rep Chris Gibson is not a big fan of Donald Trump with concerns of giving money for his campaign. NY Congressman Peter King latest attack on the Muslim community has him yearning to have surveillance done on mosques and has no concerns for libertarians and constitutionalists crying over the matter. Hour 2: Ana and Cenk hosting. A gas leak from Porter Ranch California, which started since October, has no definitive time frame when the leak will be fixed, video from MSNBC shows the severity of the leak. Chicago Police officers are facing an investigation on the murder of Betty Jones and Quintonio LeGrier. |
Wed, 23 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 23, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Cenk gives congrats to winning a new award and calling it a TYT Grand Slam. With the holiday season upon us, Cenk reveals the latest holiday cards from various politicians like Al Franken, Sen Tim Cain from Virginia, Britain’s Jeremy Corbin and others. New poll from Quinnipiac on Bernie Sanders with Bernie taking the lead on electability against Donald Trump. Latest news on Wolf Pac, with the help of Rep Terry Backer from Connecticut giving his last speech at the Connecticut House of Representative and being part of the fight against Citizens United. President Obama recently criticized the TV coverage of recent acts of terrorism in the US with CNN mentioning terrorism and ISIS over 400 times, Fox up to 200 times on terrorism and ISIS. MSNBC with terrorism mentioned 366 times and ISIS 350 times. Hillary Clinton is reaching out to the Hispanic community by becoming a “la abuela”. The NY Times reports that up to one billion dollars in taxes have vanished, an omnibus bill lead by Sen. Harry Reid reveals the cause, along with the details courtesy of Huffington Post. More government surveillance with CISA, that was snuck into an omnibus bill in order to fight against cyber security, Wired magazine reveals the details and opposition of the bill from tech companies and civil liberties organizations. The Intercept reports, that a visa waver program will put citizens of dual nationality like Iranian and Syrian Americans at risk of becoming second class citizens when traveling abroad. CNN reports on an ambush in a bus in Kenya, in which Muslim women would shield Christian women against Al Shabaab. |
Tue, 22 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 22, 2015. For more go to |
Mon, 21 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 21, 2015. For more go to |
Fri, 18 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 18, 2015. For more go to |
Thu, 17 December 2015
Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. Bernie Sanders has raised money from 2 million donors, numbers that Hillary Clinton can’t touch as far as diversity of support. Jayar is extremely skeptical over the support Democrats claim to have for Bernie. Donald Trump and Putin’s love affair continues. Putin spoke openly about how much he likes Trump and thinks they’d get along if he were president. Cenk details the insanely clueless plans the GOP presidential candidates had to fight terrorism. Cenk presents his 4 part plan to defeat ISIS in the face of the stupidity GOP candidates have been pushing. |
Wed, 16 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 16, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk and Iadarola hosting. A bipartisan budget deal was reached in Congress. Video of Speaker Paul Ryan talking about the things he’s proud of getting for the Republican side. Economic consequences of the tax breaks and crude oil exports Ryan is bragging about obtaining. The topic of targeting and killing innocent family members and innocent bystanders while bombing ISIS came up in the GOP debate last night. Video of Trump doubling down on his promise to kill family members, calling it “firm.” Video of Ben Carson comparing the killing of innocent kids to doing brain surgery on kid’s that are about to get brain surgery. Video of Ted Cruz confirming his promise to carpet bomb entire areas that will somehow only hit terrorists, not civilians. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The Affluenza kid is on the run with his mother after a warrant for his arrest has been submitted after he violated his parole in multiple ways. After dashcam video showed a police officer shoot a drunk driver suspect in the neck, he has been exonerated. Video of the shooting. The police chase ended when the suspect’s car flipped over, ejecting and killing his wife. When the suspect attempted to climb out of the wreckage the cop shot immediately, potentially paralyzing him for life. A Saudi businessman has been acquitted of raping a woman that was staying at his home in London. His defense was that he accidentally tripped and fell into her vagina after having consensual sex with her friend. |
Tue, 15 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 15, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Ted Cruz is humanize himself. He is trying to relate to Princess Bride the Movie. Ted Cruz likes to quote the movie. Mandy Patinkin says that Ted Cruz doesn’t understand what the movie is totally about. The movie is about hope and love, not hate. The point of the movie is to reach out to people who are in need. Recently, Donald Trump had a gala. There were protesters who went to the gala however they got thrown out. Donald Trump had another event and more protesters got thrown out of the event. Lately, Donald Trump has been attacking Ted Cruz. Levin and Limbaugh is speaking against Donald Trump. Hour 2: Cenk and Ana is hosting. An Ohio judges found no evidence that Planned Parenthood fetal tissue disposal. Planned Parenthood say its three facilities that provide abortions follow Ohio law and use the same practices as hospitals and other provider. Researcher guess what Jesus really looks like. Bible states what Jesus looks like. A shelter tosses out woman because men was being tempt with sex. |
Mon, 14 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 14, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Catholic priest Rev. Peter Kelly of NY has been caught with his hands in the donation plate. He used it for sexual sessions with a gay prostitute. Video of Ukraine Prime Minister making some incredible wrestling moves in Parliament. Catfight with Donald Trump and Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal who owns a major share of Fox News. Hour 2: Cenk and Ana are hosting. Lorraine Donoghue in Scotland was put on a sex offender list because she posted a private sex video of her boyfriend. Her reason for posting the video was because the boyfriend had cheated on her. Donoghue’s sentencing is a reflection of Scotland’s revenge porn laws. A woman in Tennessee is charged with attempted murder because she tried to have an abortion in her bathtub with a hanger. The boyfriend took her to the hospital and the newborn survived, but it will be suffering from medical problems for the rest of its life. Four teens in Alaska uploaded a video of them beating up another girl at a sleepover. No subsequent charges or punishments have yet to be brought up against them. |
Fri, 11 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 11, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk, Iadarola, Jimmy, and Mark Thompson hosting the 10 year anniversary streaming show. GOP leadership had a meeting in DC about how to create an alternative for Donald Trump at the GOP Convention if Trump continues to run away with the race, creating a brokered Convention. Even though Ted Cruz has avoided criticizing Trump in public, he mentioned Trump’s shortcomings in a closed door event. Donald caught wind of it and tweeted Cruz, challenging him to say it out loud. Hour 2: Cenk, John, Jimmy, and Wes. Talk about the expectations of TYT in the early days of live streaming. Citadel cadets are in hot water after pictures of them wearing KKK hoods surfaced. Video of Fox News reporting the story, claiming “some see it as KKK hoods.” Charles Barkley spoke out on TNT about how CNN is selling its soul to pander for ratings in the presidential race. |
Thu, 10 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 10, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. The Republicans are preparing their playbook against Trump with a recent memo that has been released on how to deal with Trump’s character traits and the voters approval towards him. The lessons included ways to avoid coming off as fake to potential voters. The CEO of CBS pointed out that the more presidential candidates spend, the better it is for his network. He added that Donald should keep going with his popular lunacy, as its good money for CBS when covering the circus. Mark Zuckerberg posted to Facebook in support of Muslims across the world. His post sympathized with persecuted Muslims after the latest terror attack, and reached out to every Muslim to have a safe place at Facebook. Hour 2: The woman that shot at a truck full of shoplifters at a Home Depot has received her sentence of 18 months probation and has had her gun permit banned until 2023. The lesson she learned was to not help anyone anymore. Feminist writer Clementine Ford was harassed by a man online that called her a slut. She discovered where the man worked, exposed him, and he was fired as a result. Due to his firing, more online harassers are angry with Clementine over the ordeal. Ayesha Curry, Stephen Curry’s wife caught hell online after she shamed the style of women that wear revealing clothing, not like her. Cenk pardons her over the perceived hypocrisy. The CDC has given the U.S. a failing grade when it comes to sex ed. Two teenagers were arrested and jailed in Tennessee for 2 days for wearing sagging pants. |
Wed, 9 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 09, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk and Iadarola hosting. In the wake of the latest Chicago police murder to gain national attention, protests have formed to force Rahm Emanuel out at mayor. Video of Emanuel speaking to a crowded room, apologizing and calling for change. Although his words seemed sincere and thoughtful, Cenk isn’t buying his sincerity due to his history as a politician. Video of Emanuel getting emotional at the story of a Black kid asking him if the cops treat him the way they treat Black citizens. Fox and Friends had Krav Maga trainers on the show to teach people and their kids how to fight gunmen in an active shooter situation. Video of the demonstration. Discussion about how horrible of an idea this is to attack an active shooter, especially as kids. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The terrorist that attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs had his day in court where he exclaimed he did it as a warrior for the babies. A California woman was angered by a group of Muslim people praying and attacked one of them. Video of her fight and anger. An experiment was conducted by Greenpeace that exposed 2 prominent climate change skeptics/scientists that were paid off to write scathing articles on the subject. |
Tue, 8 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 05, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Carly Fiorina Tweet. Sanders fossil fuels proposal. Trump and Muslims. Conservative opposition to Trump comments. Reaction from elected officials. Cenk hosting today. Carly Fiorina tweeted out a pic of her Townhall event without showing the lack of a crowd. Pictures of the perception and the reality. Bernie Sanders proposal on fossil fuels. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A couple of Dutch men read excerpts from the Bible to people on the street, telling them it was from the Koran and got their reactions. Video of their answers that included disgust with anyone that would believe such a thing, and that it is par for the course with Muslims. Ted Cruz told supporters at a campaign stop a false story of a high school girl that was threatened with arrest for praying at her graduation. The real story denied the girl and her friend the authority to pray in her graduation speech, while criminal threats were never even brought up. A Nigerian British couple kept a Nigerian slave for 24 years, and has just been busted. |
Mon, 7 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 05, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. A lone terrorist attack in London happened over the weekend where a man attacked 3 people with a knife. Video of the police tasering him and eventually taking the knife away. Another video of the terrorist being subdued, where a bystander exclaims to him that he’s no Muslim. Cenk compares this attack and arrest to the way we approach these things in America; from the ability for terrorists to obtain assault weapons to the manner in which the police took him down, without riddling him with bullets. Specific example of how American police approach criminals armed with knives. Video of Miami Beach police murdering a would-be bank robber that had a knife. A witness claims that one of the cops flashed a smile and a thumbs up after they killed him. Cenk gives startling details about how many unarmed Americans are murdered by cops compared to Europeans. President Obama gave a rare Oval Office address regarding San Bernardino and our approach to fighting terrorism. Videos of the speech. Conservatives lost their minds over the sensible approach. Video of Fox’s Ralph Peters calling Obama a total pussy. After host Stuart Varney laughed it off, Fox News suspended Peters for 2 weeks. Video of Mark Halperin calling Obama’s speech a failure because he didn’t reach out to Republicans in a nice, kind way. Video of Presidential candidates refusing to reach out to Obama, blindly complaining about his speech. Video of CBS’ Charlie Rose cutting Hillary Clinton off for pointing out that Republicans are responsible for the gridlock in Congress. |
Fri, 4 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 04, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: San Bernardino terrorist attack update. ISIS link. Comparison of different terrorist attacks. Conservatives don’t propose to ban Saudi Arabians. Media frenzy in killers’ apartment. Cenk, Ben, Iadarola, and Jimmy hosting. Investigations into the terrorists that killed 14 people in San Bernardino have shown that the woman pledged an allegiance to ISIS and likely radicalized her fiance/husband. Discussion about the similarities and differences with the kinds of terrorist attacks we’re used to seeing and this one. Cenk notices that Conservatives haven’t pointed out the fact that they don’t propose to ban all Saudis, even though many have been found to be terrorists. The landlord of the home where the terrorist couple lived opened the residence and allowed tons of media figures into the apt to film and expose everything. Ben talks about the background of a news operation that forces them to do something like this without thinking. Hour 2: Ana replaces John for SCS. The boy that was let off due to his “Affluenza” has been caught drinking at a beer pong party. Doing this violates his probation from the drunken & murderous spree he went on years ago. George Zimmerman has been suspended from Twitter after he tweeted nude photos of an alleged ex girlfriend in order to get revenge for her infidelity. Zimmerman also included her phone number and email address. Ana points out that his previous tweets bragging about killing Trayvon Martin accompanied by a picture of his dead body didn’t get him banned. |
