The Young Turks - FREE (Audio)
The Young Turks - 12.19.14: War on Xmas, Police Reform & Sony Hack

Cenk, Ben, John, and Wes hosting. Bill O’Reilly declared that he’s won the War on Christmas since he hasn’t heard of any stores that are stopping employees from saying Merry Christmas. Infamous video of O’Reilly claiming he’s covered 4 wars with a pen. President Obama has announced the creation of a panel to look into reforming police departments and their approach to interacting with their communities in less violent ways. This is some concrete action TYT was hoping Obama would take on the subject, rather than just speaking on it. Wes tells the story of being involved in a holdup in a bar.

Cara Santa Maria replaces Wes for SCS. Updates on the Sony hacks and eventual elimination of the movie The Interview. The government has announced that N. Korea was behind the hacks and threats. Discussion about Sony’s bad decision and the public reaction drastically against it. One doubter claimed that N. Korea doesn’t have the capabilities to pull off this kind of hack.

A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from December 19, 2014. For more go to

Direct download: tytTEASE-20141219.mp3
Category:Young Turks Main Show -- posted at: 9:29pm EDT