The Young Turks - FREE (Audio)

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from July 9, 2015. For more go to

Hour 1: Cenk hosting today. Ted Cruz appeared on Hardball and got into an exchange with Matthews about his new lack of support for the Supreme Court when he was all aboard when the Court ruled in favor of Bush in 2000 for his election. Videos of the cornering that led to Cruz calling the truth just “talking points.” Donald Trump continues to dig an even larger hole regarding his immigration comments, calling them criminals and rapists. Video of his appearance on Anderson Cooper’s show where he said it all over again. Since the Republican Presidential field won’t distance themselves from his rhetoric, the DNC released an ad that illustrated how Trump is running the Party. Despite the GOP’s talking point that they want to reach out to Latino voters, every candidate turned down the National Council of La Raza for a speaking engagement. La Raza is the largest Latino advocacy organization. Jeb Bush told a NH paper that in order for the country to grow out of the rut we’re in, people need to work longer hours. Video of his original comments and his clarification after he caught hell. He explained that he meant more full time work rather than part time hours. Cenk gives facts that show Americans work more than all other industrialized countries, and full time workers work an average of 47 hours.

Hour 2: Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Giants Defensive End Jason Pierre Paul had to have his right index finger amputated due to his fireworks injuries. TYT poll on whether or not he should’ve tried to save the finger and take much more time off from football for recovery. A divorced father of 3 kids was having trouble continuing a relationship with the kids, as they refused to have lunch with their father. The judge in the case ruled that the kids were in contempt and put them in juvenile hall, speaking out in favor of the father that simply wants to have a relationship. Singer Ariana Grande was caught on tape licking donuts in a donut shop while the employee was in the back room. She later said she hates Americans and America. Her PR apology about the obesity problem in America was ridiculous.

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