Thu, 3 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 03, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. More details from the San Bernardino terrorist attack. The dead suspects were a couple that came very well prepared to attack the holiday party at the office building. The man was a Muslim that was born and raised here in America, and his fiance was here on a Visa. Since he had been watching ISIS propaganda films on his home computer, it is clear that he was radicalized. The NY Post headline read, “Muslim Killers” so Cenk breaks down the good and bad about this headline. Discussion of three layers of Muslim followers; from radicalized people, to fundamentalists, to religious Muslims. Republican lawmakers continue to stop a bill that would prevent people on the terror watch list from buying guns, led by Speaker Paul Ryan. Video of Ryan defending the decision to allow these people to buy guns, claiming he doesn’t want to violate Americans’ gun rights. Video of Fiorina saying she prayed immediately after the San Bernardino shooting despite the NY Daily News headline. Video of Carly Fiorina telling Morn Joe that she is for allowing people on the watch list because her family friend was on it for no real reason, and they have guns. There was another mass shooting yesterday in Savannah, Georgia but it was swallowed up by the one in San Bernardino. The New York Daily News headline after the latest shooting confronts political leaders that tweeted they were praying for the victims and families by saying, “God Isn’t Fixing This.” The NYDN concluded that these lawmakers are only giving lip service instead of actually doing something about the gun problem in America. A writer from Think Progress retweeted each politician’s prayer tweet along with information on how much money they’ve received from the NRA to do nothing about it. He also tweeted the top 10 that receive money from pro-gun groups. Hour 2: An activist named Brother Nut made a statement about Beijing’s pollution issue by sucking up tons of dust from the city’s air and eventually made a brick out of the matter. Kylie Jenner posed for the cover of Interview magazine in a wheelchair, angering many people in the disabled community. Arkansas has decided to not allow the names of both same sex parents of a newborn baby to be listed on the birth certificate. Harvard and Princeton have decided to do away with the term “Master” when labeling heads of departments at the school due to the country’s history with the use of the term master in our slave trade. They claim that the association may be disempowering for Black students. |
Wed, 2 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 02, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk, Ben, and Iadarola hosting today. A trio of mass shooters killed at least 14 people at a Social Services office in San Bernardino. Video of CBS’ Scott Pelley recapping an eyewitness’s account of what she saw. Cenk rants about the state of mass shootings in America, and how the NRA contributes to the problem. Ben updates on the current situation where cops have caught up with the suspects, hitting one. Hour 2: Ana replaces John for SCS. A Turkish judge has ordered an investigation into an internet meme created by a doctor that compares Erdogan to Gollum from Lord of the Rings. The heads of the country have gotten film experts to look into the meaning of Gollum to see if this is a negative comparison. Cenk laments the possibility that democracy in Turkey has died. LA cops are considering sending Dear John letters to the homes of people that solicit prostitutes, in hopes that it will deter them from continuing the practice. They identify the “johns” by scanning the license plates of cars that are in the neighborhood where prostitution happens. The health food curriculum for public school students has been bought off by a collection of food corporations, and they’re changing the teachings to say that what people eat doesn’t matter, only exercise. |
Tue, 1 December 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 01, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Iadarola and Ana hosting. Fox News is in full defense mode for White Christian terrorists that attack Planned Parenthood. Video of Megyn Kelly lamenting the Lib Media’s bias calling pro-life rhetoric violent. Video of the violent rhetoric that Kelly claimed doesn’t happen. Ana rants about these Conservatives’ actual intent with their words about abortion. Video of Andrea Tantaros lamenting the way Libs immediately connected this shooter to all White Christians. John points out that Tantaros missed the reason Libs brought it up to illustrate that they do it when other acts of terrorism are carried out. Charles Payne also told Tantaros that the people inside the Planned Parenthood should’ve had guns to protect themselves. Bill O’Reilly also headlined the Fox News defense of anti-choice terrorists last night. Video of him saying PP isn’t under threat, but that they deserve the criticism directed at it. Video of O’Reilly claiming that blaming Conservative talk for this shooting is just like him blaming all Black people for one particular murder by Black people. Video mashup of O’Reilly extensively making negative blanket statements about Black Americans as a whole. Hour 2: Ana and John. After Alabama defunded Planned Parenthood in the state, a higher court reversed their illegal decision to cut the funds. Ted Cruz dismissed the issue with access to birth control by claiming there is no war on women since there is no shortage of condoms. Story of a married pastor that has taken in a new 19 year old woman as another “wife.” All three are living together under the same roof, and the younger woman is now pregnant with the 60 year old man’s baby. |
Mon, 30 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 30, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Ana and Iadarola hosting. Cenk sitting in the control room for the Planned Parenthood terrorist attack story. On Friday, a PP clinic in Colorado Springs was attacked, resulting in a standoff that led to multiple deaths, including one police officer. After media and Conservative figures dismissed the fact that this attack was motivated by extremist Republican rhetoric, they’re still holding onto the explanation that this had nothing to do with their violent talk. Cenk gives his take on the PP attack from the control room. Conservatives won’t call it Radical Christian terrorism. Video of Carly Fiorina avoiding calling the attacks terrorism, while she accuses the Left for blaming the messenger when most Americans are against what Planned Parenthood does. She went on to compare this terrorist to #BlackLivesMatter protesters. Video of Ted Cruz claiming that he read the suspect was a transgender man, so he isn’t going to blame the Leftists for this guy’s affiliation to Libs. Cenk points out that White men that conduct mass murder when driven by radical ideology are never called terrorists. Hour 2: A superior court in Ireland has ruled that the law giving women abortion rights in certain circumstances violates human rights laws, for the unborn baby. A 10 year old kid murdered his father after he threatened to burn down the house with his son inside. When arrested, the boy was interrogated and read his rights, which he didn’t actually understand. A 19 year old Texas woman was arrested after being caught in possession tons of multiple drugs, set for trafficking. The media reported her as being the cutest drug kingpin, as she has the look of a White girl from next door. Her father is also a special assistant to the DEA, so she has been released on $30K bail. |
Wed, 25 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 25, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Video of the Chicago police officer murder in 2014 of 17 year old Laquan McDonald was released yesterday. The original police story was that McDonald lunged at the cops that shot him 16 times. Video of the reality of the murder. Officer Van Dyke has had 18 previous incident complaints filed against him, and he was never disciplined. Even after this killing from 1 year ago, he wasn’t charged, as he was put on paid desk duty. Video of Van Dyke’s attorney telling CNN that the video shows he was justified in murdering the victim because video is only 2 dimensional. Cenk details the story of a former cop that had countless complaints against him that later admitted his actions were known by the department and was encouraged. After the Chicago killing was released, Bill O’Reilly blamed Black people. Video of O’Reilly’s panel pointing out 2 instances of Black on White crime, claiming the real problem in America is Black people. Bill O’Reilly counseled Donald Trump for his racist retweet, telling him to stop showing his racism show boldy. Videos of O’Reilly and Trump discussing how to spread racism without being so easily called out by “Liberals and the Democrats.” After 5 Black protesters were shot in Minneapolis over another police murder, video has emerged of a couple of 4Chan users that were bragging about heading into Minneapolis to start trouble with the protesters. Video of the racist-filled car ride. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The outgoing Democratic governor of Kentucky has signed an executive order to allow ex-felons the right to vote. A federal court rejected a Wisconsin law that would limit abortion rights for women in the state. Elementary school teachers make a fraction of money that other college educated professions make. A 20 year old man shared his story of being permanently neurologically damaged by a bad ecstasy pill while partying. Video of him showing how his speech and movement have been heavily affected. Ana thinks this is another reason to legalize drugs, so that they can be regulated and monitored. A man visiting DC for a drug policy reform policy was found naked and passed out in the a flower bed, on bath salts. |
Tue, 24 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 24, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Donald Trump told his supporters that he plans to bring waterboarding back if he’s president. Video of Trump saying “you bet your ass I would.” Video of Trump going on to say that even if it doesn’t work for intelligence gathering, he’d still bring it back because they deserve it. Rapper Killer Mike has endorsed Bernie Sanders in Atlanta after spending some time with the candidate. Video of his impassioned endorsement. A Princeton study shows that public opinion has no effect on public policy. A Marine, Jonathan Criswell, wrote on the WolfPAC wall that he will be donating $100/month to rid the country of unfair elections being won by corporations and corruption. Vicki Strong was one of the voices that helped push Wolf PAC’s victory in Vermont. Video of a portion of her speech. Sam Harris took to a podcast to talk about refugees and the country’s policy on foreign affairs in the climate of terrorism. Cenk quotes Harris in saying that Ted Cruz’ idea to accept Christian over Muslim refugees isn’t bigotry since it is a fact that some percentage of Muslims will become terrorists, while no Christians will. Cenk deciphers the word games Harris plays to make his discriminatory point without being tied to it. Harris also voiced his support for Ben Carson over Noam Chomsky if he had to choose between the two for president. He thinks that Carson understands that jihadists are the enemy, while Chomsky doesn’t. Ben Carson TYT Exclusive about his 7th Day Adventist beliefs regarding the end times and how the two perpetrators of it will be Right Wing America and other Christian doctrines. Videos of Ben’s church and his thought processes. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Univ of Ottawa has decided to suspend a yoga class due to its lack of concern for cultural appropriation. MMA fighter War Machine was in court over his attempted murder and continued rape of his ex girlfriend. His attorney cited her profession as a porn actress as an excuse to allow this kind of sexual activity. George RR Martin took to the internet to espouse his feelings about our hateful rhetoric about Syrian refugees. |
Mon, 23 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 23, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: David Vitter has lost the governor race in Louisiana. When he was getting desperate, he ran an ad going after his Democratic opponent blaming the response of the Paris attacks on him. Video of the ad fearmongering with the refugee situation. Another Donald Trump rally ended with his angry mob supporters assaulting a Black Lives Matter protester in Birmingham, Alabama. Videos of other times his supporters assaulted opponents at his rallies, such as one getting spit on, another getting dragged out by the neck while the crowd cheered “USA, USA.” Video of the Alabama rally where the 31 year old Black protester was roughed up. When asked about it, Trump said that the man was so obnoxious that he should’ve been roughed up. A Trump supporter; a business man and Super PAC creator came out in support of the assault. Videos of Robert Kiger telling CNN that Black people have no right to interrupt a Trump rally. After the attacks, Trump tweeted an image with extremely false stats on murder in the country among the races. The origin of the racist meme was from a White Supremacist site. After the CNN reporter was suspended for tweeting that the Statue of Liberty is ashamed over the refugee bill, Glenn Greenwald called out the network on the bias. Video of Greenwald’s debate with Brian Stelter on the subject. Video examples of CNN’s Amanpour and Lemon showing biases against all Muslims in the wake of attacks. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A study shows that Islamophobic hate crimes have spiked severely in Britain since the Paris attacks. The majority have been from middle aged White men targeting younger Muslim women. Armed protesters in Texas showed up to a mosque to intimidate anyone worshipping. Video of the hateful group of men standing outside the building with huge guns, admitting that they want to show force. A 22 year old Muslim woman crossing the street was almost run over by a hateful motorist screaming obscenities at her. An Indian man in charge of a temple is looking to deny women from access to the temple until a scanner is developed that would notify when a woman is on her period, so that they can tell keep them out. |
Fri, 20 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 20, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Ana, Iadarola, and Jimmy hosting. Another terrorist attack has been conducted in Mali at a luxury hotel where 27 people were killed. Talk about potential solutions to this everyday occurrence. Donald Trump has doubled down on his decision to put Muslims on a database to track them. Video of an NBC reporter asking him to clarify how he’d do this and he told him, management. Another video of Trump refusing to answer how this plan is different than Nazis plan to put Jews in a database in the lead up to the Holocaust. Michigan Gov Rick Snyder was one of the leading Republican governor to call for the denial of Syrian refugees so he went on a radio show to talk about why he doesn’t like the current refugee vetting process. Video of him not being able to name one problem with the process. Video of Snyder refusing to apply the same paranoia and extra restrictions to European tourists that visit with very little analysis when they enter the U.S. A CNN reporter has been suspended for a tweet she released that reported on the House bill to limit Syrian refugees. Her tweet included a visual of how the Statue of Liberty is bowing its head in anguish. Since she violated CNN’s non-editorializing stance, she had to apologize. Video of excerpts from Bernie Sanders’ speech on Democratic Socialism and how it would work for America. Breaking down how this proposed system isn’t as scary as it is pitched by his opponents. |
