The Young Turks - FREE (Audio)
The Young Turks - 12.4.14: War on Christmas, Police Brutality, Racism & Epic Wolf PAC Win!

Cenk hosts TYT. Bill O’Reilly has launched his annual War on Christmas segments. Videos of his Agnostic psychotherapist telling him why Atheists hate Christians and Christmas so much. WolfPAC has taken its 3rd state to call for a Constitutional Convention to take money out of politics, in Illinois! Eric Holder has announced that the DOJ will investigate the killing of Eric Garner by NYPD police. Audio of one of the witnesses to Garner’s death lamenting the killing, and wondering what the future holds for his son. Peter King spoke to CNN about how much he supports the non-indictment of the NY cop that killed Garner. He blamed his death on obesity and questioned the racial motives since no one used a racial epithet during the attack. Protesters in St. Louis were preparing to protest the Eric Garner decision, but an angry motorist drove through the crowd and waved an automatic handgun at the people involved. After a car chased by police, he was pulled over and arrested, not shot to death. St. Louis County police tweeted a letter that questioned the innocence of Tamir Rice in Cleveland, blaming him for taking the orange tip off of the toy gun. They also elaborated that they have to assume the gun is real before figuring anything out. Catfight between the Koch Brothers and Santa Claus. A city in Alaska named North Pole has the largest oil refinery, which is leaking into the water supply. The city is suing the two companies that are responsible, one of which is Koch Industries.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 4, 2014. For more go to

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Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:19pm EDT