Thu, 19 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 19, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Polls on whether or not to allow refugees into America show that a majority of Americans are completely against it. Talk about the parallels of the US turning away Jewish refugees in the lead up to the Holocaust. Despite the fact that the terrorists in Paris weren’t refugees, some Americans still feel they are the ones to be feared. Video of Jake Tapper challenging Chris Christie on this fact, with Christie rejecting the truth. John Kasich has introduced a new plan to create a federal agency that would promote Judeo Christian values. Video of him discussing his vision for this agency that would promote Christianity to Americans and the rest of the world that misunderstands a Christian Western ethic. A townhall meeting in Virginia erupted into a racist rant by one White resident towards a Muslim citizen that he labeled a terrorist. Video of the outburst. The community meeting was about setting up a new worship center for Muslims on property that is already owned by the religious group. John reads a quote from Ben Carson that compares Syrian refugees to rabid dogs running around your neighborhood. Donald Trump has dropped to a new low in voicing his opposition to Muslims. In an interview with Yahoo, he said that we need to increase our monitoring on Muslims to an extent that would label them and create a database so that everyone could identify them upon sight. Trump missed the comparison this policy is to what Nazis did to Jews during the Holocaust. A Republican state Rep from Rhode Island released a letter claiming that Muslims are rapists and murderers looking to decapitate anyone not like them. Her solution is to put Muslim refugees in a camp where they can be contained and monitored, another allusion to The Final Solution. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A bookstore in Denver is named ISIS Books and Gifts has been the victim of vandalism since the terror group’s name has gained attention. The name of this bookstore is named after the Egyptian goddess ISIS. A drug called captagon is being used by fighters in the Middle East and Syria to stay up and alert as they fight. It gives a euphoric feeling that allows them to kill with a numb, reckless energy. Ana is intrigued by the drug and jokes that she would consider taking it in order to get work done. After Charlie Sheen went public with his diagnosis of HIV, Jenny McCarthy spoke about how this upset her. Video of her podcast where she laments his lack of disclosure to her when they had to do love scenes together on his show. Cenk understands her concerns even though it’s not possible to contract it without exchanging bodily fluids. Pharma Bro’s company has lost $14.6 million since his price gouging scheme was publicized. |
Wed, 18 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 18, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: John Iadarola and Elliot Hill of Lip TV hosting. Up to 500 rounds of ammo was exchanged from the terrorist standoff in France last night. President Obama speaks out against many prominent Republicans’ hateful and incendiary rhetoric surrounding the Paris attacks and potential for refugees coming to America. Video of some of his biting words towards Republicans. John brings up the bombing of Spanish trains during GW Bush’s term, and how Conservatives had nothing disparaging to say about Bush’s foreign policy. In the wake of the latest terror attack, France is still accepting 30,000 refugees into the country, but with great care. In contrast, a State Rep in Tennessee has introduced a bill that would gather up the current Syrian refugees and send them back to ICE. Jeb Bush has also spoken out, saying he wants to send ground troops into Syria. Hour 2: A program looking to stop women from taking part in prostitution gives the arrested women the chance to either get themselves on their feet or go to jail. Talk about how legalizing prostitution could minimize the problem. A number of studies show that the increased frequency of sex between a couple doesn’t add to the happiness. As long as the couple has sex once/week, it’s the same as if they connect many more times. The Fox Business channel host Charles Payne mediated a panel where he pushed the idea that we should shut down all mosques. Video of his numerous attempts to push the narrative based on his impromptu poll. |
Tue, 17 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 17, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Bobby Jindal has dropped out of the presidential race, saying it’s not his time and that he is going to focus time on a think tank. Cenk is taking much joy in the news. The drumbeat against accepting any refugees continues to grow. Video of Rush Limbaugh saying that Obama calling out political leaders that want religious tests for refugees is all made up. Cenk names a couple of the culprits, Ted Cruz and Rupert Murdoch. Video of Chris Christie telling Hugh Hewitt that he doesn’t trust Obama’s vetting to allow any refugees in. Video of Mike Huckabee telling Dana Loesch that we can’t let refugees in, comparing them to E. Coli at Chipotle and spoiled milk. Despite Republicans’ declarations that we have no vetting process when allowing refugees in, the reality is that it is the most intense. Cenk dives into the details of the things we do. With the latest stream of hysteria after the French attacks, more anti-American people have taken the route of acting like terrorists. Video of Bo Dietl telling Sean Hannity that we need to monitor mosques and stop worrying about people’s rights. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A French father explained to his young son why guns are not needed to protect them from the bad guys with guns, looking to kill them. Video of Charlie Sheen telling the Today Show that he is HIV positive and how he’s known for 4 years. Since he’s learned of the condition, he’s admitted to having unprotected sex with 2 women that were warned of it. Cenk talks about living a life of balance and how he somehow admires Sheen. Two SF cops have been put on paid leave after a video of them beating a defenseless suspect was released. Video of their pursuit and beating. |
Mon, 16 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 16, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Multiple state governors have declared that they will not accept refugees fleeing violence in their home countries in wake of the Paris attacks, despite Obama’s decision to keep accepting refugees. Ted Cruz wants to only admit Christian refugees, leaving Muslims behind. Video of President Obama criticizing this line of thinking as Un-American; to have a religious test for allowing refugees in. Cenk reminds these Republicans that the Statue of Liberty is engraved with words that espouse opposing views to theirs. The results and perceived winner of the Democratic debate seem to be straightforward. Video of Hillary Clinton curiously connecting her buddy relationship with Wall St to 9/11. Video of Bernie Sanders focusing on the fact that campaign contributions mean the big donors want a return on their investment. Democratic insiders called the win for Hillary. Sarah Palin spoke with CBS about the latest in her life. Video of Palin being asked about Bristol’s 2nd pregnancy out of wedlock despite their preaching and judging against others doing it. Palin responded to criticism by saying God gives them 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th chances, so it’s ok. Video of Palin being asked about the loss in ‘08; that she was to blame. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A new Muslim based movement has been revived, where peaceful Muslims exclaim that the actions of terrorists don’t represent them. Video of the #NotInMyName movement. Ana thinks it’s important to do campaigns like this to counteract the knee jerk reaction to blame all Muslims for these attacks. |
Fri, 13 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 13, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: After Ben Carson’s randomly inaccurate foreign policy answer at the GOP debate, he has gotten into a disagreement over it with members of the Obama Admin. Video of Carson’s original answer about the Chinese being involved in Syria and that it’s easy to take land from ISIS in Iraq. Elliot displays a chart he almost claimed to have made. Days later, President Obama, Susan Rice, and others discredited Carson’s claims of the Chinese in Syria and the ease of taking out energy fields in Iraq to defeat ISIS. Videos of Obama calling him out and Carson’s response claiming that his sources are better than the WH. Elliot talks about the lack of accuracy in Obama’s bombings, and Ben Carson is advocating an even more random and reckless approach. Donald Trump tore into Ben Carson’s lying behavior while giving a 90 min rambling speech to a supporting crowd in Iowa. Video of Trump talking about the senseless nature of the knife attack story. Video of Trump comparing Carson’s declaration of being pathological to being a child molester. Cenk and Ben discuss why one would vote for Carson over Trump and vice versa. Hour 2: Ana and Judah Friedlander replace Iadarola and Elliot for SCS. Update on the Utah judge’s decision to remove a toddler from her lesbian foster parents. After criticism and pressure mounted, he has reversed his decision. The British woman that wore a prosthetic penis and disguise and tricked her female friend into having sex with her for a very long time has been sentenced to 8 years in prison. Discussion about other instances of having sex under false pretenses, and whether or not it’s rape. Ben and Cenk don’t think the woman that posed as a man should be in jail at all. Ana completely disagrees with their conclusion, calls it obvious rape. An NCIS actress was attacked by a mentally ill homeless man on the street. |
Thu, 12 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 12, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Ana and Iadarola hosting. Fallout from the Univ of Missouri protests and eventual resignation of the president continue. After one terrorist posted about killing all Black people, another student that goes to another Missouri college posted about killing all Black people. Both were arrested. After further investigation into the 1st terrorist, he admitted that he was infatuated by the recent Oregon shooter. More racial harassment has continued on the campus of Mizzou since the resignation. Donald Trump responded to the protests by calling it disgusting and the resigned leaders weak. Jayar talks about the usefulness of diversity on college campuses. Donald Trump has been pushing a Deportation Force for his presidency. Video of his 1st proposal at the GOP debate that is reminiscent of Dwight Eisenhower’s “Operation Wetback” that killed countless illegal immigrants, and treated all like garbage. Video of Trump telling Morning Joe that the Deportation Force would be very inexpensive and that everyone would go back from where they came. Ana details the horrific nature of “Operation Wetback” from Eisenhower’s Administration. Video of Bill O’Reilly challenging Trump on the disgusting nature of this program. Hour 2: Ana and Iadarola for SCS. Donald Trump and Mark Levin discussed how much they dislike Hillary Clinton’s hair, calling it a wig. Video of their conversation. Matt Drudge jumped on board and posted several pictures of Clinton, questioning its validity. Even People Magazine reached out to her campaign to ask if it’s real. A Utah judge has taken a foster baby away from a married Lesbian couple that had her for 3 months, and handed the child over to a heterosexual couple strictly based on his religious beliefs. Video of a Campbells soup ad depicting a gay male couple feeding their son some soup. Many Conservatives lost their minds, and one woman in particular ranted online over their push for “butt sex.” An online troll relentlessly went after the insane woman. |
Wed, 11 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 11, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Update from the University of Missouri with threats of violence towards its students, with the arrest of 19 year old Hunter Park who wanted to shoot up the university.From Missouri students continue to feel harassed on campus in light of the football team quitting in response to a racist coach. In honor of veterans day, John would like to examine our care of our veterans. More than 1.3 million veterans do not currently have health care. On any given night in america 50,000 veterans are deemed homeless. A good drop from 75,000 in 2010, but an astounding number nonetheless. 22 former service members commit suicide a day. Debate expectations during last night’s republican debate were up to par for Head of RNC’s Reince Priebus who dramatically praised the “hardhitting” debate. The panel of hosts disagree. Hour 2: Hasan Piker, Hannah Cranston and Ana hosting. It appears that the organ donor transplant list is influenced by money. In Hasans experience, just to sign up for compatibility tests costs well over 10,000 dollars. Police are seeking two suspects that sexually assaulted a man by twerking on him in a gas station, and grabbing his crotch. Bloomingdale’s has aired an ad that has been accused of having blatant rape culture celebration with the quote “Spike your friends eggnog while they’re not looking“. |
Tue, 10 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 10, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. A pastor at a National Religious Liberties conference espoused some insane thoughts about the homosexual agenda. Video of the pastor claiming that Dumbledore of Harry Potter is gay and going to destroy America. Another video of the pastor talking about how he’d cover himself in cow manure if his gay son tried to get married and invite him to the ceremony. Video of the pastor’s grand finale talking about gaping puss sores. Jeb Bush’s failed attempt to hit Marco Rubio continues as his Super PAC plans to spend $20 million on campaign ads targeting Rubio. Before this ad blitz comes, Rubio’s campaign released an ad showing all of the glowing things Jeb has said about Marco in the past. Video of Rubio’s ad. Jeb Bush says he would kill baby Hitler if he could go back in time. Video of his comments. Cenk talks about how this is an actual gotcha question, except no one even asked it. Cenk is ready to hit the gavel on Jeb, ending his campaign. Hillary Clinton was asked about her “disheartening” answer to a supporter’s question about her comments calling Republicans the enemy. Video of her response, pointing out that she has great relations with the GOP when she’s in office. Cenk was annoyed by the weak question and answer. After a man was arrested for domestic violence and taken into custody, he ended up dead when the police tasered him to death. The officer responsible was convicted and sentenced to 1 month in jail, allowing him to serve his time on the weekends only. Texas State Troopers are now required to report the race of the drivers they pull over. An investigation into the troopers’ reporting showed that they labeled minorities, especially Latinos as White so that their records wouldn’t reveal how many Black and Latino citizens are harassed. Fallout from the resignation of the President of the Univ of Missouri continues as some students and staff members fought back against the media scrutiny. Conservative media also voiced their outrage to the complacent President being ousted. Video of Kevin Jackson of Fox News defending the racism at the university, claiming that no one was hurt, so it’s no big deal. Video of Eric Bolling saying he would’ve dismissed the Black football players and replaced them with the basketball team. The Defense Dept has decided to dismantle the office that deals with stopping roadside bombs, or IEDs. The money that was used to fund this office dealing with the methods that kill the most American soldiers, is going to be spread to unlisted areas in defense. This move for more money to be funneled to other areas shows that they actually don’t care about the well being of the troops. |
Mon, 9 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 9, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting. Donald Trump went on ABC’s This Week to reveal his plan for defeating ISIS. Video of Trump telling Stephanopoulos that he simply wants the oil. Cenk explains why this simplistic declaration makes no sense and would provide even bigger problems for us. Sen David Vitter is looking to get reelected and in order to continue to pay up on bribes from his rich oil donors, he’s proposed a bill that would stop solar tax credits in that industry and lifting even more regulations on oil producers while giving them more subsidies. Vitter has been given $1 million from the Koch Brothers and other oil giants. The League of Conservation Voters, a Liberal group, has decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for president before the primaries, a move they usually hold until afterwards. Recently, the League of Conservation Voters spent $30 million in the last election, much more than they usually do. This money came from the rich Democratic donors, who want Hillary Clinton to be the nominee and eventual president, so The League is doing what the big donors want. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The president of the Univ of Missouri has stepped down after weeks of protests over the horrible state of race relations on campus. None of many students’ concerns weren’t being addressed until the Black members of the football team decided to boycott all team activities until the president stepped down. Sea World has decided to discontinue their Killer Whale show at the San Diego location. They’ll replace it with an orca show that is more informative than showy. Tuscaloosa, Alabama police were caught on camera abusing some White Alabama students that were partying late and keeping up too much noise. Video of the beatings. Louisiana cops that killed a 6 year old boy after chasing down the boy’s father have been arrested and charged. They shot the boy 5 times in the head and chest. When the story was 1st reported last week, Cenk was worried that this would be overlooked. Now that they are being brought to justice, he wonders if it’s because the 6 year old was White and the two cops are minorities even though all cops that murder follow this kind of procedure. |
Fri, 6 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 6, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Mark Thompson, Jimmy Dore, Johnny Pie and Cenk hosting the first hour. Cenk loses on a twenty dollar bet from Jayar regarding President Obama’s rejection on the Keystone XL pipeline. Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee will have to sit at the “kids table” for not making the cut at an upcoming Fox News debate. Ben Carson faces allegations that he may have lied about being enrolled at West Point, along with being upset from Alisyn Camerota of CNN from an interview on those allegations and does not believe that President Obama wasn’t vetted from his books like “Dreams Of My Father.” More videos of Carson being upset at Camerota’s line of questioning about his comments about stupid Americans and saying we’d be Cuba if it weren’t for Fox News. Hour 2: Ana replaces John for SCS. The Fraternal Order of Police has threatened to hurt Quentin Tarantino after he stood up in favor of an anti-police brutality rally. Although the words sounded like a threat, they promised it isn’t a physical threat. A 9 year old Chicago boy was lured into an alley where he was shot and killed. Reports claim that he was the son of a known gang member and his killing was retaliatory. Cenk preemptively responds to the Fox News rhetoric that the problem is Black on Black crime, and the destruction of the Black family. A new study claims that religious kids are less likely to share than their Atheist counterparts. They found that the religious kids judged others’ actions more and deemed them more deserving of punishment than themselves. |
Thu, 5 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 5, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. Ben Carson released an ad where a rapper tries to appeal to Black voters with a rap song about Ben. Video of the ad. This reminds Cenk of Herman Cain’s old ad that depicted two Black men talking about snuffing out their seeds and getting in trouble with one of their “hos.” Jayar talks about the disconnect Black guys like Herman Cain and Ben Carson have with everyday Black people. Ben Carson’s old comments claiming that Joseph built the pyramids instead of Egyptian slaves has resurfaced. Video of him telling a Christian university his theory back in 1998. Video of Carson reaffirming these same beliefs just yesterday when asked about the old video. The Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei spoke to a group about the well known chant, “Death to America” and claimed that it means death to the policies of America and its arrogant reign. The Senate has agreed to pay for the Highway bill by getting the Feds to halt $17 billion payouts to big banks, but in a last minute move, Senate Republicans reversed the move and gave the billions to the banks anyway. Hour 2: Brett Erlich and Grace Baldridge join Cenk for SCS. There is a new clothing line called Balmain that opened up at H&M stores that caused a bunch of people to barge into stores to get the items ASAP. Serena Williams chased down a man that swiped her phone at a restaurant. Video of the heist and her eventual chase. The new Canadian PM has chosen his cabinet and it’s 50% women. Chemsex is a thing where users take multiple drugs and take part in prolonged sexual activity for days with multiple partners. It is more prominent in male gay relationships. Some psychologists think the reasoning some men do it is because they are trying to escape homophobic experiences in their past. Cenk isn’t buying this assessment. |
Wed, 4 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 4, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Ana and Iadarola hosting today. Tea Partier Matt Bevin has won the race for governor of Kentucky. The lack of voter turnout definitely helped Bevin claim the victory, as only 30% of voters showed up to the ballot box. John details some of Bevin’s disastrous plans for things like healthcare reform and Medicaid. It was also revealed that he lied on his LinkedIn profile about attending MIT. Video of Ted Cruz continuing to complain about “Liberals” moderating debates while wearing hunting clothes. He’s calling for only Conservative Republicans to moderate, like Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, and Hewitt. Video of Megyn Kelly challenging Cruz on his idea to only have Republican debates be moderated by Republican journalists by asking him how this process would be vetted. Hillary Clinton is announcing her support behind raising the minimum wage to $12, and encourages other communities to go even higher. Other Dems are in support of a $15 minimum wage, but realize that it is more feasible to get a $12 hike passed thru Congress. Republicans like Santorum and Carson are in favor of raising it at an extremely slow pace. After a car ran into a bull on the loose in Idaho, injuring the car’s passengers, the bull charged the emergency responders, forcing police to put the animal down. Upon seeing this decision, the bull’s owner got into a shootout with the cops, leading to his and his bull’s death. The 10K low level drug offenders that Obama planned to release from prison have begun to be let out and Bill O’Reilly isn’t happy about it. Video of O’Reilly saying that we should follow Singapore’s route and hang drug offenders. |
Tue, 3 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 3, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: GOP candidates have finalized their demand letter for future debates with networks. Some of the details are comical, since they know they hold the card of granting access to TV stations. Video of Megyn Kelly mocking the candidates demand list. President Obama also railed on the GOP’s complaining by pointing out they say they’ll roar on Putin, but can’t take questions from CNBC moderators. The Koch Brothers went on Morning Joe to help paint their persona as positive and in favor of the betterment of all Americans. Video of Scarborough’s previous defense of the Kochs after Harry Reid called them un American. Video of Scarborough’s latest interview, where he painted Charles Koch as injured by the unfair attacks from mean Democrats. Charles Koch spoke about how the uncivil attacks are against what he’s looking for. Video of Scarborough asking a faux tough question about the Koch’s funding of candidates, allowing Charles to claim he’s only looking to reform the corrupt system. Video of the Morning Joe panel glowing over Charles Koch, to wrap up their agenda of changing the narrative on the Kochs. Hour 2: Hannah Cranston and Hasan Piker join Cenk for SCS. Taco Bell has fired one of its Senior Marketing managers for assaulting an Uber driver. Video of the attack. Hasan wonders where safety protocol standards are for Uber drivers. Six African American Spirit Airline passengers are planning to sue the airline after they were kicked off of a flight when the attendant deemed them a threat when a dispute over an overbooked seat occurred. Hannah talks about how horrible Spirit is. The other Black passengers that called out the unfair behavior were also pulled off of the plane for speaking their mind. A Ohio Univ frat has been suspended after video surfaced of them singing “Send Nudes” to the tune of Hey Jude on the front yard of a neighboring sorority house. Hannah thinks this incident is being blown way out of proportion, and Hasan agrees with her. |
Mon, 2 November 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from November 2nd, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. A Russian flight crashed over Egypt, but it is unclear about what happened or caused the fatal accident. Carly Fiorina’s 92% lie continues to haunt her, and she continues to double down on it. Video of her telling the lie at the last GOP debate and the TYT panel immediately responding to the outrageous number. After being confronted several times, Fiorina told ABC that the fact checkers are right, but that the Lib media is attacking the messenger. Cenk goes through the reality of the job losses and how Fiorina manipulated the numbers to fit her narrative. Jeb Bush continues to paint a picture of himself as a comeback kid. Video of Jeb claiming that he’s a fighter that eats nails before he has breakfast. Videos of Jeb continuing tough guy talk before admitting he has to do better and that he had a bad showing at the last debate. Larry Lessig has dropped out of the presidential race. Hour 2: More schools are ditching the idea of homework for kids due to the idea that it has a detrimental effect on students. Cenk is conflicted on the idea since he has a kid in Kindergarten, but that America is too far behind other countries. A woman wrote an article about being a fat woman that still gets sex from hot men on a regular basis. With this thought process, she points out that we need to stop obsessing over shaming fat people and making them think they are unwanted. Notre Dame tutor is forcing students to have student with her daughter. The Tutor wanted this to happen to her daughter. The tutor made the person convert to Catholicism. The is a new thing call Nutscape, this where men see a nice landscape and then take a picture of balls/penis over landscape. Now some men don’t shave so a person sees the hairy balls in which people don’t want to see that. |
Fri, 30 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 30, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Hillary Clinton’s growing lead on Bernie Sanders may have something to do with her serious advantage on the African American vote. She has garnered support from Black elected officials, who are using their influence to energize and convince Black voters to side with Clinton. Four police officers were injured by high school students when they tried to stop a brawl outside of the school. Video of one female officer being assaulted. Hour 2: Margaret Howell replaces Iadarola for SCS. Video of a police officer beating a student in the hallways of a high school in Oklahoma has been released, resulting in him being removed from the school he was assigned to. Another cop broke up a fight by initiating a dance off with a young woman as soon as she showed up to the scene. President Obama highlighted the positive response by the police. A 10 year old girl is challenging the U.S. Constitution on its rule to become President. She is a Chinese girl that was adopted by an American family, so she currently will never qualify to run for president. |
Thu, 29 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 29, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Iadarola, Jimmy, and Margaret Howell hosting. Paul Ryan has been sworn in as the new Speaker of the House. Video of a bit of his opening speech that called for unity. John and Jimmy aren’t buying this line. Republicans had many complaints over the way the CNBC debate was conducted. Reince Priebus, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson were very vocal about the toughness of the questions and the tone of the moderators. Video of Marco Rubio joining Fox and Friends to bash CNBC over their coverage. One of the complaints was that not enough time was given for the candidates to talk. This came after they fought to shorten the debate from 3 hours to only 2. Hour 2: Brett replaces Jimmy for SCS. A huge runaway military blimp was eventually shot down over a small town in Pennsylvania it was wreaking havoc on. Brett imagines that someone could’ve climbed one of the dragging tethers and board the ship. An Alabama judge blocked the state decision to end government funding for the 2 Planned Parenthood clinics in the state, due to their lack of reasoning to cut PP off. China has decided to change its 1 child policy and expanded it to 2. Discussion about the repercussions of the one child policy, and other ways to convince citizens to not have large families. |
Wed, 28 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 28, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk and Iadarola hosting. Despite the end of the IRS investigations from Conservatives, House Republicans are launching an impeachment of the IRS head. This looks like another fake scam to make political opponents look bad. Video of Charles Krauthammer talking about how the GOP shouldn’t try this, since their investigations end up failing. Donald Trump continues to prepare for the debate on the heels of losing his lead in Iowa, except he’s now lost the lead nationwide to Ben Carson. Trump tweeted that he’s ready for the “unfair” debate to come. John talks about why Trump may be scared to start this debate, where details may be asked for. Video of Trump begging an Iowa crowd to make sure he gets a win. Hillary Clinton appeared on Colbert’s show and assured the audience that she would allow banks to fail. Cenk and John don’t believe her. Hour 2: Add sugars contributed during the processing or perception of food. Add sugars does this to a person’s body, it causes belly fat, skip the gym, #1 factors in diabetes, and reduces brain plasticity, doubles heart disease, death risk raises blood pressure, and causes skin to sag. All male fox panel judges women leggings. Guys are judging the girls on what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate to wear leggings. Nina Lindell create a cartoon in Braille that explain sexual stimulation and she said everyone needs sexual stimulation. Nina said “porn” is the word for it. Its called sexual stimulation. |
Tue, 27 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 27, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Iadarola and Jimmy Dore hosting. A deal has been reached on a budget deal between Dems and GOP Congressional leadership in order to raise the debt ceiling. Although the deal cuts social programs and still gives tons of money to military spending, radical Republicans are against going through with it. A new poll shows that Clinton now leads Bernie 65% to 24%. Hour 2: Cenk, Hannah, and Brett for SCS. A SC police officer assigned to a high school was videotaped seriously assaulting a female student by flinging her out of her chair. A Northern California police dept is planning to begin using nunchucks as a ‘control weapon’ when dealing with suspects. Cenk is in favor of this, as he hopes this has less lethal results than gunfire. At an anti-Planned Parenthood rally, one woman launched her anti protest by yelling, “Dear PP, thanks for helping with my yeast infection!” |
Mon, 26 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 26, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk is hosting. Gowdy says that Benghazi interview is going to be private. Gowdy favors Hillary for interview in which that will be public. Donald Trump said that he knows that he is the underdog and however he knows what to do to win. Trump’s people drag a latino protester in Miami rally, meanwhile the crowd shout out USA. Hour 2: Cenk and Ana hosting. Trump says that Carson has super low energy. Carson defends himself with a story. When he was young, he said he tried stabbing someone who irritated him. HS Student from Chicago died of head injury because of a football game. He was hit very hard during the game and then later died at the hospital. FBI director says police are afraid to get out of the cars because of YouTube. He said that violent crime has increased because as a result. Therefore, he feels some police can not do their jobs properly because of the videos. |
Fri, 23 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 23, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Power Panel with Cenk, Iadarola, Jimmy, and Mark Sovel. Lincoln Chafee has dropped out of the presidential race. Video of his announcement to quit. He randomly mentioned Lysistrata and how women withheld sex in order to end the constant warring of their men. Video of Chafee’s worse moment at the Democratic debate. Jeb Bush’s campaign has decided to drastically cut down his HQ office in Miami and decrease staff to save $1 million/month. The Spox declared that this is about winning the race that they still believe they will. The campaign is spending $2.5 million/month. Jimmy points out that Boehner is considered a moderate by the rapid GOP, when he tweeted that Obama is funding terrorists. Hour 2: Lissette Padilla and Kelly Carlin join Cenk and Jimmy for SCS. A new drug competitor has developed a pill that competes with Pharma Bro’s drug, but for only $1 rather than his extremely bloated price. The FCC has voted to stop the exorbitant costs of prisoners’ phone call costs. |
Thu, 22 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 22, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Ben Carson’s appearance on Glenn Beck included his opinions on the War on Drugs. Video of him promising to intensify the War on Drugs because he’s visited the border. Paul Ryan has the general support of the Freedom Caucus, without agreeing to his demands. Video of Rep Huelskamp voicing his frustration with Ryan’s positions. An Omaha school district meeting on the school’s sex ed policy that would expand to same sex relationships and gender identity caused an uproar with most of the parents in attendance. Some worried about the purity of their daughters and claimed that Planned Parenthood is behind this. Hour 2: Lissette Padilla joins Ben and John for SCS. Nevada officials are settling a lawsuit with the city of San Francisco after it was discovered that they were sending mentally ill patients to SF via bus. The Ronald McDonald statue outside of a Ronald McDonald house was vandalized by people upset about the fact that McDonald’s restaurants aren’t good for people. Ben and John disagree over his affinity for McChicken. A couple of lesbian students in California and South Carolina were suspended for wearing a t-shirt that read, “Nobody Knows I’m a Lesbian.” Some school officials deemed it disruptive and gang related. |
Wed, 21 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 21, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Jayar, John, and Elliot are hosting. Joe Biden is officially not running for the Presidency. Joe gave a speech and said it’s all about timing, however he will not stop speaking. Hillary Clinton tweeted that Joe Biden is a good friend and person. Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House has demands, he refuses to agree to anything, and he wants the Caucus to endorse him speaker anyway, and wants them to agree to rule changes. He doesn’t want to live like other Speaker of the House did. This is another inquirement, Paul Ryan will not give up his family time. Ahmed Mohammed, the teenager who made the clock and a got arrested because the teacher thought it was a bomb which it wasn’t and became famous. He announced him and his family are moving to Middle East to Qatar. He was accepted to Qatar University for Science. And the family is meeting a war criminal President and people are starting to wonder now what is the true motive. Hour 2: Hasan, Hannah, John, and Karamo hosting. The Hungarian camerawoman is suing a refugee and Facebook because of threats she is receiving. However, there is a video showing her tripping a refugee. Her husband wants to prove her innocence. A new underwear line “Thinx” is an alternative underwear for periods. NY MTA doesn’t want to use the “Thinx” ad because it will say the word “period”. |
Tue, 20 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 20, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cat Fight between Donald Trump and the Republican Establishment. Now that Trump has been on top of the polls for 3 months straight, they’ve realized that he can actually win. With his comments about donors controlling politicians, and their realization that they can’t control him, freaking out has begun. On top of all of that, he floated the idea of raising taxes on hedge funds. The ads are coming to take him down. Another Cat Fight between GW Bush and Ted Cruz. Bush spoke at an event for Jeb and admitted that he just doesn’t like Cruz, or his niceties toward Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders is losing ground on Hillary Clinton after the 1st Democratic debate. Video of Bernie Sanders responding to Trump calling him a Communist/Socialist by saying the taxes on the richest is going to be a damn lot higher than it is now. A study shows that many men are not interested in a relationship with a smart and successful woman. Fox News’ Kennedy spoke out about the study by assuming the female co-author of the study is an academic, and therefore can’t find a man, so she conducted the study to make an excuse for her loneliness. A study in Portland, OR showed that Black pedestrians at crosswalks were forced to wait longer than other races. More drivers stopped for White pedestrians than Black pedestrians. Hour 2: Jimmy and Brett Erlich join Cenk for SCS. A supervisor at the border patrol agency in San Diego started up a swinger sex party among his co-workers. A Hummus bar in Israel is offering 50% off of meals if Arabs and Jews come and eat together. Jimmy isn’t buying this, and Cenk loves the cafe owner for trying. Sears has decided to stop selling “Infidel” hats in its online stores. The hats have been worn by anti-Islamic RWingers to reclaim the word that terrorists have been known to call Westerners. Cenk and Jimmy aren’t against the hat. |
Mon, 19 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 19, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Bernie Sanders is planning a major speech on Democratic Socialism since so many opponents have characterized it as evil. The numbers of people that view the term Socialism as a positive term has grown, while the number that view Capitalism as positive has dwindled. A Republican Congressman from Alabama has declared that he wants to impeach Hillary Clinton before she even gets the Democratic nomination. Now that Marvel has made Captain America a Black man and fighting anti-immigrant bigots, Fox and Friends has lost their mind over it. Video of the panel lamenting the decision by the comic book. Hour 2: Brett Erlich and Grace Baldridge join Cenk for SCS. A Texas judge has ruled that the state can deny birth certificates to children born here to undocumented mothers. They are also rejecting the Mexican consulate’s documentation that proves the legal documentation of the parent as a Mexican citizen. Amazon is suing 1000 people for falsifying product reviews for vendors’ products in need of more positive ratings. Brett goes over a couple of his fake, negative reviews. Cenk admits he religiously leans on customer reviews on Amazon and Yelp. A study showed that tipping well at a restaurant is more based on race, age, breast size, and hair color than on quality of service. |
Fri, 16 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 16, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Ana, Iadarola, and Margaret Howell of The LipTV on the Power Panel. After Sanders supporters were outraged over media outlets claiming that Hillary Clinton won the democratic debate despite every poll showing Sanders as the winner, a new NBC poll was released today showing that she won by 23 points. When the details of the poll were looked into, it turns out that a majority of the people polled didn’t see the debate, illustrating that they were influenced by skewed media coverage. The moment during the debate where Sanders stood up for Clinton about her emails has gotten a lot of attention. Video of MSNBC’s coverage of the moment where they edited out Bernie’s indictment of the media in reporting on the emails. Another video of his full comment that included the media’s part in pushing the nonsensical email scandal. Bernie Sanders’ campaign turned down a $2700 donation from the CEO of the pharmaceutical company that raised the price of a very necessary drug for HIV patients to $750. The CEO thought his money would get him a meeting with Sanders where he could convince him to form a policy that benefits his industry. Shkreli took offense to the rejection. Hour 2: Book stores in Germany will begin selling Mein Kampf after a ban was lifted on having it. Discussion of whether or not this could be dangerous. A study showed that religious beliefs go to the portion of the brain that copes with issues like death. It also showed that people shocked in that portion of their brain were more likely to be sympathetic to immigrants. A study showed that hangovers at work cost businesses billions of dollars in lost productivity. |
Thu, 15 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 15, 2015. For more go to Cenk and Ana. A new anonymous whistle blower has revealed more foreign policy secrets of the U.S. military and our drone program. The Intercept spoke to the source to report that the program is used more for simply killing people rather than capturing intelligence. It also revealed that 90% of the targets are innocent people, and how the Obama Admin categorizes unidentified dead bodies from the bombings as “enemies.” Cenk calls it an assassination program that indiscriminately kills tons of people around. Cenk and Ana. Lamar Odom’s condition has worsened after being found in a coma at a brothel. Although he was on illegal drugs and acting irresponsibly, Cenk doesn’t agree with calls for the brothel to lose its license. A former Republican State Chairman tweeted that we should take guns away from Black people, as they are the most common killers of other Black people. Ana reads data that shows the heightened problem of White on White crime. Data shows that there has been roughly one toddler shooting/week this year. |
Wed, 14 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 14, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Cenk and John is hosting. The debate from last night broke records for viewership. Despite several polls that showed Bernie Sanders won the debate based on viewers, multiple news outlets claimed that Hillary Clinton won the poll. Even the polls conducted by these news organizations disagreed with their headline of Clinton as the winner. Cenko Unchained on this situation. After Lincoln Chafee’s awkward performance at the debate, he went on Hannity’s show to be yelled at about his tax plan. Video of Hannity getting disgusted and throwing money at the camera. Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Former NBA star Lamar Odom was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel and remains out in the hospital while his organs are failing. He apparently took an herbal version of viagra along with other drugs and alcohol. Jennifer Lawrence spoke out against the unfairness in Hollywood after the Sony hack revealed the discrepancy between male and female actors. Lawrence pointed out how women are more worried about negotiating their salaries than their male counterparts, as they’ll be seen as annoying, while men are seen as go-getters. Cenk only partially agrees with this. A 20 year old Oxford student resigned from her positions on several student organizations after admitting to having sex with someone that later told her it wasn’t consensual. She also admitted to inappropriately touching someone at a bar. Discussion of whether or not she’s being too hard on herself. |
Tue, 13 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 13, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: The ACLU plans to sue 2 of the ex psychologists that helped design the torture tactics we used on POWs. They used Communist China’s techniques from the ‘60s to form our torture policy. Planned Parenthood has decided to stop taking money at all for fetal tissue transport. Ana and Cenk are annoyed that Cecile Richards still hasn’t learned the lesson that she shouldn’t give any concession, as it will give Conservatives ammunition to claim their empty point is correct. T.I. went on a radio show to talk about why he couldn’t vote for a woman as president because they are too emotionally irrational and would set off a nuke over nothing. Video of him and DJ Whoo Kid discussing it. Cenk and Ana go off on how stupid they sound. Hour 2: A man from UK was caught in Saudi Arabia with possession with red wine. He went to prison and now his sentences is 300 lashes. He is 74 years olds. Playboy magazine has decided not to print nude photographs. They want to increase viewership due to better content. They want to make the magazine PG. Whitney Beall got arrested by putting her drunk driving on Periscope. Viewers saw this on periscope and they called 911 that this woman was drunk driving. Amy Schumer poked fun at the Kardashian. Khloe Kardashian backlash at Amy Schumer for her comment. |
Mon, 12 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 12, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting today. In Sweden, a group of hipsters doing a photoshoot were confronted by police after they were notified that a group of terrorists were collecting. These hipsters were fully bearded, scaring the caller into thinking they were Muslim terrorists. A Black city councilman in Texas was approached by police that were called to his front yard on suspicion of drugs. He and his friends were out front practicing their frat’s step routine when he was tasered by the cops that were trying to arrest him. Video of the confrontation. A man shot and killed his wife in their home in the middle of the night when he suspected a home invader. While investigating the disturbance, he shot her in the chest with his shotgun. In another story, a woman called the paramedics to help her bleeding sister at home. When police responded to the call, the family’s terrier ran at the cop, which made him shoot, hitting their 4 year old daughter. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. After Ben Carson claimed to have been held up by a gunman in a Popeyes restaurant more people are investigating the validity of the story. Video of Ana calling out Carson’s story on the day it broke. Tommy Christopher wrote an article asking for proof. According to Baltimore police, they haven’t been able to find a police report of the incident. An anti-Islam protest in AZ was held over the weekend where the participants showed up with automatic rifles. Ana reads some of their deplorable quotes. Members of the pro-Muslim group to oppose the anti-Islam protest also showed up with guns. Another anti-Muslim protest in Ohio only had one woman, who was approached by Muslims that happily invited her into their mosque to learn more about Islam. In response to Texas’ law that allows concealed carry on college campuses, the movement #cocksnotglocks has sparked up where women carry big, pink dildos on campus. In response, gun advocates littered their website with angry messages, along with death threats. Ironically, carrying sex toys on campus could get them in trouble with the school. |
Fri, 9 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 9, 2015. For more go to Hour 1: Power panel live at Politicon, Cenk, Ben, Iadarola, and Jimmy in front of a live audience. Talk about another shooting at another college campus this morning. One person is dead at Northern Arizona University. Gun control talk. Ben Carson told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that Hitler might not have gained so much power if the people only were allowed to have guns to the extend America has. Video of him confirming the ridiculous statement. Cenk points out that the opposite is actually the truth. Details behind the surprising decision for Rep McCarthy to drop out of the Speakership race. A threatening email was sent to him and other influential Republicans from a powerful Conservative fundraiser insinuating that he is having an affair with Rep Renee Ellmers. Ellmers is also a new target of some of the most deplorable Republicans due to her opposition to their approach to the anti-abortion agenda. Hour 2: Justin Bieber was photographed by paparazzi without his pants on. Despite the impressive size of his penis, his lawyers have sent cease and desist letters to outlets that are publishing it. Ben talks about how much he hates Bieber. Researchers have discovered that our long term memory is being depleted due to our dependance on computers and electronics for memorable things like phone numbers. A 16 month old kid suffered a severed head in a gruesome car accident, and Australian doctors were able to reattach his head. Video of him after the surgery. Data indicates that vegetarians break their diet when they’re drunk. |
Thu, 8 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 8, 2015. For more go to Cenk and Ana hosting. Rupert Murdoch has apologized for a few tweets that suggested Ben Carson would be a “real” Black president when dealing with racial issues and supporting Black Americans. Ben Carson got a little confused during an interview on a business show about whether or not to increase the debt limit. Video of him continuously talking about the budget when asked about the debt. Cenk is amazed that Carson doesn’t know what the debt ceiling is. Video of Ben Carson’s appearance on another radio show where he detailed one time that a gun was pulled on him at a Popeyes. Videos of Carson explaining the situation with Michael Smirconish and why he wouldn’t have shot the Popeyes gunman. Cenk and Ana. Bill Cosby is facing another civil lawsuit from a woman that has accused him of raping her when she was 15 years old. In this case, the judge has ordered Cosby to give a deposition for the case, despite his lawyers attempts to stop it. A frat at the Univ of Indiana has been suspended after a video surfaced of initiated members being forced to give a woman oral sex while a bunch of frat brothers abuse them with kicks. Ana thinks that if the CEO of the frat is telling the truth about what’s happening, they should let it go. Cenk agrees. Due to the extremely burdensome rules being implemented in Texas upon abortion clinics, most have been forced to shut down, causing even more problems for women choosing to have one. |
Wed, 7 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 7, 2015. For more go to Stand Your Ground is making a comeback in Florida, in which a defendant claiming “Stand Your Ground” can seek financial penalties for up to $200,000. The Federal Government will be conducting an extensive prison release program, with up to 600,000 prisoners, being released for nonviolent drug crimes. Video of Bill O’Reilly disputing the facts of childhood hunger in America, claiming that parents are abusing the program with the pursuit of having air conditioning and wide screen TVs in the household. A few families are suing a school that ostracized their kindergarten and 1st grade students for not participating in the school’s morning prayer policy. A settlement has been reached in a case of a principal accused of hypnotizing several students that went on to commit suicide. A Michigan woman witnessed two men attempting to steal merchandise from a Home Depot, so she pulled out her gun and shot at them in the parking lot. They got away. Cenk imagines how quickly this will turn into the Wild West. Two sisters were caught on tape fighting on their raft while riding on rapids. Video of the fight that almost resulted in both falling into the raging water |
Tue, 6 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 6, 2015. For more go to Cenk and Iadarola hosting. Fallout from Kevin McCarthy’s admission that the Benghazi panel was created to take down Hillary Clinton continues. Video of Hillary’s new ad using his words to spread the word. Cenk talks about how the media went along with the obvious use of the panel to hurt Hillary, but is now surprised. Video of Fox News panel that made the story about Hillary Clinton and her emails. Video of Clinton laying into the creation of the Benghazi panel at a town hall event. Cenk enjoyed Hillary finally getting upset. As Columbus day approaches, discussion about the horrific things that Christopher Columbus did, and why he should not be celebrated in America. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. California approved legislation that would legalize doctor assisted suicide. A Facebook user posted a selfie at work that included a co-worker’s Black kid in the background, where he and his friends mocked the kid. When the post caught the attention of everyone on the internet, his employer caught wind of it and fired him, along with anyone else that mocked the boy. Cenk is blown away by the amount of racism that still exists. The Harvard Debate team faced off with prison inmates, and lost. The prison conducts these things to see if they’re properly giving inmates an opportunity to make it in the world after being released. Cenk talks about how we spend over $200 billion/year imprisoning people. |
Mon, 5 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 5, 2015. For more go to Cenk and Ana are hosting. Bombing in Afghanistan, Kunduz in a hospita with 9 people dead. Doctors without Borders had told American military that they were close to bombing the hospital. DWB had told military many times that they were about to bomb the hospital. The TPP has made a new deal, but are still under negotiation. The TPP is asking for 12 years. Amber Rose gave an emotional speech about slut shaming. Wiz called her a slut in his song, however she did say Wiz apologized to her later. A babysitter who is 21 years old had sex with 11 year old boy, to which the father said it was ok. This went to court and the judge dismissed this case. |
Fri, 2 October 2015
Umpqua Shooting Updates, Jeb!, Trump, Obama: The Young Turks 10.2.15 |
Thu, 1 October 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from October 1, 2015. For more go to Ben, Ana, and Iadarola hosting. A gunman opened fire on an Oregon Community College, where at least 13 people were killed, including the shooter. Talk about the number of mass shootings and school shootings that have happened this year, and since Sandy Hook. Bibi Netanyahu spoke to the UN today and focused on railing against the Iran deal. Video of his opening where he stood staring at the assembly for nearly 30 seconds without saying anything. Video of the crux of his speech where he called out UN countries’ silence on Iranian leaders’ call for the destruction of Israel, which included 45 seconds of “deafening silence.” John leaves for SCS. Congress has neglected to vote on a 1st responder’s bill that would make the health care for the heroes of 911 permanent before it expired. Katy Perry invited a female fan up on stage during her performance in Brazil, only to be groped and kissed on in an aggressive manner. The few stories that picked the story up joked about it, which annoys Ana, since it wouldn’t be taken this way if it were a male fan groping Perry. Ben disagrees. The founder of the “Shout Your Abortion” campaign has gone into hiding after receiving tons of death threats. She openly spoke about her abortion to dispel the stigma associated with getting one. All of her info was posted online by the aggressors, too. Planned Parenthood reached out to help her find a place to lay low. |
Wed, 30 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 30, 2015. For more go to Rep Kevin McCarthy is gearing up for a run to become the next Speaker, so he went on Hannity’s show to prove his Conservative accolades. Video of McCarthy claiming that the Benghazi Committee was put together to tear down Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and he’s on board for that kind of leadership. During the Planned Parenthood hearing, Rep Grothman asked what the purpose is of Planned Parenthood since as a guy, he can go anywhere for healthcare. Bernie Sanders spoke out about how Pres Obama took too long to realize that the GOP hates him and will never work with him. John is comforted by Sanders recognizing the atmosphere, since Obama didn’t. Jeb Bush spoke with an NFL show on SiriusXM and voiced his support for the Redskins name. Video of his answer, claiming that Native American tribes don’t find it offensive, either. Coincidentally, Redskins owner Dan Snyder recently gave $100,000 to the Super PAC that supports Jeb. Ana joins Ben for SCS. Apple app store has rejected an app called Drones Plus, that shows areas where drone strikes have happened. Apple claimed it was excessively crude, unentertaining, or objectionable content. 8 players from Iran’s female soccer team are being accused of being men posing as women. Iran is very open to gender reassignment surgery and trans issues. Ben isn’t buying that these players are transgender women, but simply men being put on the team as ringers. Discussion about the potential of this becoming an issue in American sports. The Saudi prince accused of raping a woman in his Beverly Hills home has posted the $300K bail and flew out of the country on a private jet. Ana doesn’t think it’s likely that he’ll return to face the rape charges. |
Tue, 29 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 29, 2015. For more go to Ben Mankiewicz and John Iadarola hosting. A study on presidential candidates showed that the more media coverage they receive, the higher they are in polls. Discussion on the lack of coverage on Bernie Sanders. Kim Davis’ attorneys and supporters have been pushing a picture of a gathering of 100K people in Lima, Peru, claiming it was out of support for Davis. Today, they’ve admitted that the picture was misleading, as it was of another event in Peru…an “honest mistake.” John goes through several other heroic pictures of Kim. Azealia Banks is in the news after getting into an argument on a flight with a couple over luggage where she called the man a fucking faggot. Once she caught hell for her language online, she doubled down. Talk about bags while flying. A study out of Stanford found that people who look to deny the existence of White privilege tend to claim hardships of their own. They take White privilege to mean that they didn’t earn anything they have. |
Mon, 28 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 28, 2015. For more go to John and Jimmy Dore hosting. Donald Trump released his tax plan today. Videos of Trump talking about how much his plan helps the Middle Class, despite the fact that it’s a giveaway to the rich and corporations. He also claimed that this is his wheelhouse, that no one else does this better than him. Discussion about how his plan actually continues to hit the poorest Americans. Jeb Bush’s tax plan is also being dissected. Video of Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace grilling Jeb about his plan giving more of a break to the richest compared to the small increase to the Middle Class. Fox News’ Doocy conducted a Fair & Balanced argument over the minimum wage or publicly listing citizens that are on welfare. Video of the discussion that ended with the Conservative claiming that people on minimum wage shouldn’t have kids. Hannah Cranston joins John and Jimmy for SCS. Scientists have discovered flowing water on Mars, indicating a real possibility of life on the planet. A cereal cafe in London was being protested by anti-gentrification crusaders that are unhappy with this hipster style cafe opening in an economically lower community. |
Fri, 25 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 25, 2015. For more go to Ben, Iadarola, and Elliot from LipTV hosting today. John Boehner announced that he will be resigning from Congress, and relinquishing his role as Speaker. Ben thinks Boehner doesn’t want to deal with the craziness of the extreme Right that continues to push for radical moves like shutting down the government over Planned Parenthood. Reaction from Conservatives was excited and celebratory. Video of Marco Rubio telling the Values Voter Summit crowd the news, to thunderous applause. Heritage Action tweeted their approval, Cruz claimed Boehner is finally leading, Erick Erickson said that Boehner kept Conservatives shut out, Gun Owners of America even went after him, and FreedomWorks wanted people to RT if they ‘helped’ get Boehner out. Video of President Obama’s positive description of Boehner’s characteristics as he exits. Some dry counties in KY have been found to have more meth labs. The moist and wet counties have lower numbers of meth use. A new study showed that people who fidget while sitting for extended periods negate the negative effects of sitting in one place. |
Thu, 24 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 24, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting. The Pope spoke to Congress today and Cenk admits he kind of loves him. Reading through some of his progressive stances that clearly line up with Catholic belief. After the speech, the Pope greeted the huge crowd from a balcony and while standing next to him, Boehner couldn’t hold back tears. Video of this crying session as well as one moment where Marco Rubio appeared to be crying during the speech. Cenk doesn’t believe Rubio was crying when the subject was on immigrants. Just late last year, Rubio criticized the Pope for his stance on America working toward an agreement with Cuba. One Republican Congressman refused to attend the Pope’s appearance, claiming that since he’s acting like a Leftist politician, he’ll treat him like one. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. After Kanye West mentioned that he wanted to run for president one day, Vanity Fair followed up on that assertion in a new interview. He pointed out that he’s really going to do it and needs to do his research in the next 5 years. He also said that Ben Carson is a brilliant guy, which prompted Cenk to determine that Kanye isn’t very bright. A young Mexican girl fought through adoring crowds to get a note to the Pope during his visit. Her letter detailed her concerns over deportation of her parents even though she’s an American citizen. Cenk can’t get over how this girl didn’t write this sophisticated letter. Former UFC fighter David Abbott is challenging Ronda Rousey to a match. |
Wed, 23 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 23, 2015. For more go to 30% of Iowa Republicans believe that Islam should be outlawed in America. 21% said they’re not sure. Mike Huckabee went on a Conservative show where he claimed President Obama pretends to be a Christian while limiting the rights of Christians. He told another host that he doesn’t want everyone to vote, only the people that vote for him, since so many people are stupid. Jeremy Corbyn’s win to become the head of UK’s Labour Party has panned out to large numbers of people joining the Party. Cenk sees this as a worldwide trend; that Progressives are the voice of the general population. Outline of Corbyn agenda. New research shows that more people have died while trying to take a selfie than those in a shark attack. The victims tried to take selfies in dangerous situations. A Michigan woman has received a $40K settlement from the city of Dearborn after being arrested by an officer that got irate when she didn’t tell him she is HIV positive before he touched her. A 4 year old kid was told by his teacher that he should stop writing with his left hand because it is the sign of the devil. When his mother found out, the teacher openly admitted her superstition and is being backed up by the school. Syracuse Univ has decided to suspend their Kiss Cam that is featured at football games. People complain that the tradition promotes male entitlement and unwanted kisses. Both Cenk and Ana think this restriction is ridiculous. |
Tue, 22 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 22, 2015. For more go to Donald Trump went back to Hewitt’s radio show and gave a rambling answer on his position regarding global warming. Video of his empty answer. John goes unchained on his stupid answer. Afghanistan’s practice of child sex abuse continues while American troops are stationed there and experience the horror. Since they are our allies, troops are told to stay out of it and are sent away if they interfere. The latest comments from Ted Nugent on Facebook that suggest Israel was responsible for the 9/11 attacks is the latest instance that confirms Cenk’s worry that Conservatives have opened Pandora’s Box on hating the next group after Black people and Muslims. Jews were previously off limits until Ann Coulter attacked during the GOP debate. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Kim Davis interview with ABC News was filled with self aggrandizing quotes and clueless disdain for gay people. Videos of some moments. She went on to say that the Constitution doesn’t guarantee dignity for everyone. The new owner of a drug that treats parasitic infections appeared on news shows to defend his incredible price hike. A Confederate flag group in Virginia decided to counter a Black Lives Matter event with a flyover pulling a banner that was misspelled. |
Mon, 21 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 21, 2015. For more go to Cenk is hosting the 1st hour. Scott Walker drops out of the GOP race. Sarah Palin speaks out on Ahmed. She is suspicious about Ahmed’s homemade and him not answering to authority. Richard Dawkins felt that everyone was fooled. He believes that Ahmed planned this whole thing about the clock he invented to get media attention and to get arrested. Bill Maher feels Ahmed should get an apology, however, he feels in the last 30 years that young muslims have caused some serious violence. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The House has voted to defund Planned Parenthood. It is a symbolic vote since it cannot pass the Senate or the President’s desk. A man claimed that Black Lives Matter activists spray painted obscenities all over his van that had “Police Lives Matter” on it. It turned out he did the vandalism himself. He called out for financial help, which got him over $5000 from suckers that hate the movement. An ex hedge fund manager bought the rights to a drug that treats a life threatening parasitic infection only to raise the price from $13 to $750. David Cameron is accused of having sex with a dead pig when he was in college. |
Fri, 18 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 18, 2015. For more go to Cenk, John, and Jimmy hosting. Donald Trump held a townhall event yesterday where a supporter called Obama a Muslim and not an American. Video of the interaction where Trump let the hateful rhetoric slide. Video of John McCain in 2008 rejecting supporters’ claims that Obama is a scary Muslim. Trump’s spox blamed the media for trying to focus the attention on Obama, and that the real story is his war on Christianity. Talk about how Trump’s supporters words are simple fascism. When asked about the situation, Trump’s spokesperson said, “I don’t speak for Mr. Trump.” Videos of the angry response to Trump allowing the supporter to make the claims. Chris Christie said that he would correct a supporter on the matter before answering the question. Hillary Clinton called it hateful rhetoric that should’ve been repudiated. Ana and Jaclyn Glenn replace John on the Power Panel. Bristol Palin went after President Obama for inviting Ahmed Mohamed to the WH; that his involvement encourages victimhood. AJ Plus video interviewing Iowa State college students that support Trump and detail the things they’re tired of hearing about him. |
Thu, 17 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 17, 2015. For more go to Cenk is hosting. There were several funny moments during the debate. Trumps weird facial expressions, Jeb bush standing on his tippy toes, high fives, and awkward handshakes. During the debate, Trump and Fiorina attack each other on bad business they have done in jobs. Fiorina talks about what she had done with companies, however some of the things she did was misleading. Trump was telling the truth about how bad she did with H.P. Fiorina was fired and she is considered the worst CEO of all time according to NY Times. Cenk points out that the reason Carly Fiorina is running for president is to be the attacker of Hillary Clinton without being seen as the sexist GOP. This was illustrated when one big conservative Super PAC gave $5 million to Cruz’ campaign, it also gave $500K to Carly’s campaign. One of her fundraisers admitted that they told her they want her in the race to attack Hillary. Japanese was fighting over parliament. Several states have the death penalty, however California has more death sentence than any others state. |
Wed, 16 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 16, 2015. For more go to Cenk and Ana for SCS to start the show. A 14 year old Muslim high school student was arrested after showing up to school in Irving, TX with a clock he built for a science project. The teachers got scared when they thought it was a bomb and called police. The boy likes to tinker and build things. The mayor of Irving released a statement touting the safety protocol of the school standards for safety, without apology. She also has a history of pushing Islamophobia within the town a few years ago when she pushed local officials to act against the “Sharia Law” that was infiltrating the city. The picture of the kid being taken away in handcuffs with his NASA t-shirt on had an emotional effect on Ana. The positive reaction to the kid was wonderful, including President Obama offering him a trip to the White House. Comedian Steve Rannazzisi has admitted to lying about his story of where he was on 9/11. His story detailed how he was inside the South Tower of the WTC and his escape. Jimmy, Cenk, Ana, and John are hosting. Hungary acted out this week to put a boarder up between Hungary and Serbia. Some of the refugees fled a war zone to go to Hungary for freedom but instead Hungary is treating them with brutality and inhumane. Mike Huckabee thinks that the refugees are coming to freedom for cable tv and other perks. Elizabeth Warren wants to pass a bill to stop companies from doing a credit checks before hiring them. |
Tue, 15 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 15, 2015. For more go to Cenk and Ana hosting. O’Reilly’s attack dog Jesse Watters went on an ambush interview of Bernie Sanders. Video of the annoying encounter. Cenk is ok with these ambush interviews of elected officials. He’s annoyed that Watters’ line of questioning is treating him as a joke. Video of Watters and O’Reilly laughing over their encounter. Carly Fiorina released a new campaign ad using Donald Trump’s demeaning words about “her face” to appeal to female voters. Video of the ad. Although Ana disagrees with Fiorina’s agenda, she admits the ad made her feel for her. A study uncovered the surprising costs for the families of incarcerated people. The star of Entourage tweeted an image of a meme that mourned Americans lost on 9-11 as well as the tons of Iraqis lost in the war we shouldn’t have started. Outrage ensued. Cenk reminds everyone that people like Glenn Beck called the families of victims of 9-11 whiners that want something from the government. Miss Tennessee of the Miss America pageant gave a thoughtful answer on funding Planned Parenthood, which sparked anger from Dana Loesch. Sarah Silverman addressed many comedians’ decision to not perform at colleges because they’ve become ultra PC. She pointed out that people that don’t like PC sound like old people that refuse to change. Video of her answer. President Obama addressed the discussion as well, and defended the presence of potentially offensive speakers that may show up at college campuses to speak. |
Mon, 14 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 14, 2015. For more go to Article in the Daily Beast written anonymously by a police officer trainee spoke of the biased and negative rhetoric being fed to new cops, focusing on Black LIves Matter protesters and “thugs” that are killing cops left and right. Video of Scott Walker telling CNN that violence against police is Obama’s fault. Video of Walker denying Obama’s words against police violence. Cenk reads cop kill numbers that show this is the 2nd safest year for cops since the late 1800s. A Florida gun shop owner had a special firearm sale on Friday, in honor of 9-11. The promo code was “Muslim.” His plan for peace and comfort is for everyone to have guns and be ready to shoot Muslims if they’re in the mall with suicide bombs. The leader of the Voodoo faith in Haiti has died. A pastor that was outed in the Ashley Madison leak has committed suicide, and his widow is speaking out against the move by the hackers. She explained that he struggled with addiction and depression. California gov Jerry Brown is considering a bill that would allow doctor assisted suicide for people suffering from terminal illnesses. A woman in NYC has been charged for having her two pit bull attack a man. Burning Man is being sued by Quizno’s. |
Sun, 13 September 2015
Robby Motz, Maytha Alhassen and Ana Kasparian talk about the MTV VMAs, Chrissie Hynde, Cecil The Lion, Budtenders, and The Largest Penis on this week's episode of The Point. |
Fri, 11 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 11, 2015. For more go to Cenk, Ben, Iadarola, and Wes Clark Jr hosting. On the 14th anniversary of 911, politicians took to Twitter to recognize the day of the terrorist attacks. Donald Trump deleted a 2 year old tweet that wished a happy 911 to even the Haters and Losers. Talk about the meaning behind the #DontForget hashtag. A Sikh was severely beaten by a fellow American that yelled, “Go back to your country, bin Laden” as he assaulted him. SF inmates will now be housed based on their gender identity. The 1st step will allow transgender women to be moved from men’s facilities to female ones. Talk about Caitlyn Jenner’s interview with Ellen about her reservations regarding same sex marriage. A Marine Corps study showed that all male military squads performed better than mixed squads. Wes believes it and talks about the physical demands that women couldn’t generally do in his experience in the army. Mentally was equal, but physically was not. A study shows that using the pull out method is just as effective as using condoms, if the male pulls out perfectly 100% of the time. |
Thu, 10 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 10, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting. Hillary Clinton was learning to do the Nae Nae on Ellen’s show. Video of her dancing skills. Videos of other dancing politicians in recent history. The validity of Donald Trump’s faith has come under scrutiny from Dr. Ben Carson. Video of Trump responding by saying he’s a Believer, Big League, in God. After Ted Cruz got blocked from the stage where Kim Davis was speaking after being released, Mike Huckabee openly admitted to NewsMax that it was his event, not Ted Cruz. Cenk reads verses from the Bible that speak violently against listening to the orders of judges. Scientists in South Africa have discovered a potentially new species that seems to be related to humans. They’re calling it Homo naledi. Donald Trump went after Carly Fiorina in a Rolling Stone interview by talking about her face, and that no one would vote for “that face.” When he caught heat for it, he went on Fox to claim he was talking about her persona, not her physical appearance. Video of Fiorina responding with Megyn Kelly. In the same Rolling Stone interview, Trump spoke about how he’d have sex with his daughter if he wasn’t her father. Videos of Trump saying similar things about his daughter in the past. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. NYPD tackled a Black man while he talked on the phone on the street. After the officer without a uniform or badge assaulted the man, they found out that it was former tennis star James Blake. NYPD apologized to Blake, which illustrates that they wouldn’t care about it if they randomly attacked an unknown Black person. The Daily Beast uncovered a study that showed a phenomenon within the gay dating community that openly and harshly discriminates certain races in their dating profiles. The question of whether or not sexual racism is a thing was asked by another study. Cenk doesn’t think we can judge people’s racial preferences when it comes to sex and dating. Cenk gives his theory on why this seems to be more prevalent in the gay community. |
Wed, 9 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 9, 2015. For more go to Iadarola and Ana hosting. Hillary Clinton has responded again to the highly publicized email scandal, this time much more contrite and apologetic. Video of her apologizing for her part in using another server for a few classified emails. Video of Clinton choking up when talking about running for president again and her mother’s struggles. Video of Mike Huckabee dodging a question about the parallel issue of a Muslim flight attendant that was suspended for not serving alcohol to customers, when defending Kim Davis’ case. At yesterday’s planned campaign event by Mike Huckabee to take advantage of Kim Davis’ release, Ted Cruz tried to cash in as well, but was blocked out by Huckabee’s aide. Video of the hilarious confrontation and pictures of Ted Cruz looking dejected. Instagram famous user Dan Bilzerian that flaunts his wealth on IG had his home burglarized while out of town. The intruders came when they were tipped off by his sharing that he’d be out of town during the time of the invasion. Ellen Degeneres spoke to Howard Stern about her interview with Caitlyn Jenner and the conversation about how she’s still against gay marriage. |
Tue, 8 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 8, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting today. A Christian gun manufacturer has developed a new Muslim killing AR-15 called The Crusader. It has a Bible scripture etched onto each one that vows to kill its enemies. Video of the developer talking about the gun and firing it. A Muslim flight attendant is complaining that she has been suspended for not serving alcohol to passengers due to her religious beliefs. As a recent convert to Islam, she worked out a deal with her fellow flight attendants to serve the alcohol for her. Cenk is against her on this stand. A 14-year-old Latino boy in Indiana was shot in his side by a passing car that yelled racial slurs before shooting. Right before this shooting, an SUV at a taco shop with two parents and two kids inside was shot at, but no one was hurt. Cenk talks about how these terrorists’ ironic mindset was probably based in recent GOP talking points about immigrants being dangerous criminals. Donald Trump is answering for his military expertise by touting his time at a military school he was sent to as an adolescent after assaulting his music teacher. Videos of Trump bashing McCain for being captured in Vietnam and telling Hugh Hewitt that he will be so good at “the military.” Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Update on the man with the world’s largest penis. A writer in London posted a viral rant about the situation of immigration and acceptance of refugees. His rant was filled with sarcasm about people speaking English and allowing Western countries’ citizens to travel wherever they’d like. Drivers in China are known for killing pedestrians they’ve accidentally hit. After hitting someone, they respond by continuing to run over the person so that their punishment is less harsh. If the person is only injured, the driver will have to pay for their injuries and future issues for the rest of their lives. If the person is dead, they only have to pay for burial fees and spend very little time in jail. Talk about the laws incentives and disincentives. |
Mon, 7 September 2015
Charlie Berens, Francis Maxwell and Ana Kasparian talk about Winnie Harlow's Vitiglio, Politwoops, Racist Bands, Bionic Penis and ISIS Karaoke on this week's episode of The Point. |
Sun, 6 September 2015
Hannah Cranston, Sandra Daugherty and Ana Kasparian talk about Discrimination On Women, Straight Guys Kissing Gay Guys, The Ideal Body Type, Dog Poop and Poop Cafes on this week's episode of The Point. |
Fri, 4 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 4, 2015. For more go to Cenk, Iadarola, Jimmy, and Brian Unger hosting. KY clerk Kim Davis’ husband spoke to the media about how they’re proud to defy the government. Video of his ranting. Rick Santorum responded by calling Davis a hero for making her stance and being sent to jail. Donald Trump appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show and was tied in knots when asked about details of Middle Eastern leaders. Audio of the questions that confused him, and the argument that followed. Video of Trump telling Morning Joe crew that Hewitt has a 3rd rate radio show. Video of Trump challenging Hewitt about his “gotcha” questions.
A prosperity preacher told an audience that he entered an elevator full of people only to be showered with tons of gold glitter from Heaven. An Egyptian billionaire plans to buy an uninhabited island where Syrian refugees can go and live in peace. He also says he’ll pay for building an infrastructure for the land. Cenk doesn’t see this noble plan working out. Talk about potential crises that would force millions of people to move to different parts of their country or to another country throughout the world. |
Thu, 3 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 3, 2015. For more go to Cenk and John hosting. The Kentucky Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has been sent off to jail for her continued disregard for the law in refusing to give marriage licenses to gay citizens. John reads some of her self righteous statements. Video of the conflicting protests from outside of her hearing. Syrian refugees being allowed into certain countries is startling. As some countries like Lebanon and Turkey that don’t have the capacity to accept many still take some, while the 6 Gulf countries have allowed zero refugees in. Hannah Cranston joins Cenk and John for SCS. After Rand Paul launched an app that allows users to place their picture next to Rand’s head. This prompted many creative submissions. A 16 year old girl and her boyfriend that were sexting nude photos are being charged with possession of child porn, even though it’s images of themselves. Talk about life before cell phones, inability to meet up with friends. Pornhub is offering $25K in scholarships to potential college students. |
Wed, 2 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 2, 2015. For more go to Cenk and John hosting. A new poll has occurred that some supporters believe Obama is a Christian and/or Muslim. Some believe Obama was born in the US and others believe Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Some agree or disagree on Obama and Trump’s policy about universal health care. Trump really doesn’t agree on the policy. Trump wants to rip the deal with Iran. Hillary and Trump want to protect social security, and the polls say they are similar in their agreements. Cenk and Ana hosting. Kim Davis, the KY county clerk believes in traditional marriages, yet she has been divorced several times. She refuses to marry same sex couples. A bunch of football players were baptized before practice. The problem was that it happened on public school grounds, therefore people are furious. People feel they violated the Constitution. A High School English teacher used stripper pictures as a grammar lesson. Most people find this an inappropriate lesson to make a point about a comma. |
Tue, 1 September 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 1, 2015. For more go to The Fox News agenda to label #BlackLivesMatter as a hate group is in full force. Video of O’Reilly trying to force two guests to label the group as such. Cenk thinks #BLM should go further with their agenda, and not be discouraged by these efforts from O’Reilly. Video of Bill’s constant portrayal of Dr. George Tiller as “Tiller the Baby Killer.” Video of O’Reilly threatening to identify every media member that won’t oppose #BlackLivesMatter. Cenk reads some of the violent rhetoric Sharron Angle espoused about clutching her guns, willing to point them at government officials. Video of Elizabeth Hasselbeck following corporate orders by asking her Black guest why #BLM hasn’t been labeled as a hate group yet. Ted Cruz joined in on politicizing the killing of a Houston police officer. Video of Cruz blaming Obama’s police rhetoric for the murder. Ana reads some of Obama’s defensive words of the police. The FitBit for sex has been invented. It’s a cock ring that gives a “Sex Report” of the activity. |
Mon, 31 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 31, 2015. For more go to Iadarola, Ana, and Jimmy Dore hosting. Bernie Sanders continues to make ground on Hillary Clinton in Iowa, but only with the speculation that Joe Biden will be in the race. Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders are both complaining about the DNC’s tactic of not scheduling many debates, and pushing the 1st one so far back, which benefits Hillary over the other candidates. Bernie Sanders responded to Democratic criticism about his lack of gun control measures by pointing out that the NRA gave him a D- on their grading list. Video of his defense. Talk about some troubling votes Sanders has had. After Kim Kardashian’s appearance at the VMAs, she has been catching ridicule for her size and look online. Pictures of some of the worse Twitter responses. A video game depicts the slavery trade where strategy about how to stack slaves is an integral aspect. Players can play from the position of a slave trader or a slave. |
Fri, 28 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 28, 2015. For more go to Power Panel with Cenk, Ben, Jimmy Dore and John Iadarola. CNN does coverage of the VA shooter with references that the shooter operated gay websites. Guns are not the reason for violent crime. It’s the crime itself. England, Japan, and Netherlands have low crime rate. In the states, we have more deaths because of an iron object that is used upon the crime. If guns are everywhere it is possible that more people will die in a violent crime. Power Panel with Cenk, Ben, Jimmy, and Ana. John Felton was pulled over because he didn’t signal early enough. But the truth is the police said he made direct eye contact. 17 years old was sentenced to 11 years to prison because of his support of ISIS. Also, he convinces his friend to go to Syria to join ISIS. |
Thu, 27 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 27, 2015. For more go to There was a sign that was written in Hebrew however people thought it was an Arabic terror threat. People thought muslims was going to take over Louisiana. The Virginia shooter, Bryce Williams, wrote a manifesto. It was a stupid manifesto, according to Cenk. The reason Bryce Williams shot the people is because he wanted to start a race war. Racist groups weigh in on the shooting. Alison Parker’s father is pushing for gun control. He says his daughter death was senseless and he wants legislation to take hold on gun control issues to be stronger. His mission is to get the word out about gun control. Mark Hamill a.k.a. Luke Skywalker, who is from Australia, says that Australia put some serious gun control after a massive shooting that happened years ago. Australia bought back guns and therefore certain guns were banned. Also, 20% of guns were destroyed. 57% of suicide and 42% of gun violence went down. There was a serious decrease in homicides and suicide in Australia. Cenk and Ana host the 2nd hour. was raided because of prostitution. Sheriffs in Oregon walked off the job after a sheriff beat a handcuffed suspect. 36% for drug crime rose however 20% of other crimes decreased for time served. Almost millions are spent on federal prison systems. |
Wed, 26 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 26, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A woman is facing charges after she strongly encouraged her online boyfriend to commit suicide, which he finally did. Talk about whether or not these charges are valid. A trained black labrador was used to sniff out the child porn Jared Fogle had on thumb drives that was originally overlooked by human authorities. Ana wants to know if she can train a dog to pick up the scent of another woman on her boyfriend. Some Duke freshman is protesting a class that utilizes a book that includes some gay themes and illustrations to help tell the memoir because it violates his morals and Christian values. This move enrages Ana.
Hour 2: While Donald Trump conducted his press conference, Univision’s Jorge Ramos got into it with him, which got him kicked out by Trump’s security detail. Video of the confrontation. Video of Trump claiming that he didn’t have Ramos kicked out, but that it was some security he doesn’t control. Video of Trump signaling for security to jump into action. The response from many in the press vehemently went after Ramos in defense of Trump. Video of the Morning Joe crew claiming that Ramos made the story about himself, acting like he was bullied. Glenn Greenwald wrote about this situation, and called out Mark Caputo’s Politico article that lambasted Ramos. |
Tue, 25 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 25, 2015. For more go to GOP pollster Frank Luntz asked Trump supporters about their love for Donald and the results had frightening results. One supporter said it’s obvious he wants to make America great again, because it’s on his hat! After showing video of him disrespecting women and flip flopping on issues, they said it made them like him more. Luntz discovered that they don’t think he can do anything wrong. Cell phone video showed a Philly cop extorting money from a driver that had an unregistered car. Video of the police raffle ticket transaction and his homophobic comments over the pink windshield wipers. A man that was involved in a terrible accident that destroyed his penis has had an 8 inch bionic penis created. Cenk thinks this would be an awesome development. Several awkward jokes. Denver city council members are halting plans of an airport location due to the company’s’ past stances against gay rights. They are looking for assurances that they won’t discriminate against gays in their hiring process. Ana is against this government keeping a company out due to political beliefs. Cenk is torn. A Norwegian prisoner has hacked into the fancy television system and shared entertainment and porn with his fellow prisoners. Talk about how nice the prisons already are. A frat at Old Dominion Univ is facing suspension after some members posted large sexually suggestive signs taunting the parents of new female students. |
Mon, 24 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 24, 2015. For more go to Today we will feature a compact version of Hours 1 and 2! |
Sun, 23 August 2015
Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks) and Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick) are back for another episode of Old School.
Direct download: Old_School_Ep._36__Hawaiians_Winners_Tom_Cruise__Scientology.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sat, 22 August 2015
Harvard Law Professor and longtime political activist Lawrence Lessig wants to win the presidency of the United States to accomplish one critical objective: ending the corrupting influence of money on politics. With that done, he says he’ll step down and let someone else take over the Oval Office. It’s a radical notion, the single-issue presidential candidacy, but as he points out, only a radical solution can wrest back control of our democracy from the monied interests who have steadily come to dominate American political life. |
Fri, 21 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 21, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Power Panel-Ben, Cenk, Jimmy, and John. Ted Cruz went on Jan Mickelson’s radio show to talk about how much he’s against immigrants just days after Mickelson proposed using illegal immigrants as slaves. Cenk now thinks that Cruz stands a good chance of winning the nomination as the crazy Trump alternative. Video of Cruz claiming to have been speaking out against birthright citizenship 4 years ago when no one else was calling for an end to it. John points out that 4 years ago, Cruz openly spoke out in favor of birthright citizenship. Video of Mickelson’s recent proposal to institute slavery for illegal immigrants. Discussion about the seemingly nonexistent bottom to the GOP’s hateful rhetoric. Amanda Terkel put together a list of Americans that would’ve never been allowed to be citizens if we rejected birthright citizenship the way many presidential candidates propose. The top 5 includes Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal.
Hour 2: Ana replaces John for SCS. One of the unmentioned negative side effects of the Ashley Madison info leak is that in many countries around the world, gay affairs and extra marital affairs are punishable by death. Many people’s lives are potentially in danger. After the movie Straight Outta Compton has been released, some of the women that Dr. Dre assaulted in the past came forward to complain about the violent aspect of his life not being portrayed. Dre released an extensive apology. Discussion about why he made this strategic move. |
Thu, 20 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 20, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting today. Donald Trump told Morning Joe that we need to keep minimum wage at a very low rate so that we can compete with other countries that mistreat their workers. Video of Trump telling CNN that if the Pope questioned his belief in capitalism, he’d tell him about how ISIS wants to take over the Vatican. An Iowa talk radio host proposed forcing illegal immigrants into slavery if they don’t deport themselves. Audio of Jan Mickelson detailing his plan to reimplement slavery in America. Multiple presidential candidates have gone on his talk show since this rhetoric was sent over the airwaves. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A couple of brothers in Boston attacked a Latino homeless man after leaving the Red Sox game. After being arrested, they spoke about how they were following Trump’s lead when dealing with Latinos. The older brother urinated on the cell door and cussed at the cops. Video of Trump calling these supporters passionate and only want America to be great again. A 15 year old farmboy from NC has entered the presidential race under the name Deez Nuts and has already received 9% of the vote. A talk radio show helped a caller look up the Ashley Madison information to find out that her husband was on the list of cheaters. Ana and Cenk hate this move by the radio show. |
Wed, 19 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 19, 2015. For more go to
Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. Cat fight between O’Reilly and Donald Trump over his plan to disregard the 14th Amendment. Videos of the disagreement. Ann Coulter joined in the fight on Twitter and attacked Bill O’Reilly, calling him stupid. Coulter also got into another Twitter altercation with a GOP strategist Rick Wilson, who was incensed that some threatened to rape his daughter. It got to the point that Wilson asked Coulter if Trump pays her more for anal. He later apologized. After Donald Trump told Chuck Todd that Jack Jacobs is one of his go to men on military advice, Jacobs came forward denying that he even knows Trump.
Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Jared Fogle of Subway sandwich fame has been charged with sex act crimes with minors and trafficking of child porn. He also solicited prostitutes as young as 14 years old. After Ashley Madison’s database was hacked into, some well known names have been outed to the public. Cenk sides with Ashley Madison, and doesn’t think they are hacktivists. The FDA has approved the female version of Viagra which helps boost a woman’s psychological desire to have sex. |
Tue, 18 August 2015
![]() A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 18, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting. Two sisters have created YouTube videos with very strong opinions. Video of their outspoken support for Donald Trump in his battle against Megyn Kelly. Jeb Bush’s donors are out talking about how they’re not panicking over his weak placement in the GOP primaries so far. This is a sign that they are definitely panicking. They pointed out that the candidates that aren’t politicians have an upper hand because Americans are tired of pols. Bobby Jindal tweeted out his “original” idea to end birthright citizenship…right after Donald Trump announced this in his immigration plan. Bill O’Reilly spoke glowingly about Donald Trump, claiming that he has stimulated the debate among GOPers. Video of his Talking Points Memo. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Discussion about the ways televangelists take advantage of church members for all of their money. Movie theatres that are showing the movie Straight Outta Compton are beefing up security with cops to avoid any violence among moviegoers. Video of Kevin Powell talking about how ridiculous it is to racially profile movies. |
Mon, 17 August 2015
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from August 17, 2015. For more go to Cenk hosting. Talk about why TYT has decided to stop blurring Donald Trump’s face on the show. Although he was originally banned due to his simple desire to gain attention, the latest GOP primary polls have him as a legitimate contender for the nomination. Even beyond the GOP cycle, he’s also gaining on Hillary in the polls. Trump’s plan to fly his helicopter to the Iowa State Fair and take kids for a ride was shortly derailed by the event until he simply did it off site. When one kid asked him if he’s Batman, Trump responded by saying, “I am Batman.” He also went on to tell reporters that Mitt Romney isn’t really rich. Trump has released his plan on immigration policy which includes building a wall funded by Mexico, kicking all immigrants out, and eliminating birthright citizenship. Donald Trump appeared on MTP and discussed a litany of issues. Video of Trump’s answer on who he goes to for military advice…television shows. Trump’s thoughts on what to do about Saudi Arabia. Video of Trump without an opinion on whether or not Ukraine is in NATO. Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Latest on the two Tea Party state reps that were busted having an affair and attempting to claim he was having a gay affair to lessen the blow. The female rep has vowed to not resign over the scandal and accusation they’ve misused funds for the affair. Ana and Cenk disagree on whether or not they should be forced out over their direct hypocrisy over family values that they push in legislation that disrupt people’s lives. Pro football player James Harrison made his two sons return participation trophies to school since they weren’t for anything they did. Cenk talks about how much he supports this line of thinking, while his kids receive trophies. Ana agrees, but thinks showing up should be recognized, since it’s useful in the real world. |
Sun, 16 August 2015
Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Mark Thompson (The Edge Podcast). Cenk and Mark discuss the love life of the Mankiewicz family. New broke recently of former President Jimmy Carter getting diagnosed with cancer. Cenk and Mark discuss what President Obama...
Direct download: Old_School_Ep._35__Jimmy_Carter_Racialist__Vacation_Stories.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sat, 15 August 2015
![]() The activist, blogger and DJ who goes by the name “Fumes” has built a large following on Twitter and Tumblr by voicing strong objection to white appropriation of African-American culture, calling out white privilege in all its forms and targeting the fashion industry for what she describes as “Columbusing, colonizing and exploiting” black culture for profit without acknowledging the centuries of suffering, discrimination and exploitation that helped inform black Americans’ unique cultural expressions. |